Chapter Fifty Three

"I didn't get to finish."

Oh no.

"Not now, we have to go to that store that only allows cash, remember?" I say, trying to walk around him, but he quickly grabs me by the forearm and twirls me around, so I'm against the door.

"Should I take you on the door, or the wall?" He smirks, his eyes travelling to the wall. He places both hands on my waist and leans down to get to my level.

"Why don't you ever make the first move?" He asks lowly, placing a kiss on my jaw.

I need to prove this boy wrong. I just don't want to look desperate. So I lean in, closing the remaining distance between us. He looks shocked and kisses me back after a second of comprehending what's going on. I move my hands up to his neck and lock them behind it, tugging him down.