Chapter Eighty Eight

My eyes painfully open and I can feel my eyelashes tear from sticking to each other. I wake up to white walls and an awful smell I know, even though I'm not too familiar with it.

I'm in a hospital.

Last night's, or last time I was awake's events come rushing back to me.

I was eating ice cream, phone rang, Evan picked me up, came to the hospital and saw-


"Oh you're awake!" A nurse screams joyfully. She is petite and has dark chocolate brown hair pulled back into a neat bun. She just screams grandma.

I hate her already.

"My name's Laila and I'll be your nurse." She says motioning to her name pad. I nod.

"You're Erin, aren't you?" She asks and I nod again.

"Well you're perfectly fine, just fainted from shock." She says and nods, making her bun bob back and forth.

"How long have I been out?" I ask her in the most polite tone I can muster at the moment.

"The whole night. You kinda just slept through it."