Chapter Seventy Six

"Move over and give this old woman some space!" Grandma yells at Evan, who refuses to give his seat up on the couch.

"There's an empty seat beside grandpa." He groans, from being slouched in his spot.

"I want to sit with my favourite granddaughters." She says motioning to Evelyn and I sitting on either side of him.

"They're your only granddaughters, grandma." He says, rolling his eyes as he takes a seat beside grandpa, who whispers something to him, cheering him up.

Grandma plops down in between us and wraps her small arms around the both of us.

"He's still a troublemaker." She says and laughs.

"You know I like him more than you two, right? I just like messing with him." She chuckles.

I really thought I was one of her favourites.

"Just cause he made you chicken soup with two pieces of chicken one time doesn't make him godly, grandma." Evelyn groans, still with the same emotions from a few days ago.