
After that blinding white light, it seemed that nothing happened, but then something odd Yavin had noticed. There were no longer sounds from the busy street where he came from. He looked around and couldn't find a single soul walking around outside the alley - except for the three of them in the alley: the man in suit who was on all four on the ground, the red-haired girl who seemed like the same age as him, and him.

Then he howled and morphing into a goat-like creature. The red-haired girl spoke something at the monster before, but Yavin couldn't comprehend what she was saying since his mind was still processing what happened to the man before them.

He just transformed into a freaking giant creature, he shrieked in his head.

Then the girl shouted, "I release!" snapping him out of the trance. Yavin noticed something swirling around the hands of the girl. Even though they were in a dark alley, the black swirling mist surrounding her hands were very prominent as slowly it dissipated and formed a handgun-like weapon both on her hands.

The goat giant howled again but this time in ear-splitting volume. Yavin hurriedly covered his ears but the sound was too much. Due to the pain, he dropped to his knees. But when he glanced at the girl before him, she seemed unaffected by the howl. From his angle, she appeared to be smiling at the creature.

When the giant monster noticed that the girl was unaffected by his howling, he halted and flared his nostrils. He curved his body preparing it to attack. Then he howled again and launched himself at the red-haired girl.

The girl raised both of her hands aiming her handguns at the approaching monster, but then she glanced at him. Yavin heard him tsked, then dropped her arms. She turned her back at the monster and quickly grabbed his shoulder dragging him away from the path of the incoming attack.

"Can you please stand up now? You're a bit heavy," the girl asked Yavin. Without replying, he forced himself to move and followed the direction of the red-haired girl.

They exited the dark alley and greeted by an empty street. The people simply vanished. It was just a few moments ago that the whole street was brimming with hundreds of people. But now, it looked empty. But the lights remained from the store lighting their way on the street.

"W-where are the people?" Yavin asked while tailing behind the girl.

"I don't have the time to answer your question right now. What we need to right now is to get you somewhere safe, so I can exorcise that demon from that man," she replied to her while sneaking a look behind to check on the demon's whereabouts.

Yavin looked also behind him and found the goat demon chasing them. Despite his large frame, he moved lightly on his feet inching closer to them.

Yavin shouted in fear and hastened his steps. His heart was beating so fast that he could hear its sound in his ears. The girl slowed her movement and tailed behind Yavin. She turned her body and raised her arms. She aimed her twin handguns at the approaching monster and release two consecutive shots.

But those shots never hit the goat demon. The shots were mishit.

"What the hell? Do you even know how to use a gun?" Yavin raised his tone at the girl while running straight ahead.

The girl just rolled her eyes at him. "I was not aiming at him, silly!" Then she shot consecutive shots again at the demon but all were mishit. Again.

"Whatever you're planning, it better be good. I don't want to die yet!" Yavin exclaimed.

The girl just snorted at him and continuously releasing mishit shots at the monster which made the goat demon angrier as if the two of them were teasing him.

Yavin felt a nudge on his back and came face to face with the red-haired girl. He failed to notice before, but he was stunned by how beautiful she was. She had piercing green eyes looking at him. She parted her small pink lips and mouthed: "Let's go inside that restaurant!"

Yavin followed the direction of her finger pointing at an empty Chinese restaurant. They hurried to that area and pulled open the door. Yavin came inside first while the girl released a few shots before coming inside.

"What now?" Yavin asked in a worried tone. He was looking through the window and the goat demon was fast approaching the restaurant they were hiding.

"Now, we wait for him to enter the restaurant," she proclaimed. Then she stood before the door, arms raised pointing her guns at the door.

"Where are we by the way? Are we still in Rockvale City? And what do you mean that you will exorcise that demon? Are you some sort of exorcist?" Yavin barraged the red-haired girl with questions, but she just simply smiled at him.

"So many questions, you don't even ask my name first. I'm Vanya, by the way. Thank you for asking. Yes in a weird name we're still in Rockvale City, but at the same time, we're not in the city you used to know. This is a parallel dimension. And yes, I'm an exorcist! Let's do the Q & A la-" she didn't finish her sentence as the door was wrecked open by the hands - now hooves of the goat demon.

His nostrils were flaring at them and his eyes were blinded by rage. He raised his large left arm and from that movement, Yavin could tell that the goat demon was planning to smash the ground.

Vanya also noticed it too and released a shot again, but this time, both shots were a direct hit to the chest of the demon. But no bullet hole penetrated his skin despite the guns released physical bullets in the air.

"Now the fun begins," Vanya said. "Gravid!"

The air before the goat demon started to twist and became blurry in Yavin's vision. Then, large transparent balls appeared in front of the goat demon. The demon remained stood still curious at the balls before him.

"Push back!" Vanya shouted. The transparent balls vanquished in the air and suddenly the large body of the goat demon was hurtled out of the restaurant. The demon was surprised also when his body was thrown away from the restaurant and his back landed on the empty asphalt road.

"What just happened?" Yavin's mouth was left hanging as he didn't see that attack coming to the demon.

Vanya stride outside while Yavin tailed behind her. The goat demon was still on the ground rolling on the ground and wincing at the impact when he was pushed back on the ground.

"I will show you how to exorcise a demon from that pitiful man's body," she smiled proudly at Yavin.

Mustering all the pain from the impact, the goat demon rose from the ground glaring at the two humans before him.

"Oh no, he's going to attack again!"

"Let him try," Vanya assured Yavin. "From above!"

All of them looked above them anticipating the appearance of the transparent ball again. But the goat demon learned his lesson from the earlier scene and quickly moved his body away from his original position.

"Lesson number one, Yavin. You have to make sure to hold the demon in one place."

When the goat demon was about to pummel towards them, a transparent ball appeared on top of him and fell on his head. The moment it fell on his head. A large impact was made smacking him on the ground.

The ground curved from the impact and cracks started appearing around it while the goat demon's body laid motionless.

"For your information, I did on purpose to shot aimlessly around the area, so I can surround the whole place with my gravity balls."

"The what now?"