Chapter Sixty Seven

What did he just say?

"You can call me babe." He confirms for me. My eyes get unstuck from the pages and stare directly at him.

Um, what?

"It's a loving nickname." He says in an obvious tone.

Yeah, no shit.

"Um, I'll think of something else." I say quickly to avert the topic.

"I want this." I say pointing to some spaghetti with weird meat in it. Yummy.

"No you don't, you don't like spaghetti ." He says, a smirk creeping onto his lips.

"Do it." He says, urging me.

"Do what?" I ask, letting the menu fall from my hands and onto the table with a quiet smack.

"Call me babe." He says with a boyish smile and the slight tilt of his head, leaning back in his chair.

"No." I say sternly and flip through the pages again.

"Just once." He asks


"Please?" He begs.


"I'll make you, just wait." He says and calls over the waiter.

I can't wait.