‘So we all up for this?’

‘Yeah. We’ve got to get her out of there.’

‘What if she’s already dead?’

‘That’s a chance we’ve got to take.’

They all stepped on to the bus paying there fares walking down the isle taking their seats before the driver pulled away.

They sat in silence till they reached the last stop outside Hargrove, where the bus stopped and they all pulled themselves up making their way to the tip of the vehicle stepping off it one by one.

‘You’re brave.’

They turned looking at the driver. ‘What?’

‘You don’t want to go in there bad things happen.’

‘Our friends in there she came here alone.’

‘Oh the fiery girl. I saw her a month ago it’s like I said no one returns.’

‘She will. And with us.’

‘Good luck you’ll need it.’


The door of the bus closed and the bus pulled away.

They turned looking into the dark silent city lit with fire lanterns.

‘Right me, Hel, and Con will go and look for Alena the rest spread out.’

‘Sure Griegh. Good luck.’

‘Keep guard, any sign of trouble jump in.’


Grigh, Helena, and Con walked into the city alone. Walking towards Club Exodus as the others spread across the perimeter.

‘Are you sure about this Greigh?’

‘Yeah Griegh. We could’ve done with a few more of us.’

‘No we’ll be fine.’

Alena walked out from the bright red lights of club Exodus. She turned looking straight at those that she had left behind. She ran over to them. ‘Griegh, Hel, Con.’

She slowed as she became closer to them.

‘So who do we have here?’ Exodus said as he, Zephyr, Crash, and Tragen walked over to her.


‘It will be shit for you. Who are you?’

‘We’ve come for Alena.’

‘Well sorry for a wasted journey. You’re wasting your time. She’s’ mine now.’

‘No she’s not.’

Exodus’s hand rose so was she. Alena’s feet lifted up of the ground and her into the air as her friends watched in disbelief.

Alena looked at her friends.

‘Feel the power!’

They watched in horror as she was lifted higher into the sky above the rooftops, her lifeless body becoming circled with a white light.

‘Al!’ Griegh shouted, running forward.

Exodus lifted his right hand out her clothes blew back as Greigh stood froze finding it difficult to breathe.

Alena's body once straight now laid flat hovering in the white light.

‘Feel the power.’ He repeated.

His eyes glowed, fires spiralled down the city street through the centre of them. He dropped his second hand Alena still hovering in mid air following him as he walked away from her friends.

‘We’re not scared of you. We’ve come for Alena and we’re not leaving without her.’

‘You’ll be dead before you even leave.’

They were surrounded fangs piercing through them. The others became surrounded as they tried to intervene.

Vampires ripping their flesh away. Ripping them to shreds.

‘Leave them I will deal with him and her.’ He said pointing to Griegh and Helena.’

Griegh and Helena were dragged over to Zephyr.

‘So you the dogs body?’

‘No your worst fucking nightmare.’

His flesh peeled away, his eyes rolled back revealing red flames, his skin red, red horned.

They screamed.

His long nails sliced through Griegh making him choke on his own blood. His eyes bleeding out of his sockets.

Helena screamed.

Zephyr turned his stare onto her. ‘You’re next.’

‘No please.’ She said tears in her eyes. Rolling down her face.

‘We don’t like tears round here. Shame we have to lose such a pretty face.’ He bared his incisors.

‘Please anything.’


‘Yes anything. Please don’t kill me.’

He placed his lips on hers his incisors like pins as they pierced through them. His nails digging into her flesh like sharpened blades.

He pulled away. ‘Tragen some flesh for your pleasure.’ He looked at Helena. ‘You did say anything.’

Tragen grabbed the half alive girl dragging her away.

‘Crash take this away X will decide what to do with it.’


Crash picked up the dead body dragging it away.

Zephyr licked his lips. ‘Fresh blood.’ His incisors returning to normal as he turned walking away as the feast continued.