
Three o'clock in the morning is not that early for me. This is the perfect time to unleash those stresses away. A huge mansion can't go along without my sophisticated dungeon.

It was located underground, deeper than my own basement. Some may say it's a living Tartarus on earth, but nope. If I'm darker, then Gloria is the darkest. I'm in the middle between those two.

Anne and Gloria are like the two poles of vices. I'm in between. I'm the demon concept. I can be a saint, but it depends who I am dealing with.

The hem of my night dress reached the ground. This oceanic blue silky wrap-up dress screams glory. It compliments well with my platinum blonde highlighted gray streaks of hair.

The sound of metal and the secured locks aroused my excitement. The blood thirst cannot be hidden. At least not now, justice is best served with a warm blood bath.

I can see her face getting pale as days passed. Her used to be glamorous hair is now uneven. Her wounds keep on multiplying, the scars are artistically designed.

"How's your stay here, my dearest stepsister?" Her gaze is blazing with rage. She was about to spit when my metallic fan covered my face. "What a warm welcome. I'd prefer your blood than your stinky saliva, Alessandra."

"Just kill me bitch. You know, to ease your burden?" I let out a chuckle. "You want to leave me so bad? You're not alone in this paradise. You're with your dearest one."

"What do you stall for? Just kill me bitch." I let out a chuckle at her pathetic enraged woe. "You want to leave so bad? You're not even alone in this paradise. You're with your dearest one." I said smiling devilishly innocent at her.

"That was once yours, but I easily snatched away from you?" She's now smirking. How confident she was to pull that stunt. "What can say, a real man cannot be stolen. He's not that real." I sighed disappointingly.

I flexed my silver nails. "He's not that real? He has a dick that tasted so good." My nose crinkled in disgust at her reply. "Geez, you and your biological needs. That thing is for kids, with that length?" I scoffed.

"I don't drool for kiddie meals." Goodness, I can't suppress my laugh. "Yeah, I bet you webbed like a grandma." I almost died laughing. I swiftly tossed my blades. It landed exactly 2.54 centimeters from her deflowered bum.

"It's not your duty to ask about my femininity. I don't even ask yours for I'm an avid feminist. Yet, what? your throwing that damn shit?" I quickly composed myself.

I may be blunt, but I'm quite conservative when it comes to personal and private things. I want to commend how she manages to pull the trigger every time we talk. Since I'm here to release some stress, I have gathered my toys. In a snap she's now trapped in a roulette. "Let's see how lucky you are."

The next thing I knew she's screaming for her life and it sounded like a lullaby. I even closed my eyes as I lightly swayed. I suddenly want to mashup her screams in a rock band, such an art.

Minutes passed and I yawned, I saw the shocked expression plastered on her face. Her hair is scattered everywhere. Her face is much paler than the usual. "I am now in a good mood." "I'm that great, right? See, you're really lucky. No wounds for you today, my dear

I pressed the hidden button and a chair slowly ascended. This was specifically made for me, a throne-like chair. I picked up the mirror at the chair seat and looked at my reflection. I sighed, "I'm still gorgeous as ever."

I may be stressed, but whoa, look how I classically slain the three-am looking.

Her sobs were now replaced with anger. I thought she'll woe like a child that she is. "Up until when are you gonna torture us!?" This bitch still has the audacity to ask a stupid question.

"Her face really makes my blood boil like a volcano ready to erupt any second, no scratch that, her mere existence makes me nauseous. Bitch please, even her stupidity can't compare to the dumbest animal in the world." I rolled my eyes at her. "Up to this date, you're still not sure the answer to that dim-witted question?"

I tossed the mirror somewhere. I can buy another one again. I don't really mind spending my fortune for myself. I composed myself, and slowly and gracefully stood up to walk towards her.

"I already told you that you should've begged Satan, so he'll fetch you from the calvary."

I faked a sad expression. "Why didn't you join the darkness much sooner? You should've called the grim reapers to sweep you out of your misery."

I inched closer to her, my face full of grim. "Because no matter what you do I'll let you live, well, barely alive anyways. Until I'm satisfied in playing with you- all of you, I'll revive you again, and again, and again." I plastered a devilish smile. "That's how much I love you. I don't want you to leave me."

"I didn't even let you be alone and lonely, that's why Theo's here right? Your loving companion." I gave her my most faked sympathetic face "How sweet, till death do you part." I smirked at the sarcastic thought.

I snapped my fingers again and a platform appeared, revealing a guy tied with his metal knight attire. "Perfect, look at that knight in shining armor saving a damsel in distress.

"He's so fine, it really suits him!" The metal knight armor is a self-functioning machine. It sticks like casual clothes, but doubles its weight every single hour.

I observe my battered ex, it seems that he's having trouble moving. You can't take the metal armor off. Well, unless your body needs to pee or release some stool which it can detect.

But hey, it also got a bonus feature! When it feels that sudden arousal, the armor will detach itself. They can do dirty things, behind my back. However, it has pricey consequences. Right after the arousal, the metal armor will automatically attach again and triple its weight.

Alessandra kept on screaming. I know they'll do the dirty deed again. I'm too sleepy to mind them so I took my leave. Before I left, I played Starving by Hailee Steinfeld, It seems to match their vibes.

I suddenly recalled how I caught them..

Alessandra and Theo managed to enter their safe zone successfully. The helicopter was able to fly for their freedom. The moment they reached the right altitude, I pressed the button and their bodies descended from the metal bird.

Their bodies fell right at the exact spot I predicted, right at sea. The power of calculation and deduction.

As soon as I reached my private gym, I immediately made a few stretches. Aside from my daily stress reliever, morning yoga sets the tune. It calms my nerves and lets me think freely.

I did the inverted positions and cooled down afterwards.

I TURNED off the shower and faced the mirror to do my morning routine. It's just simple, I'm too lazy to do more than 5 steps of skin care routine.

I unwrapped the bathrobe and threw it towards the laundry basket. I prefer simple but classic attire when it comes to work. A ladylike tuxedo and sexy skirt. It's not slutty and I don't care if it is. Women can wear whatever the hell they want.

I finished the look with peachy lippy. My business phone rang, I know it's Rina. She's the only one who calls me exactly eight in the morning.

"Good morning, Miss the car is waiting outside." I ended the call. I didn't bother to respond. I'm pretty sure Rina's accustomed to my kind of communication by now.

As soon as I reached the entrance, Rina opened the door. I settled myself and as if on cue, my secretary spoke. "Here's your schedule ma'am. You have an important deal with Mr. Lacson at 10 am. Three hours after that, an annual meeting with the board of directors. 5pm, is your time for the organization. Lastly, a dinner with Mr. Chua."

"Today's hectic, huh. Chua is starting to be clingy, and I find it cute but.. I should know my limits." I remind myself.

"Reschedule my first appointment. Drop me at the org's." I notice how her shoulder tensed. She's against my decision, but I don't ask for her opinion. Always remember the boundaries, Rina.

"ANYTHING suspicious?" I kept my straight face as I asked Gloria. "Just the usual and it bores me."

My gaze turned to this sleeping bitch beside me. "How 'bout the coven, Anne?" She yawned. "They're sneaky as fuck. But yeah, no one gets away from me. Leo's on it."

"How about you? This is supposed to be a teamwork, you guys are partners." I inquired to the bitch who's now leaning on the swivel chair. "He let me rest for a while and I kinda made a slight noise."

"And that noise is?" Anne snorted and Gloria let out a bubbly chuckle. "She was in disguise, but then it gets too mushy. Leo's in rage as soon as he saw her attire." Gloria was the one who responded to my question.

"I disguised as a maid. A bachelor came through, he's the eldest of the prospect household. He's hot, but Leo's hotter." I closed my eyes to hold my calmness.

"Take this shit seriously. Goodness, people! I can feel their eyes everywhere. So you better do your fucking job." Anne smirked and sipped to her super-sweet beverage.

"I know you're facing a problem, well, it looks like you're suspicious of someone rather." She shook her head. "You guys are secretive as fuck, but I'm not that dense though."

"So you're just pretending to ignore Leo's feelings and flirting in the past?" Gloria winked at me. Anne slammed down her drink. "Of course, I can totally see and feel him and his intention. Duh, I'm just preventing myself from jumping into conclusion"

"What a great argument. I'm not interested in your love life. Not now.." Gloria gave me a meaningful look. I know she's saying that I'm a living joke. Okay, I'll admit it, I kinda play like a matchmaker.

"Are we not going to eat lunch? I'm fucking hungry." I checked the time and it's almost twelve in the afternoon. "Let's get outta here."

"Where to?" Anne smirked. "Mine's" Gloria snorted. "Which one?" She got a lot of things under her possession so.. "Amber's"

They both grinned like Stitch. I gave Gloria a questioning look, but she shrugged it off.

When these two team-up, goodness, expect a hella wild ride.

We got inside our own ride. I'm using my favorite electric blue Lamborghini, meanwhile, Anne is on her Harley Davidson motorbike and Gloria's driving her Jeep Wrangler.

The travel time is not that long, that's why I didn't use my helicopter.

"I heard you and Chua tried our newly built sapphire room. How was it?" Anne asked in the middle of our lunch break. "It's fine, you didn't disappoint me— that's all that matters." She bore her eyes on me. "Come on, any criticism? suggestions?"

"Find it on your own, bitch." paused, "How about you Gloria, any toys?" "None, so far. Don't worry, I'll send you the newest collection." Me and Gloria have this tiny little fetish. We love killer weapons that make your blood burst.

"Good, I'm starting to get bored with my toys." What fuels me is their screams. I love how it blends like the perfect background music. No one speaks after that, we cherish our moments with the lovely feast. As usual it's a heavy lunch made especially for us. We have our own spot here. The bitch-Anne made that, if not I'll surely bomb this restaurant.

"Your phone kept on vibrating, why won't you answer it?" That's the downside when you are sensitive just like us. Simple things can annoy you, may it be vibration or any light movement.

I lazily grab my phone. It's on the table, food is food and table manners should be practiced. "Yes?" it's Rina. "You have an annual meeting with the board in thirty minutes, Miss." Oh, I sighed. I'm still not through with my food session.

"I know, tell them to get ready. I'm the boss and waiting won't hurt you." "but I can." "Copy, that. Enjoy your lunch ma'am"

I cut her with the end button. Food is much more important. "Who's paying?" we all look at each other. Gloria composed herself, while Anne just had a sly grin plastered at her face.

"Whoever bleeds first." Next thing I knew, Blades are flying everywhere.

"Ha, what a lovely lunch."