New Appearance

Then, as his fist was around a few inches away from Xu An. Killing intent erupted and the spiky man felt despair filling his heart.

It was as though he entered a monster den, a snake to be precise, without any preparation! It looked down on him in disdain as it slowly approached his neck.

He could only wait for his death.

Sweat began to flow down his cheek.

He instantly halted his attack as he retreated a few steps back. Xu An silently heaved a sigh of relief when seeing old Zhan's plan worked.

What he said to him was to stay calm and didn't do anything but when the enemy was already close, spill your killing intent to its absolute limit and imbued it with qi.

The spiky man's legs were trembling but he managed to hide it. 

That was the first time in his life he felt despair that great. What made him scared the most was the young man's killing intent.

Just how many people does this brat kill? The spiky man wondered in shock.

"Who are you? Do you not know who I am?" The spiky man asked warily.

"My name's Granger Redwood, the man who will conquer the Great Tower." Xu An chose his alias as he felt like it was the best when he was involved in troubles like this.

Furthermore, in his new identity. He could act as his real self! This was killing two birds with one stone!

"Granger Redwood? I'm Quixa, a High Commander in the Infantry. Granger, I have to ask you for a reason why you attack an officer, what do you have to yourself?"

Judging by his words, it seems there's room for a bargain, Xu An thought to himself.

Quixa didn't use his right as High Commander to quickly apprehend him. Those with that kind of position in Infantry could kill someone if the latter tried to attack him yet Quixa didn't, hence Xu An thought it that way.

Xu An didn't know why he didn't choose to kill him but this worked.

"Your hair… Why does it look like it's covered in pigeon shit?" Xu An casually remarked.

Quixa gnashed his teeth in anger while old Zhan laughed heartily.

Couldn't contain it any longer, his anger erupted. Quixa leaped forward in Xu An's way and Xu An turned his body around as he said, "let's run! Old Zhan!"

"You're the one who is being targeted. It doesn't have anything to do with me," replied old Zhan calmly.

Xu An wanted to say something but Quixa had already closed their distance to a great extent. Leaping off the boulder, he ran into the nearest alley, vanishing from his line of sight.

Chasing after him, Quixa frowned, why is he running? Isn't he stronger than me? It couldn't be that moment earlier, only a trick? But in truth, he's many times weaker than me?

"Brat! You're going to die!" He was enraged. Not only did he get tricked, but he also got mocked in public! The humiliation is unbearable.

Entering the alleyway, Quixa saw Xu An was still running but his speed was painfully slow. He was like a snail compared to Quixa who was as fast as a cat! Within seconds, he already caught up to him and blocked his path.

"It's futile. To think an ordinary brat like you dare to attack me and even insult me before the public.

"I'll cut your arms and feed it to the pigs." The edge of his lips curved as he smiled devilishly.

However, that smile was soon replaced by a twisted expression of anger. He gnashed his teeth as he said in fury, "I'll kill you once I find you again!"

What was in front of him wasn't Xu An but instead a wood statue of him! It was carved exactly like him and even a cultivator like Quixa couldn't tell the difference!

Not the appearance of course but Xu An's presence. It was no different from an inanimate object, undetected.




Phew, it's fortunate the kid has a technique to slip away from that kind of situation, Xu An sighed in relief and exited the clothes shop.

He was in his new appearance. His red scarf remained but his braided hair was no more but a long hair extended to his back, round glasses, a rhombus symbol on his forehead, a fox mask on his head, and a new robe that made him more charming.

He looked like a prince that decided to walk on the street.

Should he be like this in his past world, opportunities as a model might shine bright like the stars. He was ten times better than most top models!

Even as he walked, he attracted the attention of the ladies and they were captivated by his look.

The guys were turning their eyes red in envy upon his good look. If looks can be exchanged, Xu An would've been chased by the mob as though he was a freak chased out by the villagers!

I can't get used to this gaze, Xu An thought to himself.

He was an assassin. Someone who worked in the dark, someone who always acted silently without attracting attention.

So being in the center of attention such as now, he couldn't help but be uncomfortable.

Regardless of that feeling, he had no choice! He had to be a completely different person to escape from the eyes such as Quixa.

The only thing that has the same resemblance as his previous appearance was his scarf but Xu An wasn't bothered to change it, as it was only a sense of fashion.

Everyone who saw it would attribute it to that.

One more thing that must be mentioned. Xu An's handsome face was truly average but that was because the original Xu An didn't take care of his appearance that much.

Now, with his current setup. That 'average' was replaced by 'otherworldly'. Who would have thought a simple change would do this much?

Passing the alleyway Quixa had entered earlier. Xu An noticed he exited it with a furious expression.

As he walked, Quixa became aware of the ruckus Xu An made. As he was covered by the crowd, Quixa didn't know what caused it.

Entering the crowd to check what the cause was, he saw a man with abnormally good facial features. He looked like a person with high status taking a stroll on the street.

Though, he soon frowned when noticing the red scarf around his neck. However, he didn't relate to Xu An.

The person before him, his presence was as bright as the stars. A complete contradiction to the young man he chased.

He quickly viewed the scarf as a coincidence and probably trending in the public.

And, what made Quixa certain this person wasn't Xu An in disguise was his smell. It was entirely different.

Xu An heaved a sigh of relief as he knew Quixa left the crowd.

What's with troubles coming one after another? Did I provoke Lady Luck at some point? He said to himself in a self-deprecating manner.

After a few minutes of walking under the spotlight, he arrived at the Xu Clan's manor.

Although the capital setting was that of ancient china. There was some European culture in it. This was because the capital was once a kingdom like London in its steaming age.

On the streets, houses and buildings were different. While one was built on stories, the other was built with only one floor.

The manor was the remnant of the kingdom. It was built in European style, surrounded by a black fence and a majestic gate.

Before the manor, many beautiful men and women paired up in a line as they waited for their turn to give their invitation cards to the guards before entering it.

Just as Xu An was about to join the line, he heard someone yelling and cursing from his left side.

Shifting his line of sight to the source, he saw a beautiful girl wearing a ruby necklace, expensive earrings as they seemed to be made of rare crystals, and a golden ring on her pinky finger.

Her expression was that of arrogance as she looked down at a boy. The latter sat on the ground with a look of anger on his face.

"A lowly dog like you dares to look at me that way? How arrogant!" The girl kicked the boy's head and he collapsed to the ground.

"You should know if not for World's Empire interference, you will be no different than livestock!" She kept going with her kicking but this time, she kicked his stomach.

The boy curved like a shrimp as he endured the pain. The guests observed with an emotionless face.

Some even formed a smile.

"Young miss! Please stop, he could die! No matter what, he's still a resident of our empire!

"Should he die because of an abuse, the Infantry will not let the matter go that easily!"

"Why? This ant is a nameless nobody! Why would they go as far as seeking justice for him?"

The butler was an old man in his sixties. He was tall and thin, making him rather weak but his cultivation base was stronger than anyone here.

"It's because the Teresreal people are given a special standing by the World's Empire! If we kill one of them openly, it's no different than opposing the World's Empire's decision!"

Teresreal was the kingdom Jade Empire annihilated.

She was a bit reluctant but said with a cold snort, "hmph! Consider yourself lucky."

After that, she turned her body around and joined the line.

The boy was still in his shrimp position. Knowing staying in such a position any longer only humiliated himself, he endured the pain as he went back to his feet.

Still though, the kick he got just weakened his body to a great extent. A sense of fatigue soon flooded his senses, he could only stand for a few seconds before falling with eyes closed.

In the beginning, he thought he was going to hit the ground, hard.

But instead, he felt a pair of hands grabbing his small body, preventing him from falling.

Opening his eyes, he saw the face that saved him. If he was a girl, he would fall in love with him almost immediately!

"Are you okay?" Xu An asked worriedly.

He came at the right time. When he noticed the boy about to fall, he quickly reacted. He wasn't cold-hearted enough to see a child suffered.

In a daze, the boy snapped back to reality as he replied with a nod, "ah, yes, I'm okay. Thank you, uncle."

Xu An's mouth slightly twitched, I'm still sixteen!