Chapter Seventy Seven

"Avery I know I said I'm down for everything, just not this." I groan, as she practically drags me through a club. A nightclub.

She drove almost an hour out just to get ourselves at a nightclub.

"Look! There are tons of mans here!" She hollers, trying to get her thoughts out over the screaming crowd.

I feel like it's more packed that it usually is, noticing the bartenders move frantically with drinks.

" thank you. Let's go home. I'm not in the mood." I say tugging at her arm.

"Stop being such a baby!" She screams, while scrunching her face at my behaviour and swatting my arm away.

She pulls out her fake ID and waves it in my face before stalking over and grabbing a drink for herself, gulping it down all at once. She wipes the excess liquid off her upper lip with the back of her hand before ordering another drink.