Chapter Thirty One

"Hands up! Drop everything!" One of the guys in all black yells. He has a much bigger gun in his hand. A machine gun? I've seen Evan play with it in Fortnite before.

"Shove it into your bra!" He whisper yells and I do so without hesitating. I might've flashed him a bit of cleavage but I don't care, this is life matter right here.

"Drop everything! Hands up!" He says more louder.

"Round up boys!" He says, motioning for the rest of them to move around the crowd.

"Get down on your knees!" He yells again. His voice is so muffled that I can barely make out what he's saying. He looks like he's wearing those hats that cover almost your whole face. I mean it is cold outside...

"I'm paralyzed son!" And old lady, probably about 90, croaks out.

"I don't fucking care!" He screams, recklessly shooting at the bottom of the table she was sitting at, causing a bunch of the crowd to scream in shock, me included.

"Just relax." He whispers to me.