Chapter Sixty Six

"So, let me change first." I say and turn to run up to my room.

"Look pretty." He says and takes a seat on the nearby chair, putting one leg over the other and leaning back against the wall. I give him a curt nod and shut the door to my room once I get upstairs.

"What should I wear? What should I wear?" I mutter to myself.

I pick out a pair of ripped jeans that emphasize my butt and a cropped knitted sweater. I pair it with lace up boots and a dark jacket. I let my hair down and comb my fingers through it to get rid of the tangles. I put on some makeup and take one last look at appearance before shooting a cute pose and stalking down the stairs.

As soon as his eyes spot me, his jaw drops.


"So, is this okay?" I ask unsurely.

He slowly gets up, straightening his clothes.

"Uh...yeah. You look nice." He says popping a smile on his face.