Chapter Fifty Four

We don't talk much for the next few hours. Elijah's in his room doing 'work', Jay's still playing with his car and I'm on my phone scrolling through Instagram after watching a bunch of episodes on Netflix.

It's now 9:00, almost time to drop off Jay. He's not upset anymore, because of his super cool car. Every now and then, he'll show me some cool new features he figured out.

The door of Elijah's bedroom shoots open, causing my head to snap that way. He's holding my clothes from earlier.

"Wanna change?" He asks and I nod. He looks sleep deprived, his eyes red and his hair messed up. But, before I could ask if he's okay, he leaves the clothes on the nearby chair and storms back into his room, shutting the door behind him.

I take my clothes into the bathroom and change, and in moments, find myself in front of his door, knocking.

It takes a few seconds before I can hear footsteps nearing me. He pulls open the door, rather aggressively.

"What?" He asks.