Chapter Nineteen

I'm currently in math and all I can hear is the swift movements of chalk dragging across the board and my phone vibrating in the front pocket of my Jansport bag. Of course, it always has to be vibrating.

Everyone turns to me, as my phone continues to vibrate. I pull it out of my bag and struggle to get ahold of it. It fumbles in my hands and I drop it twice before turning it off. Even then, it takes a few seconds for people to get their eyes off of me.

It's really not that serious, guys.

My teacher, Mr. Sousa, calls me out and makes me bring it to his desk. Of course, there are a few stares and oohs and aahs, because the quiet Erin is getting her phone taken away.

"You can come get it at the end of the day." Of course I can. Three more periods without my phone. At least no more vibrating.

I quickly sit back in my seat and everyones' stares decrease by the minute.

The day goes by much too slowly and as the final bell goes, I rush into my math class searching furiously for my math teacher who isn't here. Great.

I search his desk frantically for my phone, but it isn't where I left it. I ask the teacher next door but apparently he left mid-fourth period. Shoot.

I look around for my phone one last time, opening and closing cupboards and drawers, but there is no sign of it. I wish I hadn't turned my phone off. It could be vibrating right now. But, no it isn't.

If only I had friends, my brain says.

Defeated I walk to the car, to see Evelyn there. I explain to her of the situation and she hands me a spare phone she has. I didn't know she just carried extra devices around.

"You can use this for the night. It's a little old, but it works." It's an iPhone 5s, but it should be able to keep me going. She hands it to me, inspecting it right and left, before slapping the small handheld device into the palm of my hand.

"Thanks." I say, and quickly download Instagram and Snapchat as well as some apps for school. Instantly, it begins vibrating.

I actually do have friends.

I get home to see majority of the messages from mom, Avery and Evan. Not a single one from nose piercing boy. How can he not have the heart to apologize?

I forget about him and decide not to text him again. All he does is leave me confused. I was right, he is a jerk.

At dinner, everyone is seated quietly. Mom brings a tray of hot pasta and places it in the middle of the table. Everyone grabs their share, except Evan, who sits there dragging his fork around the plate, creating an awful noice. I resist the urge to yell at him for it, noticing his state.

"Evan, eat a little bit honey." Mom urges him, looking over at him hopefully. He simply shakes his head. Dad just keeps eating and eating, and mom shoots him a glare, causing his eyes to shoot open and a piece falls out of his surprised mouth.

He finishes chewing and says, "Evan you should really eat something." But it comes out a little more rude that it should be.

Evan starts shaking and his eyes turn bloodshot as he slams the fork onto the plate, and furiously gets up out of his chair. He stomps up the stairs, and yells, "I'm not hungry." He sounded was shaky and raspy.

We decide to ignore him for the rest of the night and finish our food in silence.

After dinner, I go upstairs and use Evelyn's phone to text Avery about the English homework I never started. She replies with 'same I didn't either', and I pick up my pencil, trying to think of at least one quote to write, but instead doze off.

I seem to fall asleep too early every night and now I have piles of unfinished homework. I'm dressed in grey sweatpants and a champion hoodie, with my hair let out. I grab my pair of Vans and hurry downstairs to only see Evelyn again.

"Same thing?" I ask.

"Same thing." She repeats.

We drive to school, with the quiet voice of Ariana grande playing on the radio. If I could change the songs on the radio, I really would. Even Cardi B is better.


"So.." I say, looking down at the chipped volume button on my iPhone 5.

"So..." She repeats after me in the same tone.

"Okay enough with the 'sos', what's going on with Carter? You seem obsessed with him." Avery says, rolling her eyes, and I totally agree.

"I am not!" Reagan quickly interjects.

"Okay, I like him but I'm not obsessed with him." She adds quietly.

"Oh shut up, you're basically eye raping him everyday during chem." She flushes a dark shade of pink instantly.

"He seems to like you too." Avery says, winking.

"Why don't you ask him out? You know, make the first move?" Avery says, taking a huge bite into her sandwich.

"What? No! I can't do that." Reagan says almost instantly.

"Why not? I mean it'd be different but it's not wrong." I add, eating a spoonful of chocolate pudding. Ignore my childlike habits.

"I don't even know if he likes me yet. He probably considers me as his friend or a little sister." She says, causing me to gulp down my pudding and my eyes to shoot open, faster than ever.

"Little sister?" Avery asks and my eyes widen.

"Yeah, he's actually a senior. He just failed chem last year at his old school so he's taking it again this year cause of some messed up shit with summer school. I'm not sure, he never really explained that part. Except, that he had to take English during the summer and almost failed that, but gave in his mother's old poems for his summative. Oh, and his mom writes really good poems, I've read a few. He never talks about his dad and he has a cute little sister. Her name's Norah and she's honestly the cutest thing ever and-"

"Alright that's enough. It seems like you're already sort of the family." Avery says, cutting her off and making an exaggerating expression. I simply laugh at her reaction.

"Hey," the word comes from behind us, and sounds low. And it's Carter.

"Hey Carter! I thought you were going out for lunch today." Reagan exclaims, lunging towards him for a hug, that he gladly returns. Avery and I look back at the could-be-cute-couple and each other awkwardly.

"Yeah I was gonna but mans got busy. You're Erin right, as in Evelyn's twin?" He asks.

Yeah I'm Erin, I'm in your chemistry class but I guess he has eyes only for Reagan and Reagan only.

And I'm Evelyn's twin? Why can't Evelyn be my twin? I mentally punch myself for my stupid argument.

"Erin? Earth to Erin?" Avery snaps me out of my thoughts. I blush, embarrassingly. Not because I just embarrassed myself in front of a guy, but because I just embarrassed myself.

"Oh yeah, I'm Erin, Evelyn's twin. You know her?"

"Yeah I guess you could says we're friends. My friends had to go out for something so I was wondering if I could join you guys, if you don't mind." He flashes an ear to ear smile, revealing his perfectly straight and white teeth.

I ship it Reater or Cargen. Both work.

"Um, actually, Erin and I have to meet up with our English teacher for some questions with an essay in about a few minutes. But I'm sure Reagan's available." Avery says, and I'm sure I can make out a little smile playing on Reagan's lips as her eyes twinkle with delight.

"Yeah." I add, awkwardly nodding.

"Alright then. Well, I'll see you guys around." He says and turns to walk around with Reagan.

"Aren't they soooo cute?" Avery gushes like a proud mother as soon as they're off. I shove my elbow into her side.

"Ow!" She yells, shooting me a glare and rubbing her side. It honestly wasn't even that hard of an elbow.