Chapter Twenty Nine

"And yes, it's been a great honour to be the CEO of the company. I'd say, the experience has been great. Excuse me, waitress," a little short lady, in a complete black outfit, turns her head quickly at the mention of her, her high bun moving out of its place.

"Yes, sir?" She asks, getting hold of a tray of glass cups that she collected from the guests to take to the back room.

"Can you grab me a cup of hot coffee? There's still a lot to say." His so called dad, says through the microphone, laughing at his own joke that a few other older men joined him in. He just gives me a look, and I simply roll my eyes. The short lady nods and runs off into the double doors.

"This shit is boring as hell. I'd rather read a book than this."

"You read?" I ask, astonished.

"Yeah I read. A lot. It's nice and calming." Since when do bad boys read?

"What do you read?" I ask