Chapter Twenty Four (3)

"So, some nude heels and some silver jewellery. Is that all you need?" He asks, struggling to hold up everything. I'm so mean.

"Yeah I think so." I say, but my eyes land on a ring behind him. He notices my eyes widen and looks behind him.

"You want this ring?" He asks, pulling it out. He fiddles with it and it sparkles in the light. It's a simple silver band, with a small gemstone.

I probably look like I'm drooling over it. It's so pretty, though...

"Give me your hand." He says, and pulls my left hand without me even giving it to him, and slowly slides the ring onto my middle finger. I turn my hand over and admire the beauty.

"Do you like it?" He asks, and I nod. Vigorously, may I add.

"Here, let me buy it for you." He says reaching to take it.

"No! You are not paying for this too!" I say, a little too loudly. I probably stick out like a sore thumb. I clearly cannot even act rich.