Alena woke his eyes blue eyes looking down on her cutting into hers. He placed his lips on hers kissing her.

He pulled away, she lay looking nervously at him.

‘What’s wrong Angel?’


‘Good, let’s go.’

‘Where to?’

‘Into town.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes. I want your help with something.’

‘Sure what-ever.’

He took her hand pulling them both up, getting dressed. He took her hand leading her out of the bedroom and the flat to the silent city.

‘Where is everyone?’

‘No one’s up apart from us. They’re all sleeping.’


They walked over to the horse and carriage, he helped her up onto the carriage they sat down. ‘To town.’

‘Sure X.’

The reigns whipped the horses trotted on out of the sleeping deselect city to the nearest town.

‘Are you sure, what if my friends are there?’

‘Just act normal.’

They carriage stopped outside the shopping centre. Exodus took Alena’s hand helping her down of the carriage cart. ‘Wait here.’

Exodus took Alena’s hand walking into the centre made of glass. He pulled her close kissing her as they continued through the mall. ‘Do you have to?’

‘I can’t help myself I find you irresistible. I’d fuck you right here and now.’

‘No you..’ she began.

The music loud a girl with blondish red hair shouted her interrupting her answer.


She looked over at the girl. ‘Helena.’

The girl bounced over to them. ‘Where have you been? Griegh’s going out of his fucking mind.’

‘I’m sorry I got a bit drunk.’

Helena looked at the blondish brown haired male with Alena un-impressed his ice blue glazed. ‘Who’s this?’

‘Exodus. He’s been looking after me.’

‘Griegh’s going to flip a mental.’

Exodus looked at Helena. ‘Well tell this Griegh, she’s fine. And she’s with me now so there’s nothing to threat about.’ He said sharply kissing Alena on the neck.

Alena stood nervously.

‘Sure I’ll tell him. He won’t be too pleased.’

Helena looked into Alena’s eyes they seemed feared, but what could she do, but tell Griegh. ‘I’ll catch ya later.’


Their eyes never losing contact until Helena turned the corner.

‘Guess I know your name now.’

‘Guess you do.’

‘Come on.’

Exodus pulled Alena away leading her outside, pushing her against the wall of the darkest corner placing his lips on hers before she had chance of argument.

Her legs wrapped around him as he made love to her. His touch so gentle as he kissed down her neck, unlike all the other times in the flat.

Her legs dropped from round his as he pulled away. She looked at Exodus speechless.

‘Come on we best be getting back.’

He took her hand and they walked back to the carriage.


‘What’s up Helena? I’ve just got your text it was all garbled up.’

‘I saw Alena.’


‘In town.’

‘I’ll meet you.’

‘She’s with another guy Greigh.’

‘What not possible. She can’t be.’

‘She didn’t look too comfortable with him either. There was something not quite right about it Griegh. He was so cold, not the don’t give a shit cold. I mean cold. We’ve got to go and get her back.’

‘Where from?’

‘The only place I can think is that club Exodus.’

‘She can’t be still there can she?’

‘I don’t know, but I know one thing we can’t go alone. Alena did now she’s been taken, we’ve got to get her out of there. And away from him.’

Exodus closed the door behind him and Alena walking into the kitchen banging the door walking back out. ‘I’ll be back okay the little shits only gone and taken all the food.’

Alena looked at Exodus strangely.

‘My brother. I’ll be back.’ He kissed her quickly. ‘I’ll be back soon okay.’

She smiled as he left her alone in the flat.