Immortal Prophet (1)

Xu An explained what had happened and Heileen's smile turned dark. 

"Master, can I go turn them into ice sculptures?" 

Her expression was not exactly mad but her slight eyebrows twitch and the aura she exuded was something that made you want to run and hide.

Xu An did not budge at all. He had seen worse in his previous life. For example, a ticking down hydrogen bomb with 00:03 seconds left. A small remote that could make an AI rebel and fight against humanity that almost fell to the wrong hand and he successfully destroyed it and many other amazing feats, which had nothing to do with the story but just for the word count.

Anyway, the point was Xu An was calm.

"Sure, go ahead but not right now. I have to catch a train– er… I mean carriage."

When Xu An said 'train', Heileen tilted her head to the side but when she heard him saying catch a carriage, she imagined Xu An catching a carriage thrown by god who knew who.

Her head tilted even further as her expression was total confusion.

"What's wrong?" Xu An pondered as he frowned.

"Master, are you strong enough to catch a carriage? Also, what is a train?" She asked.

Xu An expected the train part but in the first part, he was confused and curious. How did this girl's brain even work?

"I mean I have to go there as fast as possible before it's too late. For your last question, you don't have to think about it. It's something I made up. Is that all? If so, we're going." Xu An got up from his seat and put it back where it belonged, under the desk.

After that, the black flower came to his vision and Xu An recalled the flower seed.

"Master, this flower…" Heileen said slowly as she raised from Xu An's bed and reached out her hand to softly touch one of the flower petals.

The flower nudged a bit.




Fifteen to twenty-five people gathered around five though meters away from the hut as the latter let out a warm light.

"Are you sure this is the place where you see that beast?" The man who almost found Xu An asked.

"Yes, I'm certain! It's a humongous butterfly creature with blue wings." One of them said with a frightening expression. Pale as paper and shivering as though in a cold.

"It's probably his tamed beast. Take in mind that he's someone from a prominent family and is someone precious to the Xu clan's young master. It is quite low for someone like that to be left unprotected," the man speculated. As his words did make sense, everyone was convinced if it was the case.

"We must not let that beast get away. We have to catch it! That person will be delighted and reward us handsomely!" One of them shouted. It sparks a fighting spirit in them. The frightened dudes were filled with flames of courage, or rather greed.

With greed deprived them to fight. The group's morale increased. It felt wrong, however, that greed was the cause but in this world. Results were everything.

Just as everyone was about to rush to the hut and beat the beast.

"Everyone! Listen up!" The intelligent man yelled on top of his lungs. Everyone fell silent almost instantly.

"I know you guys are excited but we need a clear head. We don't know anything about the beast, how are you idiots going to fight without a plan?"

Being called idiots truly infuriating but they could not do anything about it. They truly wanted to rush in and beat the crap out of it.

"Why do we need a plan when we have a fighting spirit?!" One of them pondered as he raised his clenched fist.

"That's right!"

"Plans are for the weak without muscles!"

"We are warriors! Unafraid of death!"

And everyone agreed as they let out a battle cry. Amongst it, some opinion of denying making a plan could be heard albeit a bit muffled.

Seeing this, the woman softly muttered as she crossed her arms, "idiots."

It wasn't heard by anyone as their shout filled the air.

"Shut up, you fools!" The man yelled as he was infuriated. His shout brought everyone to their senses. They hurriedly closed their mouths, as they were afraid the man would start a massacre if they made him angrier.

"I don't need men that do not follow orders! If you're, come forward!" He said as his voice entered everyone's ears.

After he said so, no response from the crowd.

"You guys know me so I'll skip the lecture. Five of you block any possible retreat point when I say so. Ten of you circled the hut and four of you came with me to fight the creature. The rest follow Leanne's command."

Leanne was the name of the woman that just said, idiot.

Anywho, without waiting for their response. 

"So here's the plan…" the intelligent man said in a low voice.

After a few minutes of discussing the plan. All of them nodded with a smile. Confidence filled them as they saw victory before the battle even began.

The intelligent man and his four men approached the hut as their qi and presence were perfectly concealed. It would be hard for Xu An to detect them.

Just as they were about to barge in. Something happened. They instantly stopped what they were doing.

"So you're saying this flower is a treasure that causes never-ending wars in the Lost Epoch?" Xu An sounded perplexed and amazed. His voice was muffled due to the wall but it was crystal clear for the cultivators outside.

The four men including the intelligent man had their curiosity increased. This impacted their plan considerably as they stopped themselves from barging in.

However, it was not them decide that but instead the intelligent man 

The four looked at the man as they wanted his answer. The man pondered for a short moment.

A few seconds later, the man nodded.

In the room, Xu An was oblivious of what was going on outside. However, he got that faint feeling that something was not right.

It was quite faint that Xu An subconsciously ignored it.

"Yeah, I vividly remember it. This thing could be compared to Pandora's box. If only we did not open that meteor. The world would not be as it is today," explained Heileen as she sat on the bed rather gloomily.

"We probably traveled the stars and lived there." Heileen looked up as her eyes flashed with regret and remorse.

"Where did you get it, Master?" Heileen pondered curiously as she retracted her gaze towards Xu An.

"A boy gave it to me," replied Xu An the truth. He was not afraid at all that Heileen might trick or betray him.

As one said, he knew liars and betrayals from a glance.

"A boy?" Heileen did not believe his words as her expression was that doubt.

"It's up to you to believe it or not. By the way, so you're from the Lost Epoch? Can you tell me what's going on there? How did everything related to it disappear? No records of it could be seen."

On the outside, the intelligent man pricked his ears up as he unknowingly move closer to the hut 

After a long pause, Heileen shook her head, "Sorry, Master. It's not that I don't want to tell you but the contract of [redacted] strictly prohibits us from telling the humans anything and everything regarding the Lost Epoch. I'm sorry," apologized Heileen.

"It's okay. If it's that easy to know it. I'm sure the world had changed a long time ago."

Considering the number of people who had a Paladin, that would not be an exaggeration.

"Master, I forgot to tell you this. No one in the Lost Epoch became a Paladin except thirteen people," Heileen reminded Xu An rather casually.

However, Xu An felt like the information Heileen gave was quite important.

One wanted to point out that every information regarding the Lost Epoch could be exchanged with a million Yakhu!

"Wait, you told me anything and everything regarding the Lost Epoch is a bane…" Xu An pondered.

*If it's something a majority of people know. It isn't," replied Heileen.

The majority of people, Xu An recited in his mind rather softly and at the same time, he narrowed his eyes.

"Oh right, I forgot. There is one person and he's not a Paladin but he should be alive if nothing major happened to him. "Somewhere on this planet, he blends in in society, lives normally, or perhaps secludes himself in a mountain. I want to meet him."

Heileen's last few words were slower, lower, and a bit sad as she sounded like she missed that person.

"Who is he?" Xu An asked.

"Since he's still alive. I guess it is not breaching the contract. Alright, I'll tell you. He is a prophet that drank Chronos River. A drop increased your lifespan by a thousand years. Rumors said that he took a mug full of it but I'm not pretty sure."

"You believe in it?" Xu An asked skeptically.

" wonder how he's doing now."