Chapter Eighteen

I sit impatiently in the driver's seat as I wait for him to fill up the gas tank. He finishes and opens the door and within seconds, he's all buckled in.

Unsurely, I put the keys into the ignition and ask,

"Where to?"

"Um, to see-I mean to a place down in the city. Do you remember when you came to pick me up for the first time? Yeah, there should be fine, by that cafe."

"Okay" I say, recalling the awkward memory, and punching the address into my GPS.

The drive is awfully silent and I can't help but ask,

"Do you buy girls?"

He spits the water he was drinking back into the water bottle.


"You said I wasn't for sale." I clarify for him.

"Oh my god! It wasn't like that. We don't buy girls." He says emphasizing that part.

"Then, what did you mean?" I can't stop myself from asking.

Curious George over here.

"Business." Is all he says and I don't push it further. Instead, I turn up the volume to the radio to avoid any social contact with him.

I pull up to the same cafe about an hour later. He mumbles a quick "thanks," before hopping off and jogging out into the distance. In seconds, all I see is the trail of water droplets that dripped out of his half closed water bottle.

I get home thirty minutes later, exhausted from driving. It's 6:30 at this point and I quickly rush upstairs to take a shower. I put my hair into a bun and strip. I hop into the shower and turn on the water, only to feel the chills run down my bare body. I shift on my feet until the water becomes warm. It obviously takes a good five minutes to get to the perfect temperature.

I scrub my arms and legs with rose scented soap and rinse. I turn the shower off and hop out, wrapping a towel around my small figure.

I walk into my bedroom to hear the constant vibration of my phone, resting on the thick floral comforter. I pick it up to see a whole bunch of messages from who else? Nose piercing boy. Will he ever stop annoying me? Sometimes I consider cutting him off, but just don't have the heart to do that. He technically hasn't done anything bad enough to be worth it.

I grab an oversized school t-shirt that I would never wear to school, because never would I ever support the hell hole known as school, and a pair of grey sweats that don't really go along with it. I let out my hair from the hideous bun and comb my fingers through it before tying it into a low ponytail. I quickly text him a 'hey,' before putting my phone down and grabbing my books from my bag to finish the ton of homework I have to do.

I hear the front door open and hear Evan's voice. I quickly rush down to say hi and grab a plate of Walmart's soft cookies on the way. I check my phone to see two messages.

hey, really?

I said so much and this is all you say?

I scroll up to see all of his messages. Most of how he was a jerk today and didn't thank me properly, not that I really cared.

Well it's fine

I didn't really care that you left like that


Dry much?


Don't think I'm your personal driver

Heard someone else say that to me a while ago but has never done their job

yeah sorry but the car just needs some fixing

but when its done, I'll take you for a drive

Really it's fine I was just joking

well this time I'm not

Well if u rlly want to..

Anyway elaborate

elaborate about what

Girl sales

I'm sure that's enough for it to click in his head.

I told u it's business we work together

I didn't know u worked

it never came up

What about why u called me a chick

well what did u want me to call u

my gf?

No I mean chick seems so

I stop there not knowing what word to describe it

so what?

Idk like I'm some girl that u wud use for something sexual

well you're right that's what it means

and if you wanna know why I had so much cash, it was to buy chicks

And with that he's gone, leaving me speechless. Tears well in my eyes and my lips begin trembling. I'm so naive and here I am texting a jerk who just refereed to me as a one nightstand. Or I may have worded it wrong, but he agreed, right?

The first tear slips out of the corner of my eye and I quickly use the back of my hand to wipe any sign of it. I hold my phone out in front of me, with hopes that he'd text me back and change moods, saying he was sorry but it doesn't come. He doesn't come. And neither do his texts.

I put my phone down and decide to work on homework for the rest of the night, taking a short break to eat dinner. I fall asleep much too quickly to my dismay, with half finished homework laid across my bed.

I wake up to the familiar sound of my alarm ringing through my ears and quickly get dressed. I decide on a pair of black roots sweats and a black zip-up with a white tank top and white air forces. I pull my hair into a low bun and attempt to finish some of my unfinished homework.

Tired of my brain not working at 7:30 in the morning, I shove all of my books and papers into my bag and go downstairs, hoping that breakfast will lighten up my mood. I go down to see Evelyn already there, holding up two pieces of burnt toast.

"This damn toaster! Can you please tell mom to buy another one? She won't listen to me!" She complains, tossing them into the garbage can and grabbing a granola bar from the cupboard.

"Yeah" I say and do the same.

"You look off." She says, noticing my appearance.

"You look dead." She adds when I don't say anything.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired and I have so much unfinished homework."

"Don't worry you will be fine. It's probably the first time you didn't do it." She chuckles and I chuckle dryly along with her.

"Yeah, it is. Let's just hope Clemens doesn't pick on me."

"The old lady needs to fucking retire. Who teaches at 75?"She says throwing her arms around exaggeratively.

"Where's Evan?" I ask, noticing it's almost time for his classes to start and he isn't here.

"I think some girl messed with his head. He liked her but she ended up getting with his enemy. You know that guy he's competing with for that special position in football. Yeah him, so he's a little upset." She tells me, answering her own question.

I just nod. Didn't know guys could have serious girl problems.

"Not to mention she was hot." Evelyn says, shoving a picture of a girl in my face. I squint due to the high lighting that her phone is set at. The girl has long dark hair, in perfect curls that falls down to her back and dark eyes. Her skin is clear. If only mine was like that. And she has a ton of piercings, like ten ear piercings, a nose piercing, a lip piercing and before I can count anymore, Evelyn retrieves her phone and shoves it into the back pocket of her dark jeans.

Evelyn's wardrobe is dark, like her soul she says. Black shirts, black hoodies, black tights, black dresses, black jeans, blacks skirts, black socks, black shoes. She even has a black toothbrush. I'm surprised her room isn't painted black. You would be lucky if you found anything grey in there.

"Well, we should go." She says, eyeing the floor oddly, and walks out the door. I follow her and get into the passenger seat. I don't even put my seatbelt in, before she's out of the driveway and halfway down the street.