Chapter Thirty Three

We pull back awkwardly and make our way back to the car, after being interrupted by Roland's servants coming to clean up the mess. Even their mops look expensive.

"After you." He says, holding the car door open for me. After the kiss, or two kisses, I can't seem to look him in the eye.

I quickly take my chance to slip in to the seat and shove my hands in between my thighs.

He reaches down and grabs the bit of my dress that lags behind me as I walk, and places it inside the car, before closing the door. My heart skips a beat at his action.

He climbs in and notices something my way and reaches over me. My heart beats rapidly, thinking he's gonna kiss me again, but instead, he grabs the seatbelt and buckles me in. Gosh, I'm such a baby.

Most of the ride is silent. It's dark now, maybe 10pm, and I have no clue where we are and don't recognize any of the streets.

Was I a bad kisser? Is that why he's not talking to me?