A Hint

"But Master, if the Xu clan get annihilated first. All of your plan to get rid of the Grand Noble will be all for naught," reminded Clair.

"I know that but my decision is still firm. I will not kill him!" Said Xu Yang as his eyes were filled with determination.

After a brief pause, Clair said, "I understand."

Since her master had made a decision, no way could she change her master's mind!

"How are the two couples doing?" Xu Yang asked Clair. The latter was not only a Paladin but also his secretary. It is just that she goes with a different name and form when on the outside.

"Chu Zen, a talented genius the Chu clan secretly nurtured. Not many know of her existence. Her unique constitution allows her to cultivate by taking damage and was said to be heaven-defying. Only a few certain individuals are aware of her constitution," explained Clair.

With that kind of constitution, it was clear as day that she was cheating. While others had to absorb qi from stones or pills, she did so from taking damage.

It did not stop here, however.

"Her strength and durability increase depending on the damage she absorbs. Anyway, she is fine. Last time we checked her, she was practicing," added Clair without waiting for Xu Yang's words.

Xu Yang felt it was weird Clair said something he already knew but he ignored it in the end. It was not that important.

"Xu Ge, one of the most powerful cultivators the Xu clan has. His attribute is time and all of his technique is heavily related to that. He is a terrifying cultivator and must not be messed with should he become our enemy," she said solemnly.

A cultivator with a time attribute was quite a headache. If you have not a hundred percent chance of winning, it is recommended to run away.

The reason was simple before you could do anything. Perhaps they use time-reversal on you, turning you into a fragile baby and killing you.

"But, his cons is that he's too cocky, underestimates his enemy way too often, and is a bully." Xu Yang rubbed his temple

With such great power, it would be weird if the person was not arrogant and filled with pride.

"But Master, thanks to you. He's as obedient as a child."

"Yeah, it is a good thing we accepted his challenge and beat his butt. If not, I'm not certain he is going to agree to be married," said Xu Yang.

"But Master. Is that the only reason he does what you said? In consideration of his personality, he should have one or two reasons to ignore your words," asked Heileen curiously.

"His mindset is different. He respects the strength and will serve the person that beat him. Of course, this is under the premise that he thinks the person is worthy," replied Xu Yang.

After he said that, Xu An closed his eyes and accidentally peek into the future. Because he was not one with Clair, he could not see farther. Only saw what may happen in a few days or months.

This range was something Xu Yang usually ignored as it was usually something he expected to happen.

Indeed, he saw the future without using foresight but simply predicted it by using many factors. Like a detective putting together clues in the crime scene, slowly getting closer to that one truth.

Of course, as we were talking about the future. Unpredictable and constantly changing. Most of the time, what Xu Yang thought may happen usually happens.

As he saw the future, he saw himself kneeling before the gate of the Xu clan's main house and tears could be seen flowing down.

Before him was Xu An, looking at him with a straight face.

With a weak voice, Xu Yang said, "Brother… Please help me."

The scene ends there. Xu Yang instantly opened his eyes as he could not accept what he was seeing.

I've promised myself that I will not ask him for help in any form! Xu Yang said inwardly as he clenched his fist tight.

"I am no longer the weak person I used to be! I can handle everything by myself!" Yelled Xu Yang as he was irritated. He did not rely on his big brother anymore, he only relied on himself and rarely on others.

To do that, he had to make sure one of his goals was completed. One and most important was to get rid of the Grand Nobles. It must not end up in failure!

"Clair, mark my words. Those who try or make my plan fail must be eliminated.




Fate said otherwise. 

Heileen flicked her fingers to the ice sculpture which Chu Zen was in. It fell to the ground and became billions of little fragments. One could hear glass being broken.


"This should serve as a warning as she seems to be an important figure a lot of people know. Those who tried to injure my Master. No matter who they are, they shall die without leaving a trace!" She said as she vow to protect Xu An no matter what and not be afraid of any enemies that they may encounter.

After that, Xu An's eyes quivered. Not long after, he opened his eyes and appeared to be in confusion.

He recalled what just happened before his vision turned dark. Got a good hit on his head and turned cold the next moment.

He raised his torso rather slowly as he touched his head and scanned his surroundings.

The man was nowhere to be seen and hints of a fierce battle could be seen as splashes of blood were on the ground.

"Ouch ouch, it hurts," said Xu An as he endured the pain and subconsciously closed his right eye. Before that, however, Xu An groaned in pain as his head was throbbing.

"Master, you wake up!" Heileen was delighted and quickly came to his side. Without wasting time, she performed healing on Xu An.

Her hand was engulfed in golden light as it hit upon Xu An.

The pain in his head slightly went for the better.

"What happened to those two?" Xu An pondered.

"I erased them. They got what they deserve," said Heileen rather coldly.

"Did you get anything out of her?" Xu An asked.

"No." Heileen shook her head.

"You should have asked her before killing her. Isn't that how it works?" Xu An asked with a frown.

"Sorry," apologized Heileen as she felt she did something wrong. Simultaneously, she cast her gaze to the side as she could not meet with Xu An's eyes.

Xu An's memories of his past life flashed over his mind.

"You should have killed the target first before saving the hostages! They are not our responsibility but the cops! We have one mission, a simple one at that and you amateurs failed!" Xu An yelled at his colleagues who just entered the assassin world and he, as the one who took the command, was infuriated that they failed a simple mission.

Looking back, it was his fault too. He realized this a few years later.

However, this habit of his, which was blaming others when something did not go right was something his young self always did and it was rather hard to erase it.

It appeared once in a while.

Going back to the present, Xu An said, "Sorry, you've done well attacking them and at the same time protecting me. I have no right to blame you."

"I'm sorry, Heileen, and thank you." Xu An lowered his head

Instead of blaming her. Shouldn't he have thanked her instead?

Heileen looked at her master and hurriedly said, "Master, please raise your head!"

It was unsightly to see someone in a position higher than you lower their head. It was as though your boss suddenly lowered his head in front of you!

Xu An gradually raised his head. As if knowing her line of thought, he said, "Didn't I tell you? I hate the master and servant relationship. Right now, we're friends and if I did something wrong, isn't it normal for me to apologize?"

"But… it's impossible. It is in that contract and if I behaved like a friend instead of a servant towards you. A severe punishment might descend on me," said Heileen as she was in a dilemma.

Her master's wish was of the utmost importance but the contract was not any better.

"This is troubling," said Xu An as he squeezed his chin and fell in thought. A few seconds later, he snapped his fingers as though he found an idea.

"Why don't we do this? You become my servant and at the same time my friend?" Xu An suggested.

"That's a good idea, Master! This way, it's like having two part-time jobs and I don't have to ditch one job! I can do them simultaneously!" Heileen gave Xu An a thumbs up.

Xu An nodded slightly as he went up and turned his head to the body remains of the ice sculptures he, quote to quote, accidentally killed.

Some only left a finger, an ear, an eyeball, an arm. It was a bit gory, well for Xu An but normal people. They might, no, would be disgusted and grossed out.

"Let's bury them," said Xu An as he collected the body parts. After all, was gathered, which formed a tiny hill of body parts. Heileen was about to dig a grave but then, Xu An halted her as he had an idea.


"What's wrong, Master?" Heileen asked as she shifted her vision from the dirt to Xu An. She was just about to create a 2x2 ditch using her magic but had to stop.

Xu An approached the hill of human parts and poured out his qi. In the next moment, it covered the entire hill.

By the side, Heileen watched with great interest.

What is her master planning to do? She probably asked herself and was incredibly curious.

After a few seconds, something began to happen. The hill shook as though there was an earthquake yet the ground was not trembling.

In the next instant, the hill changed to soft sand and whirled on the spot! It was unknown where the wind guided it coming from but one thing is for sure.

Xu An's hair swayed about as he smiled.

A success! Xu An celebrated in his mind as his eyes sparkled as he was delighted.

Heileen on the other hand covered her eyes with her arms to prevent the sand from entering.

It was a great sight as it felt like it was filled with mystery and wonder of magic

Can Master use magic? But doesn't he follow the cultivation system? It can't be that he possessed that legendary constitution? Where one able to use mana and qi at the same time without backlash? Heileen thought to herself and was shocked upon the discovery. It was a big one!

If this news were to spread, it was unknown how many people would go for him and dissect his body!

Secretly glanced at Xu An. Heileen added in her heart, Master, what are you?

Little did Heileen know this had nothing to do with magic.

Then, the dust devil calmed down as it shrunk in size and entered a small seed. But upon a closer look, it was more of being absorbed by this small thing.

"This small thing, what is this?" Heileen asked as she picked up the flower seed.

"Eh? Heileen, you did not know?" Xu An was a bit surprised.

Heileen shook her head, "No clue."

She then inspects it from every angle. However, it was no different than an ordinary flower seed.

If not for the fact she saw it herself. She might think this was only a normal seed instead of from human parts.

"Do you remember that treasure from the Lost Epoch which caused never-ending wars? Right, the flower!" Xu An hastily went back to his hut.

He remembered he picked up the pot and saved it from being crushed by the door but after that, he had no idea what happened next.

He does vaguely remember he left it on the floor but that does not make him calm at all! Unless he saw it himself, he would not be at ease.

Arriving at his hut, he saw the pot standing upright and the flower petals were fine. No injury.

Xu An heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness."

Should the flower die or something, Xu An would lose his way to become strong. The only thing that could increase his cultivation was only by eating these flower petals.

"Master, please be at ease. A treasure of this level, even fall from the space or being blown up by hydrogen bomb, it will be fine!"

"Hydrogen bomb?" Xu An caught one of her words and frowned as he looked at her suspiciously.

He remembered this world had yet to reach such advanced technology or was he mistaken?

"Nothing! It's nothing!" Heileen tried to brush off her words by shaking her hands vigorously and a forced smile. The way she did it was oddly suspicious.

Xu An chose to turn a blind eye. Perhaps there were a lot of things in this world he did not know.

Heileen exuded a soft sigh.

Then, something happened. Up in the sky, dark clouds gathered and lightning arcs crackled. The moonlight was covered and left the ground pitch black.

Upon this, Xu An frowned and got out of the hut. He lifted his head and saw lightning clouds.

It was as if a storm was about to come but Xu An felt this storm was different.

"It's here!" Heileen's tone was that of terrified.

"What is?" Xu An pondered.

"When a Paladin breaks the contract of [redacted], punishment is a must!" Replied Heileen as her face was pale.

"But I don't think you break anything though," said Xu An as he wore a puzzled look.

In the next second, he remembered something.

Gazed at Heileen, Xu An said with one of his brows raised, "Hydrogen bomb?"

Heileen hesitated before weakly nodding.