Anything Can Happen

Hiding in the bush, Xu An peeked out, and what he saw next shocked him.

Morgiana on the side was confused as she noticed this and could not help but to ask, "What's wrong Xu An? What did you see?"

"See it yourself," Xu An replied as he moved to the side, letting Morgiana see what he saw.

Morgiana did not waste any time and peeked through the bushes. Her eyes narrowed upon the scene.

"They are all goblins! But their size is many times shorter and they are dressed in weird clothes! But they look somewhat cute."

Human figure but with green skin, pointy sharp ears, ugly and known to kill and steal. They usually wore simple clothes made out of an animal hide.

But this time, their clothes were processed and became colorful, not bland brown. They also had sharp pointy hats on their heads. They looked like gnomes but with green skin and sharp ears.

Gnomes were already creepy but this gnome, looking goblin, exceeded that. No doubt.

Hence, when Xu An heard Morgiana, the edge of his lips twitched as he said inwardly in a self-deprecating manner, how is that even cute? There's something wrong with you.

"They are the recently identified creature in this Spatmension Great Forest. They are called Goblin Gnomes," Morgiana suddenly explained.

"You know a lot."

Morgiana retracted her gaze to him as she said, "I've been subscribing to this article which talks about this forest lately. You do know, right? That this forest has unstable tine and space. Creatures from other worlds and dimensions sometimes ended here.

"It's unknown why though."

Morgiana paused as she continued by pointing her finger to the tree near them, "Look over there."

Xu An shifted his line of sight to where Morgiana was pointing and saw a rather familiar animal. Next, he frowned as he thought to himself, that thing, isn't that…

"It's called Lazypoke," Morgiana said.

Xu An then said sarcastically to himself, whoever gave the name has a great naming sense.

The animal had long arms and shaggy fur. They resemble monkeys. It was none other than Sloth! No, not that author Sloth.

"Who gave the name?" Xu An asked curiously as he continued to observe the Goblin Gnomes movement.

"It is the Emperor of Humanity Himself." Morgiana replied.

Xu An grunted in acknowledgement. He did not know what to say because Lazypoke was fitting for a Sloth but the name did not make them look cooler, it was the opposite.

"Speaking of which, I've heard rumors from the customers in my pub. There is a walking treasure. I recalled something about a rare flower and only with luck one could find it," Morgiana suddenly informed.

"Luck, huh. Then our chance of finding it is low."

Without waiting for her response.

"Are they dangerous?" Xu An pondered as he pointed his finger to the goblins.

"According to the article, they are as vicious as the goblins we knew. Though, they are neutral. They will not attack you unless you enter their territory or provoke them but seeing that flag, it seems we will be torn to pieces if we got discovered," Morgiana explained.

Looking at the flag, which was a drawn face of a goblin with a smile and right, forget to mention this but the drawing was bad.

This told itself this piece of land was their territory and Xu An and Morgiana were outside of that.

The Goblin Gnomes were in a pack and so they did not dare to act recklessly.

"Morgiana, look up there," Xu An pointed with his chin to a cage and in it. There lies a man with a furious face.

The man was shackled and that caused him to not be able to circulate his qi. He was no different than an ordinary man.

His hands were grabbing the bars as he yelled furiously, "Oi bastards! Didn't I just tell you small brains that I accidentally entered your territory!"

However, his words were ignored by the Goblin Gnomes. They instead talked amongst themselves as though they discussed something.

For them at least, it sounded gibberish. What they were saying was.

"Hey, look at that monkey. What's he doing? He seems to be saying something."

After a short pause, one goblin said as if he found the answer, he said so with his voice slightly pitched, "That's right! He probably begged us for forgiveness! He probably wants to compensate us with something as his way to apologize."

The other goblins looked at this goblin in admiration.

"Hey, you f**king sh**s! Release me this once! I'll cut you ugly b**tards to pieces and feed it to the pigs! My boss is Chin Sha! If you kill me, my boss will deal with you guys! You guys are going to die miserably and your entire race is going extinct!"

Xu An heard this frowned as he thought to himself, this guy is Chin Sha's subordinate? What's he doing here?

"Xu An, this is a chance!" Morgiana said through qi telepathy.

Xu An retracted his gaze to her. Morgiana's hatred towards Chin Sha penetrated her bones, she would not hesitate to kill his subordinates.

"Wait, Morgiana. We should watch first," Xu An suggested. Hesitated for a brief moment, Morgiana nodded.

Next, the cage descended to the ground.

"Oh? Finally, want to release me? But it's too late! I'll kill you all!" The person said but to the goblins, it sounded gibberish and annoying.

"Hey, could someone shut this monkey up? He's noisy."

Finally, one of them snapped and ordered the others so he shut up by tossing in a tiny bottle with an ant in it.

It then grew in size as the bottle was broken to pieces until it stopped at the size of a cat.

The cage itself was quite spacious, enough to contain three people and so, the person was wondering why but now, he knew the reason.

The person's eyes dilated as he quickly shut up.

The red ant with two horns loved loud noises. They would approach the noise and come to the source to eat it.

If the person kept shouting, the ant might lunge forward with its jaws to his neck so it could eat his vocal cords. It was a terrifying thing to imagine.

For a brief moment, the person could not hold his calm as he looked at the ant with a terrified look. However, that lasted briefly.

Gaining his calm, the person observed the ant. The latter did not move as he shut his mouth.

The ant observed him and occasionally, it tilted its head. The jaw sometimes moved and it made the person's nerves tighten.

What should I do? Should I kill it? The person thought to himself as he looked at his feet.

He was hesitating. The reason was that the ant attracted a rather dangerous being when it died.

Following this line of thought, the person had thought and smiled.

He retracted his gaze from the ant to the goblins. His eyes squinted in ridicule.

What a bunch of fools, the person sneered inside.

"COME HERE, YOU UGLY CREATURE!" In the next moment, the person shouted at top of his lungs. The ant was startled but it was happy hearing that noise.

It lunged forward with its jaw, which looked like a scissor and one's neck would be cut!

However, the person was someone experienced in battles and had been through many things.

Especially fighting beasts like this and so, he was prepared as his right boot let out a sharp blade.

Next, he raised his feet as the blade penetrated the ant's skull. His movement was precise and the ant was beheaded before it realized it.

Before it knew, its vision turned dark and consciousness quickly faded away.

This scene was coming ever so abruptly! The goblins were panicking as they let out startled screams.

"Kill him!" One of them shouted as it rushed forward with a small knife and the others followed with weapons in their hands. The goblins knew what the corpse would attract and so, they did not waste any time killing Chin Sha's subordinate.

Unfortunately, they weren't quick enough. Just as their weapons were about to hit the person, something came out of the forest and immediately rushed to where the corpse was.

It was a humongous white serpent with red, glowing eyes, and on its forehead, there was a yellow flower.

It hissed as it noticed the goblins and the person. Next, with its body, it rammed at them

The goblins scattered to the air like ragdolls and the person was no exception.

They landed one after another with heavy thud and dust filled the air.

"That flower," said Xu An as he narrowed his eyes.

His knowledge of flowers was exceptional. He could tell what it was by a glance.

"It's that rare flower! It allows one to increase one's Qiya's quality!" Morgiana exclaimed. Simply put, it increased her power.

Not only that, it increased your cultivation progress by many times, Xu An said to himself and was tempted to get it.

This was the same as Morgiana.

The both of them then looked at each other and their gaze clashed, one could see sparks.

"Morgiana, as your master. Why don't you allow me to have it?" Xu An said.

"That's funny, Xu An. I thought we're best friends. As friends, we should help one another, can you do me a favor by letting me have it?"

Earlier they were close friends but right now, they were enemies!