Take a Break

Knight was rushed to the guardian's headquarters. He's not allowed to be confined in any hospitals. His privacy was valued a lot. That's how they treasured his safety.

'But, why did he save me?'

I can't die by the poison that easily. I have the antibodies needed to fight any kind of poisonous substance. Between the two of us, he needs to be protected.

"I'm fine, Dela Vega. You can go." Knight said. He's still in his mask. He was now clothed in a hospital gown. "Even if you are, I can't just leave you here." I glared at him. 'This is my way of expressing gratitude.'

"If you think I'll ask something in return. No, I just went there because of my curiosity." my forehead creased. "Really? What are you curious about?" He smirked.

"If the main founder of that hideous society is indeed fine. Looks like she's just an ordinary one." I raised my eyebrow. "Geez, you're still an asshole regardless of your condition." He let out a chuckle.

"You know what, it's really odd to see you that vulnerable." He suddenly muttered out of the blue. "Vulnerable? When?" He looks smudged. "Your eyes were too expressive, Dela Vega. You may fool everyone with your strong facade, but not me." I rolled my eyes.

"You're so dramatic. Is that the effect of getting pierced by a poisoned bullet?" He just shook his head. "You're unbelievable.."

The doors opened. It revealed the other members of the organization. "Oh my god, Knight! What happened?" Heiress frantically checked his body. "I'm fine, Heiress." Her eyes wandered around the room and it stopped at mine.

"This is all your fault." Before Heiress could take a stride towards me, he was stopped by Knight. He disagreed. "You know accidents happen anytime. Drop that accusation." She tore her annoying bitch face. "Whatever"

Prince cleared his throat. "Are you alright, Hime?" I just nodded. Shekainah joined the conversation. "Why are you still here?" she suddenly asked. "I just want to make sure that he's okay. Since you guys are here, I should take my leave."

I didn't wait for their approval. I stormed out of Knight's private room. 'They are annoying pieces of shit. Only Prince and I go along. The rest of them were too clingy, loud, and exaggerated.'

I decided to check on the others. I've already contacted Drax and his team to clean all those messes. But knowing Anne, she's probably insisting on having Rina's head. She's really sensitive when it comes to her loved ones.

I revved the engine and left the place in an instant.

While driving, I search for a piece of good music to ease the irritated vibes. The music was on shuffle. It started to piss me, sad songs played consecutively. "Come on, give me a good one."

[Ain't no more tears... Ain't gonna cry...

Boy, I'll do anything to get you off my mind]

I've remembered this song. This was played once whenever we were drunk and wasted. Chua and I often had a misunderstanding back then. That's why I've made myself drunk and wasted. Gloria and Anne joined me too. We're all broke as fuck.

I swiftly maneuvered my Lamborghini Veneno. Since I am in a good mood, I didn't play the traffic lights. The traffic was light, 'Well that's a good thing.'

In twenty minutes, I've reached the parking lot. The guards saluted. I pulled over on my usual spot.

It's just four o'clock in the afternoon. It's still working hours so...

The employees bowed their heads. I used my private lift. I want my peace today. This day started with a bang. A lot of revelations and bloody mess.

The lift chimed. As the door opened, I immediately stepped out and walked towards my office. 'Now, come to think of it. Today, I lost my secretary and a toxic ex-boyfriend. What an awful one.'

'Oh, then there's Lucio in severe condition.'

I saw Gloria sitting on my office couch. "Hey there!" She greeted me. "Where's Anne?" She stopped licking her lollipop. "DV Med with Leo" She nodded then shrugged her shoulders then she continued savoring.

I settled down on my throne swivel chair. I slightly leaned to bend its cushion. "Damn, this day is killing me," I uttered.

"Yeah, I thought I'll have fun with the last Coven member." Gloria glared at me. "But someone pushes me away while carrying a wounded civilian," she said mockingly.

"That's my own fight, Gloria. I want to deal with those traitors alone." I replied while still looking at the ceiling, contemplating. 'Well, it's kinda epic. Knight suddenly appeared, he got shot and I have something to return—again.'

"How's Lucio, by the way?"

"He's still alive. That old hag is a fighter."

'At least there's great news.' I closed my eyes. "Good, how about Anne? Did she make another mess again?" I asked, still quite lost in my thoughts. 'Knowing her, she'll make them pay in a triple amount.' Gloria grinned. Gloria's reply only added another question and worries that are running in my head. "She's with Drax earlier. Leo can't stop her brutal lover. Anne slaughtered her poor body and brought Rina's head as a sign of gift." I turned at her furrowed eyebrows and all. 'To whom?'

As if she's heard my thoughts. Gloria grinned before giving me her reply. "According to Anne's assumption, Coven will rise again. So, she sent Rina's head to all underground members." Once again I threw my head back into the cushion of my swivel chair. 'That bitch is declaring war!' Gloria tried to reassure me but clearly to no avail. "Don't worry, Hime. She knows what she's doing."

'Geez, both heads think as one.' I shook my head in frustration.

I was lost in my thoughts when a sudden call came from an unexpected person.

"Moshi moshi? Hime desu,'' [Hello? This is Hime speaking]

"O genki desu ka, Hime chan?" [How are you, my princess? ]

"Ojīsan?!" [Grandad?!]

"Hai, deha , watashi no shitsumon ni kotaete kudasai." [Yes, now, answer my question.]

"Hai hai, totsuzen no denwa de nani ga attano?"[Fine, what's the sudden call?]

"Anata no ojīsan wa, kanojo no tatta ichi nin no magomusume to hanashitai to itteimasu. kanojo ni totemo aitagatteimasu." [Your old man wants to talk to her one and only granddaughter. He missed her so much. ]

"Watashi ga soko ni itteageyō ka" [Do you want me to visit you there?]

"Anata shidai desu, tabun anata ga jiyūnara" [It's up to you, maybe if you're not busy.]

"Anshin shitekudasai. Sugu ni hōmon shimasu. Yakusoku suruyo." [Don't worry, it'll be soon. I promise!]

"Sā , teokure ni naru mae ni watashi o tazunete kudasai." [Okay, visit me before it's too late.]

"E, nani ka watashi ga shitteokubeki koto ga aruno?" [What? Is there something I should know?]

"Anata no otōsan no kotodesu. Kojin teki ni hanasu no ga ichiban ī no kamo shiremasenne." [Your father, I think it's best to talk about this personally.]

"Hai, wakarimashita," [Okay, I understand.]

"Hime chan, sorosoro denwa o kiranaito. Oki o tsukete itterasshai mase. Yappari kimono sugata ga mitaidesu." [I need to hang up now, Hime. Take care of yourself there. I still want to see you dressed in Kimono.]

"Ojīchan, sō suruyo. Aishiteru yo. Otōsan ga kare o dakishimete kudasai." [I will, grandad. I love you. Hug him for me, please.]

"Watashi mo anata o aishiteimasu. Hai, sō shimasu." [I love you too. Yes, I will.] The line died.

"Geez, it's really odd to witness you talking sweet." I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Gloria!" She shook her head and grabbed another bite.

"You're really different when you're talking in Japanese. It's like you've been possessed by some good girl spirit." her teasing game continues.

"You know what, I'm thinking. Maybe I should take a break." Gloria agreed. "I think you should, you're so fed up, so haggard." I grabbed the nearest thing to throw.

Gloria tilted her head. "Seriously, Hime. You look so stressed. Take a long break. Redeem yourself. Your bitchy aura is getting weaker." I sighed.

"Since I don't have any secretary, fill the job." Gloria's mouth slightly opened. "What am I, a slave? No way!" she pouted. "Unless you'll offer me a great deal and order me a sphynx." my eyebrow raised. "And oh! Wild tarantulas too!"

"Hey, have you ordered my surprise rare species? I won the bet!" She turned to face me. 'She's really giddy.' I shook my head before replying. "I didn't. Just schedule my flight to Japan first. Then, I'll let you choose the animals you wanted to ship." She clapped her hands in delight. 'It needed a lot of paperwork, but my connections can make our lives easier.'

'Gloria has her own issues to deal with. She prefers to keep it lowkey. It's not my own story to tell.' She tinkered with her laptop and in a matter of seconds. "Done!" She finished it in just ten seconds.

'Tech-geeks and their fingers.'

I paused as a realization hit me. 'If Lucio's not in good condition, who will manage the company?'

"Leo and I can handle your businesses, Hime. Just go to Japan and take some vacation." I heard Gloria murmur. "Are you sure you can manage my company while I'm gone?" she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up and pack your clothes!"

'Maybe I really need this escape for a while.'