Chapter Thirty

"And that is it! Formalities can be finished later but the resort is officially my son's. I'd like to say I'm very proud of the young man that you've become, and I hope you can make it official one day." And I realize that means marriage. To me? This is just for his reputation right? He couldn't possibly think that we'd get married. All the older women in the crowd coo with "awws" and some "I can't waits". But this boy just has a fixed smile and nods at his father, before making it down the steps and coming to sit beside me again.

"Your name was never once said." Is the first thing I say, rather angrily.

"I thought he would say it." He says referring to Roland.

"Well, you could have said it yourself. Been like, hey everyone, I'm blah blah blah. But you didn't."

"I like you not knowing." He says with a smirk.

"I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing." He simply shrugs.

"I can't believe he said that." I say after some silence.
