Beaten up Xu An

"Huff… huff…" Old Zhan panted heavily as he rested himself on his knees. Xu An's condition wasn't any better, he was laying on the ground with terrible bruises on his cheek and three stacked bumps on his head.

There was also a faint smoke coming out of it.

His arms twitched convulsively as his eyes rolled back.

"You're four hundred million years earlier to insult me, insolent brat," old Zhan coldly scoffed as he grabbed Xu An's collar and dragged him like a dead dog.

The crowds watching the situation whispered to one another.

"What happened?"

"He got beaten up because he insulted that old man, hmm? Wait, isn't that the person who challenged Chin Sha?" Another person wondered after he recognized Xu An's face.

"You're right! If I remember it correctly, his name is Granger Redwood. Some said he once annihilated an entire army of otherworldly tribes!"

"Pfft, an entire army? But he's being dragged like a log," a person said with a scoff.

"It's true! His girlfriend said he's in a weakened state. So he couldn't do much."

"But he's so weak that an old man could even beat him. Is he someone who massacred an entire army of otherworldly tribes?" Someone expressed their doubts, and another one added, "The otherworldly tribes are terrifyingly powerful, and the fact this guy could kill an entire army should prove how strong he is.

"Even if he's in his weakened state, he could at least fight back, though. That is like a master giving his disciple a good beating."

Hearing that person's words, everyone began to doubt Xu An's spectacular feat when suddenly,

"No, no. You guys are wrong. It's probably because that grandpa is a hidden expert.

"A fight between two experts is something ordinary mortals like us cannot comprehend.

"Granger is fighting with all of his might. However, that old expert is too powerful," a voice explained.

Hearing his explanation, everyone shifted their line of sight to the source and found a boy. He dressed in clothes made out of animal hide, and his face was innocent and immature.

Give him adorableness.

Who else if it wasn't Huang Yin?

Some doubted his words as it was from a boy, some found his explanation reasonable, and some speculated who this boy was.

Anyway, opening his carriage, old Zhan threw Xu An in and closed the door.

As his height was abnormally short, it appeared to be impossible for him to get up there.

Though, that thought expired as old Zhan leaped, forming a small cloud of dust as it spread.

After sitting in the driver's seat. With a flick of the rope. The horse let out a small cry before trotting.

In the carriage, Xu An was unconscious. Upon hearing the horses' hooves trampling the ground. He gradually came into his senses and slowly opened his eyes.

What came into his vision was the ceiling of the carriage, and a lamp was dangling on it. It exuded a warm and yellowish light.

Shortly after, he felt a sharp pain on his head and cheek.

"Ouch, ouch. That damn old man didn't hold back when he beat me up," Xu An said as he groaned in pain and raised himself with the support of the chair as he weakly rested his body there.

That ruthless human! I bet he knew that I was weak and purposely beat me up! He silently pondered in distress before putting that thought aside.

As of now, his body was fragile, and probably a punch of a child was enough to kill him.

Even though his recovery was fast compared to the others, the pain was unbearable and torturing.

In this aspect, maybe dying wasn't a bad idea as that would let him free from this pain, but there was no way he would.

For the fact, he had many things that had yet done, and if he killed himself because of this, he might as well quit cultivating.

Following this line of thought caused him brimmed with determination about the future, for the fact cultivation tended to be merciless and torturing.

No one couldn't be certain about the future; he must get used to this kind of pain, or he probably fainted should he encounter worse than this.

I couldn't believe I worked up because of this, he said in a self-deprecating way and asked with his eyes narrowed, I can't be a masochist, am I?

He shook his head and quickly rejected such a possibility; Xu An repeatedly said to himself that he was still normal. After saying this, he became calm.

I thought my beginning was easy. However, this isn't something I expected. Xu An sighed heavily.

"You wake up, brat? Here take this," said old Zhan with a hint of anger in his voice.

Something tossed at him, and Xu An grabbed it.

Inspecting what appeared to be a glass bottle with colorful and bright pills, Xu An turned his head to old Zhan and frowned as he asked curiously, "old Zhan, what is this is?"

"That's a bottle of healing pills, I don't know how you are still alive after welcoming Chin Sha's attack head-on, but still, the injuries you sustained are so terrible that I wonder how you manage to stay alive."

Xu An's eyes lit up upon hearing that, finally he could escape from this torturing pain! 

Without hesitation, he quickly swallowed all the pills in one gulp.

"Swallow a pill, if you take too much. Your body will full with qi, and for a First Stage Cultivator like you, storing that amount of qi might kill you."

"..." Xu An.

Shouldn't you have said that earlier? Xu An didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, contrary to what he expected. The qi had absorbed without any problem. It was far from enough to bring Xu An back to his peak.

But it was enough to fix his swollen face and bruises. Honestly, with those wounds, he looked like a pig.

He narrowed his eyes as he said in shock, are you kidding? That amount of energy is enough to heal someone at the Fourth Stage of Cloud Seven Apertures! Even to their peak! Yet my body still wanted more.

His mouth twitched slightly.

Following that, old Zhan turned his head to him. Seeing the bottle was empty, he stared at it blankly.

Shifting his line of sight to Xu An, he asked in disbelief, "did you swallow all of them?"

Xu An awkwardly laughed as he stroked his right cheek with his index finger, "ahaha… but don't worry, old Zhan. I'm okay!"

Blood vessels on his head bulged out in fury as he yelled, "You damn brat! Those medicinal pills are high quality and expensive! I buy them for my family!"

Xu An jolted in surprise upon old Zhan's sharp glare. If looks can kill, perhaps Xu An had already died more than a hundred times.

That wasn't the only thing, intense killing intent locked onto him, and he felt a heavy pressure in the air.

At this moment, Xu An's back was in a cold sweat.

"Old Zhan, don't be mad! I will compensate for this!"

Paused for a brief moment as he was hesitating, he continued, "That's right, my family has many pills and twice the quality! I will give you ten times what I just consumed!

"I can promise you that!" Xu An hurriedly promised.

Looking at the situation, he didn't have any option but to use his family's name to escape from this.

If he did not, Old Zhan would undoubtedly skin him alive!

"Can I believe your words?" Old Zhan asked doubtfully.

Xu An nodded vigorously. "Un, you can trust me."

Old Zhan's gaze looked deep into Xu An's eyes. Aware that his eyes were brimming with determination, old Zhan averted his line of sight.

Aware that old Zhan let the matter end. Xu An exuded a sigh of relief.

Because if old Zhan wanted something more, Xu An doubted that his clan was willing to accept his request.

Healing pills were quite expensive for ordinary members of the Xu clan. Let alone getting the high-quality ones. He couldn't even touch it!

Fortunately, Xu Yang is my little brother. Young master and candidate to become the next clan head. Surely he's going to help me, his elder brother. Right? Xu An thought to himself.

Anyhow, he thanked the heavens that old Zhan quickly let the matter aside, and his fury vaporized rather instantly.

It was because his heart was already about to leap out of his mouth! Old Zhan's sharp glare was just too terrifying! If not for his past lives that tempered his mind.

He probably shrunk in fear.