Chapter Thirty Four

"Here we are." He says, driving into a driveway. There are a few cars in the parking lot and a little booth at the entrance where there is a huge gate.

"One car please." He says to the man in the booth, holding out some cash.

"That'll be $20, sir." He takes out a few bills from his wallet and hands it over to the man through the open window. I feel a rush of chilly wind hit me from through the window and I shiver vigorously.

"Here you go, sir. Enjoy!" He takes the slips and nods. The path is free and we drive into the place, wherever we are.

"Where are we?" I ask, trying to figure out where we are. Clearly, I suck at general info because I don't recognize this place.

"A drive in theatre. I come here a lot, alone."

"Why did you come here with me then?" I tease, with a smile.

"Because, you wanted to go somewhere. And this place is nice. Better when you've got someone to join you." He says, shooting me a charming smile, with his pearly whites sparkling in the dark.