
"You can use Arcane Energy?" The man pondered as he slowly circled Heileen. Seeing this, Heileen stayed on her spot but her attention was entirely focused on him.

"Arcane Energy? It seems the name has changed. We used to call it Arcane Magic," responded Heileen.

"You're from the Lost Epoch, yes? Are you sure you want to tell me something from that era? Isn't it prohibited?" The man wondered.

"You worried about your enemy? How cute. The majority of people already know so it's okay. Looks like you've heard our talk." Heileen narrowed her eyes.

"How much have you heard?" Heileen asked as she did not wait for him to utter a sound.

"Everything, including the treasure that caused the never-ending war in the Last Epoch," replied the man as he smiled like a devil.

"That adds more reason to kill you," Heileen sneered. It had been a long time since she hadn't had a battle.

"You're a perfect training partner. Warm me up, will you?" Heileen said as she stretched her right and left arm.

Not long after, she tilted her head to the left and right rather quickly. One could hear cracking noises.

"Depends on you. Don't disappoint me, alright? My opponent never lasted twenty seconds." The man assumed a fighting stance.

In the next instant, his figure vanished from the spot as though he had teleported. But he was not, his speed was simply too outstanding for normal eyes to follow.

All except for Heileen, she could see him as if he's running.


The man appeared next to Heileen and aimed his punch at her abdomen. Heileen responded with a sharp and deadly kick. One could hear the wind whistling as it traversed in an arc.

The man's eyes shrink upon her kick. He hurriedly halted his attack as he dodged by crouching. Heileen's kick went past his hair, the man could feel the wind in the process.

If he got that kick, his head may be like a baseball being hit by a bat, blown away for hundreds of meters. Leaving his body headless as it plopped to the ground.

This woman is crazy! Just who on earth is she? I never see someone as powerful as her in the city! The man was alarmed as he regretted the decision of fighting her.

He dodged her attack was pure luck.

The man instantly leaped backward a few times as he was retreating.

Considering his disadvantage in strength, it would be anything but a foolish and reckless act to continue fighting.

"You're going to run?" Heileen raised her brows and smiled, "Do you think I'll let you?!" She extended her right hand at him and various spiky ice was shot continuously like a submachine gun.

"Argh!" The man groaned in pain.

The man dodged most of her attacks but some had penetrated his legs, arms, and his weak spot. Regardless, he continued to move.

Should he stop, his body might be filled with ice spikes.

"Who are you?" The man asked as he frowned.

"A girl who's going to kick your ass!" Heileen stopped what she was doing and rushed at the man. In the process, she makes a trail of dust.

The man's eye dilated as he felt indescribable danger coming at him and he also felt death crawling behind his back.

"Wait!" He yelled as he covered his body with his arms. Qi overflowed his body as he used all of his defense battle techniques.

Unlucky for him, Heileen ignored his words.

Heileen let out a deafening battle cry as her right hand turned to ice blue and covered with ice. It looked like the sharp claw of an ice dragon.

Slashing it at him, the man's defense was broken in an instant, and three deep cuts across his chest until his stomach was formed.

Blood gushed out as the man's eyes rolled back. His mouth was agape as he shrieked in pain.


But that was not all. After being slashed, frost suddenly appeared on the cut and gradually spread to his entire body! It started slow but then. In an instant, he was engulfed in ice.

The ice dropped to the ground and changed to billions of pieces. Immediately afterward, it was vaporized as it turned to faint white smoke.

One could hear vague steam noises.


Heileen halted her pace as she swung her right hand from left to right. The blood on it splashed on the ground.

Later, the ice claws gradually fade away.

Heileen let out a soft sigh. It had been a while since she had a fight and she had to admit she was getting rusty.

Proof of that was when the intelligent man somehow passed her and heavily injured Xu An.

Thankfully, she got serious in the next instant and beat the crap out of the man before ending his life.

She hated when a corpse turned into nothing but it was an exception to those who had injured Xu An, her Master.

Heileen approached Xu An and realized that Xu An had stabilized himself. Heck, she sensed qi around him fluctuate as though Xu An was cultivating.

Is he cultivating subconsciously? No way, right? Only a few can do that, Heileen thought to herself as she abruptly had a strange belief in her mind.

No way her Master was that special, right?

Shaking her head, Heileen touched the cage of ice. It turned to particles of light as the cage gradually vanished. Particles of light flew to the air as wind guided it to somewhere.

After the cage disappeared, Heileen sat and gently stroked Xu An's hair with a soft smile.

"Thank god, you're okay. Master."

After she said that, she retracted her gaze to Chu Zen, which was still in ice. Heileen narrowed her eyes in anger as she rose from the ground and at a slow pace, walked towards Chu Zen.

"W-wait! I can explain, he's acting on his own! I've told him many times to stop his attacks but he did not listen" Chu Zen explained with her voice trembling. How could she not? Heileen was walking towards her with thick killing intent and clear fury and hatred. It was as though Chu Zen had killed Heileen's kin and wanted revenge!

"Regardless, it is your goal to kill my master," said Heileen rather coldly.

"We're not! We just want to talk with him!"

"Then is there a need to barge in with killing intent? Your lie is as disgusting as your struggle to live. The world has enough liars, killing one may not make any difference but it does make some people's life easier."

Heileen's aura got more intimidating and terrifying the more she walked closer to Chu Zen.

"Please, no. You'll regret it!"




A day ago, after Xu An left his little brother's room.

"Master, is it alright to send him such a dangerous mission? His strength is not enough to take them down and he might get killed before he does something to them," a girl next to Xu Yang asked. It was his Paladin.

"I have to be honest, I don't have much hope for him," replied Xu Yang as he played with the gun by spinning it with his index finger as though it was a basketball.

"Then why?"

"Because I trust him. No other answers, he could do it despite his lack of power," replied Xu Yang as he stopped spinning the pistol and held it as he aimed it at the door.

"Forget about that, how're the things with the Chu clan? Has the future changed?" He asked as he made a fake motion of shooting as the pistol recoiled with no bullet exiting its barrel.

"Yeah, the Xu clan and the Chu clan will not become arch enemies in the future but instead greatly prosper. Marrying one of the talented members of the clan to them is a wise decision, Master.

"According to the vision I saw, their children might become a powerful and most important figure in the world. Our business and the like will reach a point where no young masters have achieved!" The girl was excited.

Xu Yang nodded as the edge of his lips curved, sneering, "For the clan, I'll do everything. Even if it meant turning myself to the bad guy."

In the next moment, his smile Instantly vanished, "Grand Nobles, those guys consider themselves special and get a golden spoon as soon as they are born.

"They are a bunch of spoiled kids who barely could do anything with their lives except whining to the World's Empire when something does not go as they want.

"If my plan succeeds and the two couples are born with that figure. I'll make sure to raise him well and use him to disband Grand Nobles once and for all.

"This world does not need them." His eyes squinted as they were filled with determination and hatred.

"Master, why do you despise Grand Nobles so much?" Clair, his Paladin, asked.

"When we become one, your power to see the future improves, yes?"

"Indeed," said Clair as she nodded.

"I accidentally see something too far in the future and it is anything but chaos and destruction. I see corpses as far as the eyes could see. Children starved to death and clans turned their weapons to their kin, massacring them.

"Countries are erased from the map." His tone was low and filled with sorrow.

Shifting his line of sight to Clair, he added without waiting for her to utter a word, "Before the scene ends, I saw them. Those white robe bastards are having a party," said Xu Yang as he tightly clenched his right hand. His tone was filled with hatred and he was furious.

After a short pause, Clair softly smiled, "Master, you're a good person."

"What's that all of the sudden? I'm not a good person. I'm a villain in other people's stories."

"If that's the case, you're the good guy in my story," said Clair with a straight face.

"Aren't you embarrassed by saying that?" Xu Yang pondered as one of his brows lifted.

Clair giggled before it gradually faded away and she asked solemnly, "Master, about the annihilation of the Xu clan in the future. Are you not going to kill your brother?"

"He saved me while he could have just abandoned me. The whole clan will not even blame him for leaving me yet he does not.

"I know he's an arrogant kid in the past but that's just something he did to attract our parents' attention," he replied after a short pause.

The future could be changed. There was no need to kill the person who he owed too much. Would he be a human should he kill Xu An?