
"Where the fuck is that bitch?" it's already ten o'clock in the morning! She's late, again. "Ugh, She's even the presenter!"

"I think she just woke up." I rolled my eyes. Gloria said those words nonchalantly. We both know how busy those lovebirds are.

I mean it's gross to see one of your best buds flirting or even the heavy sexual tension that both of them emit all across the room.

"Ayo bitches! The sexiest bitch is back!" I rolled my eyes. She's annoying AF. "Bitch you're one hour late. Start that damn presentation!" She just chuckled and set her things.

Leo assisted her dragon. I've been tapping these fingers as a sign of an impatient vibe. I really hate waiting.

"Okay, let's fucking start before the queen bitch explodes." Gloria sat straight.

"Recently, there's this group of ladies known for their uniform form of operation. Being a sex worker is a professional job but here, it's more then just pleasure. After they've done their lascivious acts with their customers, these ladies rob and eventually kill them."

Pictures flashed as she continued. Gone with her bitchy vibe, there goes Anne in her serious tone. "Okay, we got it. What's the catch? We can let the police officers do their job, right?"

I can't help but raise an eyebrow at Gloria's remark. "Do you really think that I'll just accept a simple and worthless case, Gloria?" Anne is now grinning. She really loves arguments.

"How about we let her finish, ladies?" Leo is our mediator. When things get rough he's really the calmest one.

"Yes, thank you my hoe."

"You're welcome, dragon."

"I'll end this shit with a bang. These ladies weren't called Coven for nothing." The slide shows the awful scenarios and the aftermath. "Most of them belong at the top chain. This Coven, is sick enough to give us clues and declares war with.. us. "

As if on cue our lips curved into a sweet smile. "Exciting, isn't it?"

The rest of the presentation was all about how they've gathered evidence. Well at least, she saved her face with her presentation.

"Miss Hime, a certain guy named Patrick Chua keeps on calling." Rina, my secretary informed me via phone call.

"Did you ask why?" Chua and I were kind of dating. He's my type— A gentleman, posh, and decent guy. But he's starting to ask questions that's hard to answer. There are things that meant to be hidden.

"He said he's about to fetch you for lunch, Miss."

"Okay, I'll just call him personally."

I ended the call. I searched for his name in my contact, he answered just after two rings. "Hey, are you done with your meeting? Your secretary informed me that you're currently at a meeting."

"Yes, anyways. I'm free now."

"I'll fetch you, umm where are you exactly?"

Me being part of this organization is not for public disclosure, I rarely trust people and that includes him.

"No need. How about we just meet at the entrance of DVEm?" I heard him sigh in defeat at the other end. "Okay, I'll see you later. Take care."

He's been chasing me for almost a year now. Well, he's a fine gentle guy, but it's too disgusting to use the word court, woo or even the word date. Maybe, just maybe, because I'm one of the believers that chivalry was indeed dead.

Rina assisted me as we reached the parking lot. She's the only person I can rely on in this kind of matter. But well, my trust is too hard to gain. Life made me realize that.

WE FINALLY reached the entrance and thank God, I got here first. I don't want to spoil this day because of his concerns. I quickly rose from my seat. I kindly refuse their assistance because my time is precious.

I walked in finesse even though I was a bit in a hurry. I know how my long platinum blonde hair bounces and sways in elegance. I saw his black BMW entering DVEm's parking lot.

I was about to send a message when I heard a familiar footsteps. "Hey, babe."

He surely knows how to rock simple casual attires. He's really my man. "Hi, how's your day?" my face lightens up. I don't want to appear giddy.

That's why I made rule number three. "Never shall make everyone know what exactly you are feeling". "It's great, the usual. I was really hoping a while ago that we'll eat lunch together."

"You know that my job needs a lot of commitment, right?" He better know how to understand my situation. If not, I'll let him go asap. "Right, of course, I understand." He flashed his reassuring smile. But I know his eyes, saying differently.

"Shall we go now?" he asked. "We shall."

The guards nod their heads. Chua opened the door for me. Once I got in, he shut the door in swift. Another thing I hate is when someone shuts the door in a disturbing manner. It's a good thing that he's gentle.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he started his vehicle. "It's a surprise, you'll surely love it."

"Okay, surprise me then." But don't you ever forget the rule number five. 'Always know when to expect extravagant things. Control your expectations, because not everyone can match it.' A few minutes passed and that's when I noticed where we'll eat.

"We're almost there, babe. They got us their new VIP space." Since I was in the front seat, Chua was the one greeted by the guards. The valet parking was also provided. Everything is so posh.

'Well, what do you even expect on Anne?' Although, before I found her style too mediocre but look where she is now.

"Welcome to Amber Cuisine!" 'Really, Chua?' My lips curved into a smile. "I never thought you knew this place."

He grinned. "Let's go to our spot." A guy host assisted us. Well, it's a good thing that a man is hosting us today, for most of the women servers or hosts here can become quite unprofessional when meeting an attractive man. It's iether they're gawking, trying hard to flirt or even to worst extent of showing their fucking gems.

"This is our newly built gem-themed room. We have ten VIP rooms in total." the host told us. "I choose sapphire 'cause I know you love blue so much." Chua whispered unto my left ear, making me smile in reply.

He's right though, I am very much fascinated with any shade of blue. I love how it goes well with my eyes.

"Thanks, this is great." He smiled widely. He even pulled a chair out for me before settling himself down.

"Just pressed the button to check the holographic menu and pressed whatever you please. Enjoy your meal ma'am, sir." The host automatically bows his head and proceeds to leave.

This sapphire-themed room is located on their second floor. I love how they build this and how they value privacy as much how I value them.

"You done? What did you choose?"

"You know my appetite right?" I said with a knowing smirk plastered on my face. He lightly chuckled.

"Of course, you may be a posh and fine lady, but you eat like a guy." My soap eyebrow rose at this. "Any problem with my extraordinary appetite?"

"I love every single thing about you. So.."

"You better.."

They have lots on their menu and I can't wait to try all those dishes. "Blueberry Cheesecake with red velvet lava, Roasted Turkey, Pasta Bolognese, Well-done steak, Choco dream cake, Glazed chicken, and Iced Tea."

He's now shaking his head. "What? You have something to say?" I'm famished and besides my metabolism is faster than anything in this world.

"Don't worry, I'll join you in this feast." It's too early for dinner at six pm. But, the hell I care.

"What did you choose?" I curiously asked. He's a bit concerned with the nutritional value, so I know he's picky.

"Steak, pasta, a slice of Choco lava cake, and some vegetable salad." He proudly stated. He's that health conscious individual. "You call that a feast?" I asked him with unbelief. "Let those bitches tell you the real meaning of the feast, especially that childish Gloria."

He just shrugged it off. Moments later, the host appeared again with our ordered meal and refreshments. Now I can read his nameplate. His name is Luke.

"Babe, I need to go to the restroom for a while." Chua said before standing up and leaving towards the restroom. Luke successfully made this feast appetising. I was about to drink my iced tea when I saw a waterproof card with a warning written on it.

"Open your eyes as much as you open your heart again." I slip it in my LV satchel. Chua walked towards our table with his boyish grin. I saw his chinky eyes turned from playful to his usual. "What the hell was that?"

"Are you okay?" My thoughts were interrupted by his question. "Yeah, I'm trying to taste every bit of this iced tea. I know that this one is not powdered." I really hate it when a restaurant uses powdered drinks. It's not that healthy.

"Good thing, it isn't. Shall we eat?" He started a conversation. "For now, I'll set aside those thoughts." We share some sentiments and I can't deny that I enjoy his company.

The dinner feast was great. I love the ambience and the food, the bitch never failed to invent such dishes. He escorted me towards my penthouse, until now I'm still hesitant to open up myself to him. I lay on the sofa and closed my eyes to enjoy the quiet atmosphere in my penthouse But my thoughts never allowed me to fall asleep even for a brief moment.

All he knew is that I barely visited our family mansion somewhere in Troum. Never did he know that I just stopped by, in this penthouse to rest before my own helicopter arrived. I hate dealing with heavy traffic. That's unusual in the air, so I preferred this than terrestrial mode.

"Ma'am the phoenix has arrived." I heard the voice of Rina from the intercom. "Okay, I'll be there."

I have been sensitive to my own safety. I made sure that this metal bird is secure and efficient. I stepped outside the lift. A childish mocking face awaits. "How's your chinky health enthusiast?" Gloria asked with a disgusting sly grin. "Shut up, Gloria!" Her annoying grin spread like mine. "After you boss bitch." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

She got in first and settled herself at the pilot seat. "Looks like you've got some juicy news." The engine started and a few seconds later we slowly rose above.

"Someone slipped a disturbing note." I tossed it in her direction. Even if I'm not looking, I know that this child-like woman is grinning widely like a cheshire cat. She loves mystery. I felt Gloria and her investigative vibes. "I told you, he's something before. I don't trust his aura." I hate to admit, but she got the skills that can penetrate everyone's ulterior motives.

"Who said I trust him that much?" I got her attention as she glanced from the rear mirror. "I've known you since what? childhood? You may hide those from everyone, but not me—not me, Kathryn Dela Vega."

We've been dating unofficially for almost a year. Maybe, I should take another step to know his limitations.

"This is my game, Gloria Marie Victoiré. I don't intend to lose."