The Good Guys aren't Always Good. They Sometimes Could Be Your Worst Nightmare.

Not letting his greed get the better of him, Xu An recommended, "Morgiana, why don't we work together to get it and then we decide what to do with it? There's no need for us to injure our relationship over a flower."

Morgiana pondered for a short moment as she pinched her chin before nodding, "Alright, the enemy is powerful too. We only haste our death if we fight with each other."

Morgiana agreed with Xu An's proposal.

"What are we going to do with Chin Sha's subordinate then?" Xu An asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Let him die!" Morgiana replied without hesitation.

Xu An fell in thought for a few seconds and he nodded as he had an idea, "Wait, Morgiana. I have ways to deal with him, it would not be fun if he died just like that. He's going to have it easy." Xu An grinned like a devil.

Morgiana noticed this and felt a bit terrified and surprised. Why she was surprised was because this was the first time she saw him doing that.

Who knew a kind person like Xu An could be a devil? But the fact he became so for her, Morgiana somehow touched.

"Un, that sounds like a good idea," Morgiana said with a smile.

The cage crashed to the ground and it was broken, the person was no longer a prisoner. However, with the shackle, it could not be said otherwise.

Aside from the injuries on his head and right arm, he was okay. Though, his head was buzzing when the cage crashed.

It took a few seconds before his head returned to normal.

The person then lifted his eyes to the snake, which was heading to the corpse. 

While that thing got distracted, this is my chance to run! The person said to himself as he ran. But just as he was about to, he noticed something on top of the snake.

Wait, hold on, that's… Jackpot! The person's eyes were brimming with greed and joy.

But then he realized the shackle on his hands and was dejected. There was a treasure in front of him yet he cannot get it. What a harsh reality!

The serpent was a powerful creature, for ordinary humans at least but to him, it was nothing! He could defeat the serpent!

Unfortunately, he was no different than an ordinary human. He only killed himself should he try his luck killing it.

"Hey! Are you alright!" Suddenly, a voice came from the side. Turning his head to the source, the person saw a rather familiar face. It was Xu An.

It's this kid! What's he doing here? The person was alarmed and attempted to launch an attack once Xu An got closer.

Hold on, he does not know I'm Chin Sha's subordinate and from the captain's words, he's a powerful cultivator. If I could use him to face that snake and snatch the treasure, hehe, the person said to himself and ended it with a cold laugh inwardly.

"Yeah! I'm alright! Could you help me free myself from this shackle?" The person begged.

Xu An arrived on the person's side as he nodded, "Un! What's your name? What's going on?"

"My name is Fred. I'm on my search for herbs to sell but then get captured! These evil beings are harmful to humans! We must kill them together, brother! Especially that snake!

"If we let it run wild, it would attack the city sooner or later!"

Xu An's expression turned grim. Although that may be the case, he was in truth having fun with his acting.

He did, however, felt danger towards the serpent, but he was confident in beating it.

"That's not good! We must stop it!" Xu An then retracted his gaze to the serpent.

"Indeed, help me break this shackle with your sword then," Fred said.

"Fred, I need your help. As you're no different than a mortal, your cultivation fluctuation cannot be detected. I want you to attack it while I get distracted," Xu An suggested. Fred paused as he was making a decision.

"Then why don't you be the one who wears this and I'm the one who attacks it?" Fred pondered.

"We're strangers and I cannot believe you yet." Xu An shook his head.

"Then I'm the same," Fred said.

"Are you sure? Those goblins are different from ordinary ones. They are proficient in tracking and that shackle absorbs your stamina the more you run.

"If you help me, I'll help you break that shackle and give you a part of that serpent. Its meat is popular among the nobles." Xu An explained the benefits Fred might get.

Fred fell silent as he was making a decision in his mind.

Finally, after a few seconds, he said as he agreed, "Very well, I'll help you but how could I trust your words? You can run away before you fulfill your promise."

"Then let's just pretend we did not make a deal." Xu An left Fred as he approached the serpent.

"Wait! Wait! Fine! I'll do it!" Fred hurriedly said. Although Xu An seemed shady, Free got a faint feeling he could trust his words. 

As a cultivator, it could not be underestimated. It was often a good sign from one's subconscious.

Xu An smiled like a little devil before turning his head around.

"Nice to work with you, Free!" Xu An smiled. Fred clicked his tongue.

"So how am I supposed to attack the serpent if my hands are like this?" Fred pondered.

Xu An casually replied as he gave Fred a random blade, "Here."

Fred accepted it, "but my hands…"

"It will work out somehow. I'm leaving the surprise attack to you, Fred!" Xu An rushed forward to the serpent without waiting for his response. The serpent was already wreaking havoc after it ate the ant.

As Xu An was rushing forward, Fred noticed something odd.

His steps… he said inwardly as he narrowed his eyes. Leaving the oddity for a second, Fred did what Xu An told. He silently approached the serpent as he was looking for its weakness.

Xu An leaped forward as he raised his sword and slashed from his right side to his left.

The serpent was caught off guard as Xu An's presence was unnoticeable. His attack cut deeper.

Landing on the ground, blood gushed out as the serpent let out a painful and furious shriek.

"Now, Fred!" Xu An shouted.

"Alright!" Fred dashed to the serpent's blind spot and embedded the dagger into it, or so he thought.

"Hmm?" Fred's expression turned grave as he realized the blade bent! It did not even scratch its skin!

"Crap," he said before the serpent whipped him with its tail. His body flew as he crashed a tree, the latter's upper body collapsed to the ground.

Fred was coughing out blood.

"You ba**ard! You lied to me!" Fred cursed.

Xu An did not bat an eye at him as he kept dodging the serpent's attacks, which was lunging at him with its mouth, showing its two sharp fangs.

When it did, Xu An moved his body to the right, sometimes to the left. Dodging the attack and this kept going as Xu An slowly came to Fred's side.

And when he arrived.

"Sorry, I accidentally gave you a kitchen knife. Here's the real deal," Xu An said as he tossed a dagger to him. 

"Why the hell did you bring a kitchen knife in the first place?!" Fred expressed his doubts.

"That's because anything could happen here. What would happen if I suddenly wanted to eat a wild animal on the spot? It's a drag using a sword to remove the skin or organs," Xu An replied.

But then, something strange happened. The serpent stopped its attack.

"Why did it stop?" Xu An blurted out.

"Probably because you dodged all of its attacks and it crushed its fighting spirit? It even panting heavily," Fred replied as he pointed his finger to the serpent.

Indeed, the serpent was tired and began to wonder if killing Xu An was worth the trouble.

The serpent probably thought, damn this human is like a cockroach. Is killing him worth it? His flesh isn't much either.

With that, the serpent turned to flee.

"It's running away," Fred said as he was surprised. A creature like that would not stop trying to kill you once you injured it!

Yet right now… it was unbelievable.

"Fred, it's your fault it runs away," Xu An said as he was displeased.

"?" Fred wore a confused expression and before he knew it, Xu An carried him by the waist.

"What are you doing? Hey! Let me down!" Fred hurriedly said but Xu An ignored him completely.

"You have to take responsibility!" Xu An threw Fred as though he was a spear.



But it was too late. He was flying in the air as fast as an arrow. He pierced through the air as he was heading toward the serpent.

Left with no choice, Fred had to follow the flow by raising his arms to the same level as his head. Directing the sharp point of the dagger at the serpent.

"He's a spear alright," Morgiana said as she was pleased. She was healing the injured goblins the whole time and Fred's human spear attracted her attention.

Suddenly, the serpent used its tail at Fred. The latter could not do anything as he was in the air.

The tail then smashed him with speed beyond one's eyes could perceive. Even for Xu An, he saw it blurry.


Fred crashed to the ground as his eyes rolled back and his mouth spurted out blood. The impact caused a meter-deep crater and dust filled the air.

"He's dead," Xu An said.

"He's dead," Morgiana said.

They were both in sync.