Chapter Eighty Three

Was my rant pointless? Was me wanting to be a lawyer a waste?

"Did you not hear a single word I said?! I just sa-"

"Quit interrupting me. I didn't fucking finish."

"Oh." Is all I manage to say.

"Wait, then why are you dating her? Just for fun? She's my best friend, Evan. And you're my brother of course and oh, how'd I get into such a situation? I shouldn't have agreed. Oh my lord!"

"Erin!" The boy literally screamed in my face.

"You spit on me." I say with a disgusted face.

"Sorry." He says, trying to wipe it off but doesn't know how. I wipe it off with the back of my hand and spread it on his tank top, in attempt to relieve myself from his germs.

"Anyway, I am going to propose to her. Just not yet. Don't fucking tell her."

"I love her, a lot. You know that. And I'd never hurt her."

"But that's not at all what I decided."

"Then, why'd you bring it up?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.