Chapter Eighty Six

"I'm going out!" Evan yells, just as I hear the cling of his keys tap against the wall.

"It's been 8 days! 8! And you're already going back to your stupid gang stuff! Give it a break!" Mom yells from the kitchen. I hear her chopping her vegetables, rather aggressively.

"I'm gonna have to agree with your mother. But stay safe, son." Dad says and Evan gives him a curt nod before waving to me and calling me embarrassing things that I will not expose.

"Mom? Dad? I'm going out. Won't be home till tomorrow!" Evelyn yells as she also decides to leave.

"It's been 7-" Mom starts but she's probably happy she doesn't need to cook for everyone.

"Cut the crap, Mom. I know, I'll be fine." She says before blowing me a kiss and leaving. I don't bother to make a reaction. She chuckles as she shuts the door loudly.

Leaving me all alone.

Right, flashback to 7 days ago when I was freaking out like hell looking for my other half. Why couldn't telepathy be working at those times?