Chapter Twenty Eight

I run until I can't run anymore. This place is certainly huge and I know I won't know my way back, but at this point I don't care. I turn the doorknob to a room and shut the door, annoyed that there wasn't a lock on it. There's a couch and a side table. I decide to take the floor, noticing the thin layer of dust covering the couch. I slide down the corner where the walls meet, and tuck my legs in, wrapping my arms tightly around them. I bury my head into my knees.

I should've known. I was so oblivious. I was so naive. And I still am.

I pull out my phone from my clutch and notice it being bombarded with calls and messages from him. Him.

He had stacks of money. He needed money. Yet, he uses it to pay girls for sex? Instead of on his brother?What the actual fuck?

At this point I'm balling. My cheeks are stained with tears. And I don't care. I probably look like a mess, with my mascara running down my face like in movies. I am so stupid. I mentally slap myself for it.