
The goat demon remained motionless on the ground after being smacked by the gravity balls. She announced to Yavin that she didn't just shot aimlessly earlier when they were running away from the demon. She was actually surrounding the whole place with her gravity balls as she called it.

"What do you mean gravity balls?" Yavin looked incredulously at Vanya. He still couldn't believe that this high school girl can wield the power of gravity.

Vanya raised her handguns and showed it to Yavin. "These beautiful handguns can release gravity balls and then I can will those balls when to activate. Actually, I can really wield the power of gravity without using these guns, but I'm still working on controlling it, so these weapons help me control it better on the intended target."

"I'll pretend that I understand whatever you're saying. But you said earlier that you're an exorcist! How are you going to exorcise the demons with your gravity balls? Smacking him repeatedly on the ground? Isn't exorcism supposed to be with prayers, holy water, and Latin words? Just like in books and movies?"

Vanya shrugged her shoulders at him. "Well that's one way of exorcism based on Christian mythology, but in order for that to be effective that exorcist should have the water from the fountain of Ancients. But that's another story to tell. To answer your question, yes I'm planning to smack him on the ground until I kill the demon."

"W-what? How about the man? If you kill the demon, you will be killing the man also, right?"

"Remember I told you earlier that we're in a parallel version of Rockvale City?"

"Yeah, I kinda recalled you saying that? Which I'm still processing right now that we're in a parallel dimension." Yavin tried to wrap around all the information that Vanya was telling him. But he was still having a hard time comprehending all of it.

"While we're in this parallel dimension of Rockvale City, I can kill the demon inside him without actually killing the man physically. Basically, we're on another plane. In some cultures, they call this the astral plane except there are no souls in here. This is a copy of our world where magic can be wielded since our world can no longer produce magic. And magic can only kill the demons."

"S-so who created this astral plane if no one is residing it?"

"The Ancients, of course. They are the gods and goddess across various mythologies. The Ancient's role in our world is to maintain balance and order. But some Ancients do not share the same views as other Ancients. They want to kill the human civilization, so they can restart the world and create a perfect human based on their ideals."

"And I assume that these opposing Ancients were the ones who created these demons?" Yavin pointed at the goat demon who still remained unconscious on the ground.

"Correct! Now, I've mentioned that the Ancients I'm serving right now want balance and order, so in order to do that they removed the magic in our world and created another plane or realm to put all the magic they've collected from our world, and at the same time, a plane where we can extinguish the demons created by the opposing forces without hurting the physical vessel."

"That's a lot of information to digest, but we, humans used to have magic at our own disposal? How cool is that? Now, my question is how was I dragged in this plane? I assume the tiny thing you threw at the demon back in the alley was a transporting device going to this place?"

Vanya nodded and paused for a moment. "Actually, I was thinking about it too. Wait, I'll consult with someone. Miyaki do you know the possible reason how was this guy was transported together with me in this plane?"

Yavin looked around checking if there was an unknown individual that Vanya was talking to, but he seemed can't find anyone within the vicinity.

"You're such a silly person. I'm talking to someone on my earpiece device," Vanya showed removed the hair strands covering her right ear and showed Yavin the earpiece device hidden inside the earlobe.

Vanya listened for a moment to this Miyaki person on the other line, and then looked back at Yavin. "Well as per her, it seems that you've been touched by magic also. That's one way of explaining it. Only with magical abilities can enter this plane. Maybe your family line came from a magic-user clan before?"

"So all exorcist came from a magical line of a family?"

"Yes, there are prominent exorcist families in our world also. But the majority of exorcists nowadays have magical roots. Sometimes it skips a generation if an exorcist married a regular human. So not all can be an exorcist, it really depends. Unless you're from a pureblood exorcist clan, you're destined to be an exorcist whether you like it or not."

"So I could wield powers like your gravity balls?" Yavin inquired excitedly.

"Maybe. Look, after dealing with this demon, we could consult at the academy if you have the potential to be an exorcist or not. Cool?"

Yavin eagerly nodded at her.

"So let's kill a demon tonight," Vanya said. "From above!"

Another gravity ball appeared above the goat demon's body and started freefalling down, but surprising everyone, the goat demon twisted his head and looked at the incoming attack. He raised his right arm, and when the ball inched closer to his body. He greeted it with a smash of his fist.

The ball and the fist met in the air, but the strength of the demon overpowered the gravity ball vanishing it into thin air.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Yavin asked his exorcist companion.

"That's the first time I saw a demon neutralized my gravity balls."

"W-what should we do now?"

The goat demon rose again from the ground as the pebbles fell on his furred body. He shot a deadly glare at them, and it seemed he was flashing his wicked smile at them. He might not have the ability to speak at the moment but he seemed telling them it's my turn now to attack.

"Run quickly! I'll deal with this demon," Vanya ordered at Yavin.

Yavin hesitated to move as he was reluctant to leave Vanya alone with the giant goat demon looming before her. She looked very frail standing before the demon. But what else he could do in this situation? He doesn't have cool magic powers like Vanya, so the only thing he can do for now is to run away from her.

He hurried his steps and run to a nearby two-floor store.