Chapter Twenty One

I manage to somewhat make out my surroundings. I can't seem to open my eyes just yet, so it's pitch black, but I can still hear some faint voices.

"It's all your fucking fault!"

"She's the one who spilt the sprite!"

"Well, maybe if it weren't for you, your shirt wouldn't be drenched in sprite!"

I can make out Avery and Corey's voices, screaming at each other. It's my fault. I spilt the sprite.

I manage to slightly open my eyes, but instantly close them from the brightness of the lights around me. I open them slowly again, trying to adjust to the lighting.


"Sis, are you okay?" I feel a light shake from Avery on my arm. Her long deathly acrylics rest on my arm, as she looks into my eyes, hers' full of concern.

I manage to open my eyes and look around to see Corey standing a few feet away from her.

"Thank god you're okay. You left me with these assholes." She says, whispering the last part.