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My name is Fred. Born in an average family in a peaceful, small kingdom. My mom is an Alchemy, she rarely refined pills though, and did more research about herbs and plants.

My dad is a bounty hunter. He's a powerful one at that.

I have a little sister, she's cute and pretty just like mom. She wanted to be a great Alchemy just like her and I showed my support, she was very happy.

I helped the family by hunting beasts and selling them to the market.

This was a peaceful life, until one day. That happened.

Dad had always been making enemies left and right as he became a victim of revenge from those people he caught.

Most of the time though, dad proficiently handled the trouble. However, not this time.

One time, dad catches a man with a bounty of 3 million Yakhu. That amount of money is enough to live without working and one could spend it without a care in the world.

Dad's name soared to the entire kingdom and he became popular overnight. As his son, I was proud and admired him even more.

Unfortunately, that did not last long as the man dad caught is one of the important men in Chin Sha's guild.

It then came abruptly, a bunch of people invaded the kingdom, ensuing chaos and fire.

My dad was their main target yet they chose to destroy the kingdom. It was obvious they were trying to show despair and regret to my dad, as well as a warning to the others to not mess with them.

Of course, at that time, I was just a child. I didn't know why they destroyed the kingdom if their target was my dad.

Because of that, he willingly gave himself to Chin Sha, hoping the latter would stop his subordinates from running amok.

But Chin Sha… that b*stars. He told the truth. He did not want to capture my dad in the first place. My dad was just a reason, Chin Sha's original goal was my mom!

Learning the truth from him, I learned that my mom was an amazing Alchemy in the past which had done many unbelievable feats!

I was flabbergasted and felt betrayed. To think mom hid her past from her son. Didn't that mean she had no trust towards us? Aren't we family?

The same as my dad. Although they were married, they never delved much deeper into their past. But dad was not as betrayed as I am.

His expression returned to calm after a few seconds of shock.

After that, I recalled myself saying terrible things to my mom. How she had no trust in her family. Saying that her love and care for me was only fake. Saying… sigh, what a terrible and regretful thing I said.

In the next moment, I don't know what just happened. It happened so suddenly.

My mom committed suicide.

After I said those words, my mom probably hurt inside. No, not probably, it was definite.

It's my fault. No, it's Chin Sha's fault. If he wasn't here, something like this was not going to happen!

After mom died, dad screamed as he mourned. He then rushed to Chin Sha, wanting to kill him but he was killed before landing a hit.

That powerful and amazing person died easily before my eyes.

When my mom died, my heart felt like it was being stabbed by sharp blades, and when he died. Someone poured salt into the wound and the blades cut deeper.

It was stifling. It was hurt. It was painful.

The powerlessness I felt at that time.

The helplessness I felt.

The hatred I felt for him.

The strong desire to kill Chin Sha I felt.

The act of revenge flared in my heart.

It was something a child must not feel or think. Because once they were, they were no longer children.

But rather, a terrifying nightmare.

[End Fred's POV].

Chin Sha did not know what he did at that time would turn his life into a night with no end, only despair and fear.




Fred slowly opened his eyes and saw Xu An's face, staring at him.

"You!" Fred jolted his torso upward but ended up bumping his head with Xu An.

Xu An groaned in pain as he rubbed his forehead to ease the pain. The same as Fred.

"What's your deal?!" Xu An yelled as he was furious.

"You're the one in the way! It's not my fault!" Fred retorted.

"What did you say? You're the one who suddenly gets up!"

"You two, shut up." Morgiana, who was sitting beside Xu An, closed her book and slapped their heads.

"Ouch!" They shouted as their sound reverberated in the air. Even the birds resting on the tree flew away.

After they calmed down, Fred asked, "where am I? What happened to the serpent?"

Xu An with stacked bumps on his head replied, "we're in the goblins clinic."

"Clinic? Those green creatures have such a place?" Fred was shocked.

Goblins were known to be dumb although they have intelligence. Even though given enough time they could evolve to be like humans, it would require a lot of time.

As of now, what they were known as was a creature that was good at killing and plundering.

"It's a special case to Goblin Gnomes," Morgiana paused as she continued, "they are not from here. They are coming from another world, perhaps from another universe."

"From another world? I see, so they're not the goblins we knew." Fred grasped Morgiana's words.

"Indeed, right now. Their village is no different than the main town in small kingdoms. A clinic is to be expected," Morgiana said.

"I understand but I don't understand one part. Why did you help me?" Fred retracted his gaze to Xu An.

"You have an interesting story so why not? I coincidentally made an enemy out of Chin Sha and since you want to kill him, why don't we help each other?" Xu An proposed.

"Don't want to," Fred quickly replied without hesitation.

"Good choice, we're now an ally… wait, what did you say?"

Fred's expression changed to that of irritation, "Why do I have to work together with you after what you've done? You were bullying me when we fought that serpent!"

His voice raised in the end.

"Bullying?" Xu An played being clueless as he tilted his head, "what are you talking about? It's only an accident that I gave you a kitchen knife."

"No! That's entirely on purpose! I knew you recognized me as Chin Sha's subordinate!" Fred got up from his bed as pointed his finger at Xu An.

"That's only the past. Why do you have to be excited about it? It can't be that you like to be treated that way?"

"Of course not! I'm not a masochist!" Fred rebuked.

"At any rate, Xu An's words are genuine. He wanted your help," Morgiana intervened in their argument.

"You're his friend so it's obvious you're on his side. Before we continued, what happened after I fell unconscious? Why do the goblins let us enter their town? What happened to the serpent? And how do you guys know that I have deep grudges against Chin Sha?" Fred continuously asked as he sat down.

"Prior to the answer. Let us introduce ourselves first, my name is Morgiana."

"My name's Xu An, the man who will become a famous scholar cultivator!" Xu An introduced himself differently.

"What happened to conquer the Great Tower?" Morgiana raised one of her eyebrows.

"Of course that's one too. I mean, conquering the Great Tower is in the same line as becoming a famous scholar cultivator. My name spread to everyone in the end."

"Heh, what kind of scholar used brute strength?" Fred snorted.