Alena stood in the open bedroom doorway looking in remembering what Exodus had done to her, how he had pierced nails through her skin all over her body. Her entire body covered in her blood lying paralyzed unable to cry, too afraid he’d kill her just for that reason alone.

A hand landed on her shoulder a deep voice spoke to her, one she did not recognise. ‘What you thinking about?’

She looked over at the male standing besides her an almost exact repucer of Exodus his hair a reddish brown colour, peircing’s, but his eyes were pure blue unlike Exodus’s which were ice blue. Illuminating in hers. ‘Nothing.’

‘You know he’s waited for you for a very long time. He’s been watching you even longer.’

‘Has he brought anyone else here?’

‘No you’re the first.’

‘Who are you?’

‘Zephyr.’ He said taking his hand off her shoulder holding his it out.

‘Alena.’ She said taking it.

‘Sure you should be telling me?’

‘He knows now.’

His had tightened round her as he looked into her eyes. ‘Where’s X anyway?’

‘He said he was getting some food in. I take it you took it.’

‘I’m growing!’ He smiled

She smiled trying not to laugh at his sarcasm.

Her eyes fixed on his the flames burning within them. Reflecting in hers.

‘You okay.’


‘Do you want to sit down?’

‘No I’m okay I’d like to do something for X.’

‘Sure what is it?’

She whispered in his ear.


They both collapsed on the sofa.

‘So X finally let you out?’

‘Yeah. He took me into town, said he wanted my help with something. Not quite sure we didn’t even get halfway round. I only think he took me there to bang me somewhere different.’

‘That’s X.’ He coughed. ‘So you enjoying your stay here?’

‘I don’t know. I’m not quite sure what to make of X. It’s like he’s got a split personality. He’s nothing like you.’

‘Really. I always thought we were.’

‘I can talk to you, I can’t talk to him.’

‘I’ll take that as a complement.’

‘Take what as a complement?’

They looked up. ‘Bro, X.’


‘Nothing, just Alena said she can talk to me.’

‘You can talk to me too.’

‘Can I?’

‘Any time.’

‘So when can I go home?’

The brothers looked at one another and at Alena. ‘You’re not.’

‘But my friends.’

‘But nothing.’

‘They’ll come looking.’

‘I already told you what would happen if they do.’

‘Please X don’t kill my friends.’

He turned walking into the kitchen.

‘See what I mean.’

‘Just stay here. I’ll talk to him.’

She smiled. Zephyr pulled himself up walking out of the living space into the kitchen where Exodus stood still angered.

Zephyr looked at Exodus closing the door behind him. ‘That was a bit harsh wasn’t it?’

‘It was the truth.’

He looked at Exodus blank.

‘What is it Zep? I know that look what’s on your mind.’

‘What ever shit your pulling on her you’ve got to stop right now.’


‘She’s different.’

‘Don’t talk shit Zep.’

‘She is. She knows we’re different. She knows what I am. I saw the flames in her eyes the same ones that burn in mine. You have to tell her what you are.’

‘You’re screwing with me right?’

‘No X. I saw my flames burning in her eyes. She needs to know, she needs to understand why she is here.’

‘Fine. I’ll tell her, but we need to be alone.’

‘Sure anything.’

‘Take care of the club tonight so I can tell her.’


Exodus pulled the keys out of his pocket dropping them into Zephyr’s hand. He clinched them tightly slipping them into his pocket.

Exodus walked out of the kitchen into the living space placing the glasses of wine onto the fire place. Zephyr took the armchair winking at Alena.

She smiled nervously back at him.

Exodus sat next to Alena placing his arm around her kissing her neck.