‘So how did it go X?’

‘I told her.’

‘How did she take it?’

‘Better than I thought.’

‘Did she see the flames?’

‘No. She said I was cold.’

‘She’s hiding something away from you X. Something that she didn’t want you to see. Maybe I shouldn’t’ve. Maybe she slipped up. There’s something about her bro.’

‘I believe you Zep, and I intend to find out exactly what it is.’

The crowds piled into the club Alena walked into the club and across the dance floor as four females stepped off the steps looking straight at her. ‘Al.’

She looked over and smiled walking over to them.

‘Another good night X’

‘Keep watch.’

‘Ash, Ke, Lea, Ty. What are you doing here?’

‘Thought we’d come down, we heard that you were still here. Must be good if you’re still here.’

‘It is.’

‘So you and Griegh?’

‘It’s over.’

‘I’m sorry Al.’

‘Who are there lovely ladies?’ Exodus said wrapping his arms round Alena.

‘These are my friends from high school.’

‘Nice to meet you.’

They all smiled politely.

‘Guys this is X he’s been letting me stay with him.’

‘I don’t blame you the place was a dump.’

‘I know.’

‘So would you girls like a drink?’


‘Zep five B and C’s all round.’

‘Sure.’ He replied smiling. Pouring the drinks into shot glasses.

‘Keep them topped up their friends of Al’s. Any a friend of Alena’s is a friend of everyone.’

‘Sure.’ He said placing them on the bar.

Exodus picked them up handing round, getting a smile as a thanks.

They drank and danced all night till early hours of the morning.

‘We’ll see you soon Al. And thanks for the drinks.’

‘No problem.’

‘Bye guys.’

They four girls walked out of the club Exodus looked at Zephyr who looked at four males and nodded. They walked out of the club following the four friends into the silent city street.

‘So you’re only a kid?’

‘No I’m eighteen. We only have high school in our home town, we have to go at least two hundred miles out to find anything decent, and a better life. That’s why everyone’s leaving.’

‘You’re happy here aren’t you?’

She smiled.

The four males surrounded the four friends, their screams echoed across the silent city and into the club as they were ripped apart.

‘What was that?’


Exodus placed his lips on Alena’s to silence her questioning kissing her hungrily.

He pulled away. ‘Come on.’ He looked over at Zephyr. ‘Lock up.’ He threw the key.

Zephyr closed his hand as they dropped into his palm.

He lead her out of the club up the stairs into the flat closing the door behind them, leading her into the bedroom lying her down on the bed kissing her hungrily undressing making love to her.