Truth Hurts

WARNING: Mature Content!

I was on my third shot of tequila. This resto-bar is cozy enough to get me wasted. A perfect place for people who don't give a fuck. They are all minding their business. They won't even throw a single glance, we are all having fun.

I can't feel anything, it was as if I'm numb. I asked them to let me be, for a while. Gloria and Anne were not with me tonight.

Familiar music played. The song was entitled "Broken Glass" by Kim Petras and Kygo.

{So cheers to us and what we had

Let's keep dancin' on the broken glass}

I chug another shot of tequila down my already burning throat. I can't help but smile bitterly. I sniffed an invisible snot, seems like I've caught a cold.

{'Cause when you're high, you're bound to crash... So let's keep dancin' on the broken glass}

It's so pathetic since when does cold correlate with the snot coming from my eyes? I brushed my hair in frustration. Without even thinking, I gobbled another greasy flower crackling, once I realized what I had done, I facepalmed myself quite hard. "Fuck Hime, these are carbs…"

"Hey! waiter! Give me another batch of sisig and another shot of tequila!" The waiter saluted as a sign of respect, I raised three fingers to my right eyebrow and returned his salute. He just laughed.

"Is he feeling close?" He returned and placed all my orders on the table. I mouthed thanks and he's gone. I can't count those empty tequila glasses, but I feel so light.

When my surroundings get too whirly I just rested my head on top of the table. The memories of the past hours came flooding back to my mind.

19 HOURS AGO. I woke up from the constant ringing of my cellphone. I checked the time and it's just turned midnight. I peeked at the caller id on my phone before answering. "Gloria, what the fuck?" I was still in my bedroom voice.

"Bitch, get your ass here, right now!" As she shouted and hurt my eardrums, I almost threw my phone on the other side of the room. 'That's my line, Gloria.' I arbitrarily rolled my eyes. "It's too early for your tantrums." I massaged my temples in frustration. 'She ruined my beauty sleep!' but her reply woke my sleeping spirit. "It's about your guy, go here before it's too late."

I did some stretches and picked some casual clothes. I just put on a cardigan over my silk nightdress. I looked like Selena Gomez in one of her music videos. I slipped on the closest shoes to me which unfortunately was the white vans.

I tracked Gloria's location. 'Good thing, I don't need to play with the traffic lights. It's already midnight and I feel odd. I used to love the breeze, but why do I feel I'll regret this night?'

Gloria honked her car's horn. I parked my Lamborghini beside hers. "What now?" She flexed her phone and played a video clip. "He's with some other girl." My eyebrows furrowed. "Really? Here we are again with your accusations!" I hissed.

"Look at that closely!" She waved her phone right at my face, which in turn I slapped it out of my face that caused it to nearly fall out to the ground, good thing she caught it right on time. She looked pissed. "Your guy's there, he just checked in," I replied with a death glare. "If you want, asked the staff too." With the glare still present in my face, I obliged upon her suggestion.

I walked towards the entrance. The guards opened the doors for me. Gloria followed me as I reached the front desk. "Excuse me, Miss." The lady bowed and politely asked. "How can I help you, ma'am?" I smiled. "Can I ask the room of Mr. Patrick Chua?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am—" I cut her off. "Okay, can I use your telephone?" She nodded. 'Good thing, I still have it memorized.' So I dialed his number. "Hey, can you make your employees attend to my demands?" It seems like the lady on the front desk started to panic.

"Where are you, madam?" I smirked. 'I was one of the investors here.' I turned my gaze to the front desk lady before giving my reply. "Blue Moon Hotel-Lindana Branch." He obliged. "Can you hand the phone to the front desk?" I did what he said. "Okay, sir. I understand."

She bowed her head again. "I'm sorry ma'am. Mister Chua occupied room 613." I held out my hand. "Give me the keycard." As soon as the key was in my hand, I strutted towards the lift with a nervous and suffocatingly heavy heart.

As the doors of the lift closed, I faced Gloria. "If this is a false alarm, Gloria Greene. I'm telling you, I'll kill you." She smirked confidently, "Have I ever failed you?" Even before I could answer, the lift chimed. I breathe out the nervousness that is gradually forming in my heart. I led the way, Gloria walked beside me.

I was about to insert the key card when Gloria stopped me. "Nah-ah, call him first. Ask him where he is." She hands me her phone, but I fished out mine. It's my personal phone.

After a few rings, "Hi babe!" I heard him hushed. "Is this your new number?" I didn't answer him. "Where are you? I miss you."

"I miss you too. I'm about to sleep. I'm with my friends." My eyebrow raised and my eyes started to gleam in tears. "Oh, I just want to see you. I thought, how about if we can eat ramen together." I heard him chuckled. "I'm sorry, babe. I'm really tired right now." Then, followed with a loud groan.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm just really tired. You know I was discharged, just a while ago." I took a heavy breath. 'Of course, I'll know, that's my hospital Chua.'

"Okay, sleep well. Love you!" The line was cut. I know my eyes are bloodshot. "Now, brace yourself." In a snap, it was now replaced with cold ones.

Gloria fixed something with her tablet. After a few seconds, she mouthed go. I swiped the keycard and tiptoed.

The room was dark and it's cold. The carpeted floor helped to reduce the sound of our footsteps. I checked all the possible places where I can find him, but I failed.

The kitchen was empty, alongside the living room. The sliding door on its veranda was closed too. I only need to check the bedroom, afterwards, I'm out while pulling Gloria's hair. That's my plan for tonight.

The door was not locked. I saw some shadows and heard some faint sounds. The groans and moans are getting loud as I walk closer.

"Fuck Chua! Give me more!"

"You feel so good, Rosalie."

I gasped in shock. Gone with his gentleman facade is Chua with his beast self in bed. He's thrusting nonstop. They even switched their position. Now, the girl is riding him like a witch on a broomstick.

"God, I'm almost there."


I closed the doors and marched away. My heart is clenching in disgust and pain. 'I thought we were perfect. Everything about us is fine.' I don't know how I manage to drive. Gloria's car is tailing after me.

Once I've reached the DV Mansion, I cried my heart out. I heard Gloria's striding towards me. "I don't want to hurt you more, but.." I saw an envelope slipped between her arms and upper body. I snatched it from her. I felt everything was in slow motion when the envelope revealed Chua's double life.

Pictures of him flirting with familiar faces, some were his shameful acts. Not only that, but he's also screwing older women. He's also into orgies too. All along, his gentleman facade is just an act. 'So, all those friends that he badly wants to introduce were all perverts waiting for another meal.'

Gloria enveloped me in her warm embrace. "Don't worry, I'll cut his itchy dick soon."

"GOOD MORNING, or in Jejemon's word — good mornight, how are us?" I tried to lift my head up. Since it still feels heavy, I supported it with my hand, now I looked bored with my head prompted on my right hand while staring at the stage mindlessly.

"Partner, it seems like there are many people whose hearts have been broken present today." They all laughed, I didn't. "Seems like you are right partner! You know what's a great thing to do tonight?"

"And what is it, partner? So that if the time comes, I also get my heartbroken, I'll know what to do." the gay man laughed. "It's good to sing mellow songs!"

"Oh, that seems like a great idea! I also heard that they're distributing papers where they can write their song requests." He pulled out a fishbowl with papers inside. "Truly! Well gonna be drawing out a paper and playing the song written on it." The audience clapped.

I don't remember it clearly, but, I think I wrote something on scratch paper. It was all vague, maybe I'm hallucinating. I snorted.

"Oh, this is a good song." The lady mc took the paper from the gay man mc. "Oh, It's quite obvious that the person who requested it has quite a classy taste." The crowd shouted and hooted in joy.

"Here we are, fresh from the UK! One of Britt's favorite songs!" They looked at each other before bellowing the title. "Secret Love Song by Little Mix!"

Now, I remember! That's the one I wrote.

{Why can't I hold you in the street?

Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?

I wish that it could be like that

Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours

Why can't I say that I'm in love?

I wanna shout it from the rooftops

I wish that it could be like that

Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours}

The song finished and a round of applause commenced. "My jaw almost got unhinged by that song, girl." The other mc pulled his hair in a joking manner. "Oh, you're still breathing, I thought you died already!"

"Tss, they're trying so hard to make us laugh. How can we laugh if we're broken?" someone occupied the empty seat beside me while stating his unsolicited opinion. "That's why they're trying to make us laugh." I glared at the bastard. He seems unbridled. "Nobody asked for your opinion."

I took another gulp and finished my tequila. "Hey miss, seems like you've drunk too much, can you still get home safely?" I faced him with full-on confusion plastered on my face. 'Is he talking to me?'

I looked around before pointing at myself. "You're talking to me?" I checked him out. He's wearing a dark blue oversized hoodie. "Did you know that it's too hot to wear a hoodie?" He let out a sexy chuckle. I grinned. "Damn!"

'Even though I can't see his face, I know that he's fine.'

"Hey, miss you're drunk. You've been speaking to air." I hushed him. "Be quiet! I'm grieving for my broken heart!"

I eyed him sharply. I saw his heart-shaped lips, I can't stop myself from touching them. "Wow! How soft!" I widely grinned before I passed out.