Chapter Eighty Nine

Its almost 8 o'clock and Evan is still not back.

Alexis had to leave because there's school tomorrow and it's almost time for exams. I wouldn't blame her.

She almost begged her dad to stay a little longer, but poor him, he also looked sleep deprived. I had to assure her everything would be okay.

As for mom and dad, they've been giving me the silent treatment. Mom's stopped crying, but she's broken on the inside. Dad, well he's coping, better than mom.

Me, I am losing it. Whoever it was, was a prick for shooting her. It hurts physically, mentally, emotionally and any other -lly.

I just want her back. I've been speaking my heart out to her, hoping she can hear me for the past couple of hours, and it better be worth it.

The door shoots open loudly and Evan walks in. His clothes are crumpled and he's a mess. His eyes are red and his fists are balled.

Behind him are Corey and Jordan, as well as some other guys from the gang.