Chapter Ninety Seven

"Jesus fuck, I've missed that so fucking much." He whispers, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth before proceeding to pull down the waist band of my jeans slightly.

Should've worn sweats or something. Would've been easier to take off.

He notices my red lace thong and a smirk dances on his lips.

"I told you, you looked gorgeous in red...." he whispers, his fingers trailing around my sensitive skin, as he looks me straight in the eye to get my reaction.

He gently pulls my jeans down, kissing my legs as he does so. Finally, when they are around the bottom of my feet, he pulls them off and tosses them somewhere in the room.

He makes his way back up to my face and places gentle kisses down my neck, as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck.

He proceeds to unbuckling his belt without his lips leaving my skin. His kisses leave a hot trail of tingles.

I reach down and tug down on the belt loops on his jeans and I feel him smirk against my skin.