The Well-Established Dela Vega

"Miss, here are the minutes of the meeting last week. The board wants to hear the promotion and marketing strategies for the new product—" I stopped on my sophisticated strides. My ears are hurting hearing some shitty rants from someone.

"This is a brand new shirt from Gucci. Even your monthly allowance can't suffice this shirt's price. Damn this stupid fucker." One thing I hate is when somebody causes shitty commotion inside my vicinity. "Miss, I'll call someone to handle it—"

I cut Rina's tense remarks. "I didn't ask for it. Let me handle some trash." I stopped a few meters away from this stinky asshole. Goodness, who the fuck hired this arrogant maggot.

"Are you done, mister?" He suddenly stopped. He smirked at the poor janitor who can't even meet his raging gaze. "We don't deserve stupid employees, ma'am." I nodded. He's right. "Yeah, I should fire stupid employees, right?" I glanced at his ID. "Mister Sandejas." He looked proud as I mentioned his name.

I closed my eyes and exhaled. We need to control our emotions. I need to decide on this kind of situation professionally. "You're fired."

The janitor's shoulder slumped in disappointment as worry and panic started running through his mind. Age and weary can be clearly seen at the face of the janitor. "Sir Jerry, you can go back to your quarters."

"Serves you right, stupid."

"Why are you still here, Mr. Sandejas?"

"Excuse me?" my eyebrow raised. "You're fired. Get your things. I don't tolerate trashy people with a stinky attitude."

"Sir Jerry, you may rest for this day. You look tired. Don't worry we're still gonna pay you." shock and disbelief was evident at the other man's face as he stupidly stared and stood at his place. "Are you kidding me? I'm one of the best employees here. In fact, I'm the latest employee of-"

My patience was rapidly depleting. I was like a ticking time bomb quite so close in exploding. I cut him off. "And I don't care. A good employee comes with a good attitude. It's a package, everyone is important here whether they're the maintenance crew or manager or one of the board of trustees. If you still don't get it, I'll spell it out to you. I - don't - need - someone - like - you - in - my - company. Now go, before I call the security."

The man was fuming in anger and embarrassment, and had the audacity to throw his Identification Card towards me which I nimbly avoided. "With that let's see if there's any brave company that'll hire you."

I parted my hair meticulously. "It's still morning yet someone already wrecked my good mood." I disappointedly sighed at my current predicament nonetheless I walked confidently towards the lift.

"I don't regret what I did, even for one second. In my books, it's not enough to have excellent skill sets, it can be studied and learned. One must have both excellent skills and pleasant character and attitude not just to themselves but specially to others. I don't relish prejudice in my kingdom."

The employees that I met along the way towards my office bowed in respect. I rarely smile so I just nod. I can feel Rina's presence following me inside the lift. She stayed silent which is a good thing. I don't want her to suffer the impending explosion that might happen inside this very lift.

I badly want to punch someone or scream profanities to someone, but I didn't, I can't let my strong image be ruined by just a single maggot. "Miss, the meeting will start in twenty minutes."

We reached the twenty-second floor. Just when I left the lift my other secretary greeted me, I nodded in response. I walked straight to my office and made a beeline towards where my fruit tea was. What happened earlier is much more important to me than you can imagine.

I value my employees as much as how I value those VIP clients. Each part of that organizational chart is important. From the most basic level to the top. Even my maintenance crew were well-compensated. As long as you do your job and respect your workplace. Loyalty is not enough, I demand professional and ethical behavior.

I witnessed how people belittle one's job. Not only that, they easily judge your value based on your educational background and the number or numbers in your bank account or salary. I admit that wit is quite important, but if I see someone's potential— that's a bonus point.

Sir Jerry is one of the maintenance crew. He's been working with us for thirty-two years, even longer than me. He already had his children graduated college even his wife came back to school and graduated just through working with us.

He's one of the people I bonded, when I started here from the lowest of low. My father raised me that way, slowly earning my way up the hierarchical ladder inside the company. He let me experience even the strangest, toughest and nastiest job inside this company. During those times, I've realized all of the people working inside this company mattered even though they're at the lowest of low at the company hierarchy.

I started as a janitress, helper, hell I also became the photocopy and coffee lady before I reached the position of assistant secretary. I worked my ass for almost two years until I was promoted as Director of Operations. During that time, my father also had me work as a pool cleaner every summer at one of our resorts. No one knows that I'm the chairman's daughter, not until I established my own name. I lived as Hime Guzman, taking my precious mother's maiden surname.

When I turned twenty, that's my father's cue to formally announce me as his daughter. He values our privacy a lot. The only person who knew what was happening was my mom, though she was against the idea but she had no choice. All they knew was that the chairman's daughter is studying, well kept and they assumed that I was a naïve brat living in seclusion.

A soft knock interrupts my reverie. "Miss, it's time." I fixed my things and grabbed my purse and confidently walked towards the conference room. The board of directors is complete. The presenters are ready. I was the only they've been waiting for, well as it should be.

As soon as I settled with my throne-like seat, the presenter cleared her throat. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we are about to discuss the marketing promotions for our new products."

I gave my 90% attention to their presentation. The remaining 10% wonders around the possibilities and unique ideas that I'm expecting to be heard.

"We choose the best endorsers. We picked the biggest stars so that we'll be able to catch their attention." my eyebrow raised. That'll cost millions for their talent fees. It's like I'm risking my fortune for a fleeting trend.

I crossed my legs and my hand went under my chin. Everyone tensed, I caught their attention, the current presenter paused. "Do you have something to say, Madame?"

I smiled fiercely. "You want me to risk millions for those newly shined stars?" She swallowed a lump from her throat. Her partner took over. "Yes, ma'am. I believed that business is a risk and based on our calculations to all revenues.." I raised my hand.

" I heard that those celebrities are facing quite some issues, so why would we invest in them? The world of show business is already messy as it is." I raised an eyebrow and continued my speech. "Have you learned anything from the previous endorser that we hired?"

"The issues can fuel the target audiences, ma'am." I sarcastically chuckled. "I want to hear something new, can somebody provide fresh ideas? Come on, design thinking please."

No one dared to answer my question. Not until Rina's assistant bravely raised her hand. I looked at her. "Go on." I want to hear it.

"I think we can utilize the rising social media influencers to use their platform in advertising and promoting our products. Ma'am, with that, we can reach our target market which are the Millennials and Gen. Z and thousand more people in mere minutes or seconds." I simply nod in agreement. "At last, someone's using their brain."

"Miss Potchola, lead the promotion and marketing team." Goodness, people and their fancy thinking. "Meeting adjourned."

I exited sophisticatedly, I'm craving for my daily dose of blueberry cheesecake. I glanced at my Chanel wristwatch and it was thirty minutes before twelve. "Rina, call driver Tim, now."

I'll go to Starbox for an early lunch. A cup of Jasmine tea will calm my pulsating nerves. The elevator chimmened, now I'm here at the parking lot. Just as I stepped outside the elevator, driver Tim signalled right across the parking lot through my car's signal lights. I was about to walk towards my car but stopped dead in my tracks when an emergency tone rang. It's not that noisy but enough to notify me. It's an SOS for the org matters.

I fished out my phone and speed dialed my driver. "Sorry Tim, take an early break. I'll be the one driving, I'll use my Lamborghini." I smiled apologetically at him, I know he can see me even from that far. He said it's fine, so I ended the call, after thanking him.

As soon as I entered the driver seat of my Lambo, I pressed the hidden button. "Code?" It transmits signals to Gloria and Anne. "Red" so it's critical. "I'll be there in a few." the screen automatically flashed the location. Gloria updated me that Leo's at DV Hospital. "I'm for sure Anne is in a frantic state right now."

I manipulated the traffic signals and increased my speed to 180. I don't want to join the traffic jam.

"DETAILS." I faced Gloria because I'm sure that I can't speak to Anne right now, she's clearly distraught and never left Leo's side. Gloria was waiting for me at the entrance a while ago. But even before I asked my question, I made sure we're not bugged in any kind. "Leo was busted. It alarmed the whole coven society. We were almost caught but Leo changed his way to lure those witches away from Anne. While escaping, Anne sent the signal for backup, and thank God I'm bored at that time."

"Since when?" I quickly glanced at Leo and Anne. "About an hour ago. Anne's still speechless."

"This is getting out of hand. We need to formulate something before it messes up more." I racked my brain for strategies and plan to defend and counter attack the coven.

"Any updates from them? What did they get?"

"Leo has all the information. Anne was just about to make her turn, then it happened." I nodded. "Have you eaten your lunch?" She shook her head. "I'll call Clyde to deliver some goodies. "Clyde can become a curious cat, so I'll just give some alibis. "Hey, hoe! Bring us some goodies, the usual."

"For the three of you?" I heard he asked. "Yes!" I told him the location. "Did something else happen?" Clyde asked, concern laced his tone. "No, just a colleague in SOS. Nothing's serious, just bring one of your crew." I sighed in relief when he didn't ask furthermore.

In fifteen minutes, our food arrived. Gloria fetched them to avoid further concerns. I called Rina to cancel the rest of today's appointments. This is more important than those scumbags.

"Hey, here's your food." I grabbed my portions and sipped from my jasmine tea. My staff knows the drill so they bring us my tea set. Anne barely eats. If Gloria didn't force her, she won't even move from her seat.

Three hours passed and her eyes got tired. Now, she's resting on the cozy couch at the side of the room. I glanced at my wristwatch again. It's been five hours and Leo's still unconscious. A few seconds later, his finger moved.

I quickly looked towards Gloria and found her looking right back at me. Without even a single word leaving our mouth, we both nodded in a silent agreement. She proceeded to stand up, checked for bugs and went out to guard the door.

"How do you feel?" Leo finally opened his eyes. He continually shakes his head. Looks like he got something juicy. He raised his finger and pointed it out on the direction where pen and paper are located. I understand his point. We need to be cautious.

He wrote a familiar script. Only few can understand what he wrote. An ancient Hebrew scriptures.

As I predicted, he now gave me a confirmation on my suspicions through this information.