Chapter Ninety Four

I follow him up the stairs, making sure to make my ass noticeable as I walk.

The butt workouts have finally paid off.

"Usually girls wear skirts or dresses." He notes, eyeing to my jean covered legs.

"Well, I'm not like the usual." I say and he smirks as I follow him into a dark room.

As soon as I'm inside, he shuts the door behind me and locks it.

In the centre of the room is a huge king sized bed, with thick bedding. Beside it, is a night table, with two drawers, nothing fancy.

Across the room is a door, leading to the washroom and on the other wall is a large walk-in closet. The door is left open, revealing hangers and hangers of dark clothing.

"That's not what you should be checking out." He growls.

I turn around to see him leaning against the wall with one arm. I notice he's got tattoos lining his arms now.

"That's more like it." He half smirks and smiles, I can't really tell. But I like it.