Chapter Eighty Four

"You're still here?" Avery asks.

"Yep!" I say popping the 'p', and sounding super chirpy.

"Ok, get out." Evan says, pulling Avery away from the door.

"Keep it PG! I don't wanna know what you guys do in there!" I scream as I walk past them blowing them each a kiss.

Evan shuts the door on me and I hear Avery giggle before rushing down the stairs, hoping to get rid of any disgusting thoughts of them being together.

They're cute, but sometimes it just becomes too much, you know?

"Mom, dad! I'm going out!" I scream, but receive only a few mumbled words as I shut the front door and hop into my car.

Evelyn and I got our car repainted a sleek black.

Totally suits our souls.

I blast the radio as I speed down the street.

Aimlessly driving for almost an hour, I decide to stop for some food. I wait in the McDonalds drive thru for the longest time before it's my turn to get my food.