
That morning a sudden bang on his office door startled his sweet reminiscent of the night before. One of his men came in bringing a battered and bloody captive. He is unwilling to leave her, but he has work to do.

"Steve! you know I don't want my office dirty, get him away now if you don’t like joining this man's miserable state." Steve dragged that poor man away from his 'unofficial' office, then he followed them outside his office's courtyard.

Disinterest is in his eyes, but he didn’t have a choice but to deal with it.

"Mr. Lee, did I tell you several times that I don't like sneaky people, and I do not have a long patience with anything other than gaining profits and pleasing my wife." He said putting on leather gloves on his hand while talking in between his teeth with a slight guttural voice sign of deep irritation, if certain someone hears it she would have bitten her lips and will find the voice sexual. He sat on the chair that was placed by his men. This tactic is to increase intimidation to his prey.

"Mr. May, I didn't mean to do that, It’s just that, I thought I could make it on time. But don’t worry I will send you the property title and the money to your account, please don't kill me." Mr. Lee begged like a monkey asking for food from the temple.

"I really have no intention of killing you Mr. Lee, we have a good business relationship until recently. I’ll forgive you for old time's sake. Then what are you waiting for, call someone to send it now or you'll pick your head on the gutter in thirty minutes." He then taps his fingers on his knees to show his running out patience.

"Give Mr. Lee a phone."

In less than thirty minutes the expected profit he should gain has arrived. And that settled his business this morning. Mr. Lee is brought to the hospital that Albert recently invested in.

Lexie gets along with Marcus well, They talk about art, he sometimes paints as a hobby.

“I also hoard art materials like oil paints, pencils, and stuff that I didn't have time to use.” He chuckled, the steak he ordered is still smoking hot and it smelled delicious.

“I accept donations, I’m not very particular with brands.” She giggled when she knew she could get away with that cute move she made.

Marcus is smooth, he secured their second date. She crossed her arms and nodded her head, made an impressed expression. He knew he made a slick move and he laughed getting away with it.

After sending Mr. Lee to the hospital he went home. In his home office, he is listening to their conversation. Al chuckled at her response.

“You’re too cute for your own good, do you know that?” He touched the screen of his laptop as if caressing her face.

“I’ll let you play around, for now, I’ll give you a surprise later.”

As usual, he crept into her bed that night. Lexie thought she was getting comfortable with that incubus that she will need to remind herself to call a priest for an exorcism.

“Hey, demon! just so you know, I’ll be calling a priest next week warding you off, so enjoy your stay. Don’t forget to wear that Mr. Sexy at the bar’s face and body, I like him so much.” She said in a sleep trance.

“Who are you calling a demon?” He bit her ears for a sexy punishment. She moaned uncontrollably.

“You know, I already feel guilty towards Marcus, he obviously likes me and I want him as my boyfriend. You on the other hand had to remind me of someone who obviously lived in my mind”

He raised his head that was buried in her chest. Made her insides gushed in wetness and said.

“No, you don't. Unlike me who is bipolar, I hallucinate a lot, Do you normally sleep talk?” He asks the obvious but he likes talking to her.

“Who told you I am sleeping?” Still in a trance.

“I really want to do you when you’re awake.” He said more to himself than her, rubbing his whole body in hers.

“Do you think I am crazy!?” She asked loudly and stifled by his kiss.

Lexie woke up inspired, she gained a new friend and thought she could get through her day even if those ugly trolls bully her again. She even hummed a tune while walking her way to school. And the day was so peaceful that she met no bully in class. She thought she dreamed of her crush again, which made her morning even more refreshed.

She's done with her first class without any trouble, she thought that this was the first bully-free life in a year of studying at Riverside State University. Now Lexie became peaceful and quiet, she is even inspired to report the daily life of a virus with passion. She was applauded by the nerds in her class.

"Nice one Miss Ma! with the animated projection! I love it so much."

Of course, she only had the help of Mr. Chan’s advanced computer application, which made her boring student life so much better. She smiled widely and bowed to accept everyone's applause. While the man on the Shadow almost broke the computer while spying on Lexie and her date, why does she need to get too close to him? He knew without anyone's help she can make her own presentation with no problem.

Also a bit earlier that day. Chloe’s school itinerary was to loiter in the Biology building and pester a girl just because she can. Her plan was on hold when someone put a blindfold on her, gagged her, and dragged her away. Her naughty days have finally come into retribution. Chloe’s little friend too was dragged away and placed into a small tool shed.

Now it's Lexie’s last class in the morning and none happened so maybe her number one bully had a day off. Well, that’s good for them and for her too! She happily munches on her rice cake snack while strolling in the hallway.

She laughed at the thought because she was able to relax and went through the rest of her classes, went to her shift at the café, and finally the art tutoring at seven in the evening which she begged her parents to allow her to teach at night.

Referred by Brian's parents so they hesitantly agree, although she won't be teaching a child but an adult. They didn’t basically know the person but he is in their business circle and a big-time investor. They said that he is a very wealthy young businessman. Lexie thought this man’s passion is not business but art, and since he is wealthy now, he is pursuing it.