Chapter Twenty

"So, how's your man?" She asks, putting her ziploc bag into the nearby garbage.

"How about we be happy that our best friend has finally found interest in someone? One guy at a time." I say, trying to divert the conversation.

"You're saying as if you're hooking up with a bunch of guys that are standing in line to fuck you. Not that I'd be surprised if there was a line of guys waiting for you. You'll easily be found in a boy's eyes because of your high level of hotness." She says, waving her arms up and down referring to my appearance.

But,her first comment reminds me of what he said about being a chick, which causes my face to scrunch up in disgust. She notices and instantly says, "you won't find a guy if you scrunch your nose up like that every time we talk about guys." I roll my eyes at her.

"I don't do that every time. Besides I don't need a line of guys."

"Trust me you do. Every time." She says exaggerating.

"And besides, you have a whole lineup of freshman and sophomores staring you down, especially when we're by your locker. You can always give it a go with younger guys." I shoot her a glare, definitely not.

"Maybe not then." She says averting her gaze and taking the last sip of her coke before tossing it in the garbage.

"Well, now I know I'm in for some trouble when I try to find you a man." She says.

"Well I don't want a man right now, so it's okay." I say, trying to sound as calm as possible.

Sis, of course I want a man.


"Avery?" I call out her name.

"I want a man." I say quietly, so only she can hear.

We are currently at the nearby ice cream shop from school and there are so many cute couples eating ice cream and kissing on the snow covered benches and grass. I can't help but gush at how cute they look.

"Didn't I tell you?" She says, rolling her eyes and shoving a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. She instantly freezes from the amount of coldness in her mouth.

"Brain freeze," she says so quietly, her face being drained of colour. I'm surprised I could hear that.

I'm known to be deaf.

"Yeah, that's what you get for being so cold to me." I say and laugh at my horrible use of a pun.

"I was not being cold, I was just stating the truth." She says, dramatically tossing over her long dark hair over her shoulder as it tries to dip into her ice cream.

"Well, then let's look for a man for you." She says, her eyes instantly travelling around the area.

"We can't here. There are only couples, and us." I say laughing.

"You're right. I say you go with the guy from the fair. Honestly he's cute and he's older too, just the way you like guys." She says, eating another spoonful. She hooks her arm around me and says something about pretending to be my man.

"I don't like him." I say sternly.

"You'll realize that you do later."

"No, as I mean, I don't like him as a person. He's a jerk. He asked me to pick him up from some abandoned place the other day and may have referred to me as a one night stand kinda chick." I say, instantly regretting my use of middle school language.

"He called you what?" She says, surprised, her eyebrows crinkling and the side of her lips curving into a smirk.

"Well no, not exactly, but he said I was a chick to this other guy and I didn't like that and I told him it sounds like he referred to me as a worthless girl that people use for sex and he basically agreed to my horrible definition of 'chick'."

"Sis, why did you have to word it like that?" She says laughing. "Guys call pretty women 'chicks'." She says in a 'duh' tone, continuing to eat her ice cream.

"Damn, I need to teach you a few things before we go man hunting." She says low, I don't think it was meant for me to hear.

"It didn't sound like he meant it that way. And he does some business where he buys chicks, whatever that means."

"What if he meant he buys chicks, like chicken chicks?" She says giggling.

"No, I don't think he meant it that way." I say surely, remembering him shoving three stacks of cash in his pocket. I don't think chicks cost that much.

"Well, fuck him for letting go of you to pay other girls for sex."

She instantly regrets what she says and adds "I meant he could have easily had you as his girlfriend, but now has to pay for other girls to be with him. Not that, you have to be sexual with him. Like what I mean is that-"

"It's fine, I get it." I say cutting her off.

"I shipped you two." She says pouting.

"You were right, he's a jerk. Did he apologize?" She looks over to me for an answer.

"Nope." I answer plainly, kicking at a piece of ice.

"Forget about him. Let's go to the mall tonight and find some hot cashiers!" She says so loud, causing a few kisses to be interrupted.

"Thanks Avery, but I got so much homework to do tonight. Even you, we have that essay neither of us have started."

"Oh right!" She says, groaning.

"Let's go on Saturday." I say almost instantly. It'd be nice to go out without boy trouble.

"Wow, desperate aren't we?" She asks, raising a newly threaded eyebrow at me.

"Okay so, Saturday at 4. We need a few hours to look for guys." She says, finishing the last bit of her ice cream. I finish mine too and we both begin our walk back to school.

Fast forward to Saturday

"Erin, Avery's here!" Mom yells from downstairs. Yes mom, I know she's here. I heard the doorbell ring.

It's 4:30 right now and we were supposed to be at the mall at 4. My dumbass decided to take a nap and forgot to set an alarm. So, here I am rushing to put myself together.

I decide to wear a light washed denim jacket over a black tube top paired with black tights and Timberlands. I grab my purse and my jacket and rush down to join Avery who's eating my cookies. She probably eats more of my cookies than I do. We wave goodbye to my mom and hop into Avery's car.

We reach the mall in no more than twenty minutes, because Avery assured me that all the hot guys would leave the mall at 7, so we had to hurry. We stop by Zumiez, H&M, Hollister and Adidas, but Avery doesn't seem satisfied. She claims, "she will find a hot guy for me, because what if we end up getting married and having kids? We don't want the kids to be ugly." Quote by Avery.

At about 8, I'm exhausted, but Avery isn't. She's determined to stay until we are physically pushed out of the building.

I convince her into grabbing something to eat. I happened to skip lunch during my nap and Avery ate all my cookies. We decide on a pizza place and choose to split a small pizza and get drinks.

Once our order is ready, we grab the food, Avery the pizza, and I, the drinks. I turn to follow Avery, but instead bump into something hard. Who put a wall in the middle of nowhere?

But it isn't a wall, it's a hard chest. I can feel the outline of abs from the rubbing of my arm against it. From the impact, Avery's Sprite has gone flying and onto the white shirt I'm currently leaning against. I instantly step back, and see the tattoos reveal under the shirt as the Sprite drips down to the abdominal area. I look down to see a familiar pair of converse, only to look up and see the even more familiar glistening.



Leaving y'all on a cliffhanger hehe

Jkjk but y'all know what's coming so keep reading to confirm your thoughts

The nose piercing. The nose piercing boy.

I take a few steps back until I'm a good two feet away. It takes every bit of me to look him in the eyes. I glance behind him to notice both his friends, Corey and Jordan are there, equally as surprised at what happened.

On one side, there are their faces. On the other, there's Avery screaming my name. And behind me, there are annoying mall janitors yelling at me, trying to shove their hideous mops between my feet to try and clean up the mess. But, all I can see is the look on this boy's face. Something I haven't seen before. He looks sad and almost apologetic. Shouldn't I be the apologetic one? After all, I just spilt Sprite all over his shirt and headed his chest.

But, I can't seem to get the words out. My mouth is open, but no sound comes out. My legs seems to go numb and I drop the remaining of the drinks in my hand, causing them to splatter everywhere. At this point, I can feel dozens of eyes on me, but I can't seem to do anything.

It all moves so quickly, and I start feeling super hot. The world moves in circles and I hear a final, gentle "Erin?" before my eyes flutter close and I let go. I expect a loud thud, from 55kg of weight falling on the ground, but it doesn't come. Instead, I feel two muscular arms, wrap around my small frame, as I'm being lifted, before everything goes dark.