Chapter Thirty Nine

He took his shirt off? When? How? How didn't I notice?

He wraps an arm around my back and I melt into his touch. His hand grips around my right hip tightly. I'm sitting sideways so my back is against the middle piece in the car. I lean back against it, trying to put as much space from him as possible.

He quickly tightens his hold on me and pulls me closer.

"I'm sorry, babygirl." For what? Why?

"For what?" I ask, quietly.

"For bringing you here. I thought you'd like it." He says, looking up through his lashes every girl would be jealous of.

I notice him taking a peek at my boobs and make a face.

"Hey!" I sa, smacking his bare chest.

"Sorry ma'am. It's attractive." He says, causing my cheeks to turn pink.

"Put me back in my seat please?" I ask, slightly uncomfortable.

"Not yet, babygirl. You owe it to me." He says. Of course I do.

"What do I owe you?" I ask him nervously.

"Some hot making out." He says, easily.

"Um.." I stutter to form a sentence.