
I TOOK A SIP from my ginger tea. "Take a seat, everyone." I gestured for them to sit down. I observed the room as everybody was taking a place to sit. 'We all gathered here for clarification. Anne was still speechless. She's the only one who's clueless about our plans. But knowing her, maybe she just wants some justifications.'

"Cut that shit, Hime. Start explaining now." Anne blared at me which isn't a surprise. 'She's impatient.' I finished my cup of tea before calmly replying. "Okay, calm your tits. I'm about to begin." Anne silently replied with an eye roll.

I sighed. 'This is gonna be a long narrative.' I turned to look them in the eye. "Our plans started last few months." Anne was about to protest, but I raised my eyebrow. "Shut up, and let me explain everything."

"The first plan was to make the Coven focus their lenses on Leo. We planned that, when you're in deep slumber. Leo's colleagues were targeted one by one, so we didn't waste the opportunity. We made him as bait."

"What the fuck? He's taken already!"

"I'm still not through!"

Anne closed her eyes, she's restraining herself. 'She tends to burst and it's getting worse.' I took a deep breath before continuing my dialogue. "We set the other traps, I know that they're closer. The members of Coven Society were scattered." I gently pour another cup of tea and continue to observe the room. Leo can't even meet Anne's gaze. 'He's really under Anne's spell.'

"I don't want to discuss the other traps. I'm still waiting for them. I want them complete before I start moving." I took another sip. "You're right, Leo's not bewitched." Anne glared in Leo's direction. She even made her finger a knife slicing her throat. 'He's dead.'

"I think that's all." Anne tore her gaze and placed it to mine. "That's all? You could've told me!" My eyebrow rose for the second time. 'Now, she's gonna throw tantrums.'

Gloria suddenly spoke. "But, you know what.." I looked at her. "We're still not through, Hime." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'What is she talking about?'

"We already killed the five ministers and their pawns. In the last operation, we successfully beheaded the remaining members." I reasoned. 'I'm confused.' For a split second, Gloria's face became grim. "I think we forgot something."

"You only killed the two heads of Coven." Leo and Anne said at the same time. They both looked away. "What? Why didn't you tell us?" Gloria grabbed a bucket of fries.

"I thought, you're already informed." She replied nonchalantly. I threw my head back and took another deep breath to help clear my mind. 'Wait, this is alarming. What if—No, it can't be.' As realization dawned on me I turned to face Gloria. Gloria gulped and smiled as she cleared her esophagus.

"Yes, Chua is still in danger," Gloria added. "Or maybe.." Anne paused. "Maybe he's being chased, now." She smirked as she finished her sentence. "Good for him." Anne shrugged. I eyed her sharply.

"What? You still care for your asshole ex?" She asked sarcastically.

I was about to rebut when I saw my private phone ringing. I grabbed it then hit the answer button. "Hello?"

I heard him sighed. "Miss Dela Vega.." Lucio uttered. "What—" He cut me off. "Take care of Lucianna." He said. 'He's weird.' Before I knew it, I heard a gunshot.

"Fuck! Lucio?! Hey!" Anne rushed towards me. "What the—Lucio's here?" My wristwatch beeped. I pressed the button and holographic surveillance appeared. This is from my office in DVEm's. "Gloria quick! Give me a clear view from my office."

Anne gasped. There we saw Lucio dodging all the attacks coming from a cloaked lady. 'The cloak fits her well.' I can see her body shape and familiar height.

"Ain, give me the bird's eye." She obliged. Since we're in the conference room, the weapons were accessible. Anne tossed her newest toys. I saw her sliding guns on her waist. 'Uh oh, She's really mad.'

"I don't care about your plans, now, Hime. I'll see you there." She suddenly vanished from our line of sight as she ran towards somewhere. Leo followed her. "Bring these, Leo." I tossed him the syringes. "They're handy and deadly." Leo just nodded.

I closed my eyes to calm myself. "I didn't expect you to be this low, Rina."

I prepared the gears. I made sure all my weapons were complete. "Gloria, get my phoenix ready." After buckling her harnesses full of weapons, she led the way.

We have reached the rooftop in no time. Gloria sat in the pilot seat. She handed me her tablet. I gave her a questioning look. "See it yourself." I snorted.

'So they are teammates all along. What a perfect tandem. They played it well. I almost cry, sarcastically speaking.'

I closed my eyes again and counted one to ten. My fists curled. I can feel my blood rushing, the same with my adrenaline. As I opened my eyes, my view darkened. I felt my face turn grim full with bloodthirst.

"Wow, your true colors looked good on you." Gloria commended. I grinned. "I'm done being calm and merciful. Make it fast, I'm done waiting."

"Aye, aye!" Gloria maneuvered. She increased the speed. "Let me play some music!"

WE LANDED SAFELY, despite Gloria's stunts. She made my helicopter do some air parkour. 'She's fucking crazy as fuck. I'm used to her craziness, but I can't stop myself glaring at her. She made me feel worse.'

Now, we are walking towards my office. I told Gloria to make all the employees evacuate this place. 'I'm sure they won't like what they will see.' She joyfully punched the fire alarm. She even hacked the system just to announce it. "Please evacuate, there's a huge fire spreading from the CEO's office."

I can hear her laugh as she watched all my employees run. "If one of them got injured, I swear Gloria— I won't leave you unscathed." She just stuck her tongue.

As I got closer, I heard loud thuds. Gloria kicked the door and my office was a complete mess. Leo was busy punching a familiar guy's face. Anne and the awful witch fight like there's no tomorrow. "This is for harming my Lolo." Anne threw a set of punches.

My eyes wander, there's Lucio. He's lying unconscious. I realized how severe his situation is. "Gloria checks Lucio's pulse, quick!" She rushed towards him.

I exhaled sharply and shouted. "Enough!" Anne didn't listen. On the other hand, Leo threw the guy's body. I walked towards him. "Take Anne away from her." Leo was confused. "Now!"

The guy smiled at me. "Babe, he's an asshole!" I caressed his face. 'I used to feel giddy whenever I'm this close.' I blankly stared at his battered face. "Can you still stand?" He weakly nodded. I stood up.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Leave us alone." Gloria groaned. "Hey! We're not finished yet!" She's pouting like a kid. I glared at her. "I said leave us alone."

Leo grabbed Anne by her waist. Gloria carried Lucio like a sack of rice. "Let me go, I want to ruin her face." Leo slapped Anne's butt. "You had enough." I tore my gaze and faced them.

In a few seconds, the door closes. I was left with these two traitors. "Take that mask off, Rina. I know you too well, no need to hide your face."

I can feel her smirk. She took off her head and threw her mask somewhere. Her face was bleeding the same as this guy.

"Now, care to explain?" I took a seat on the edge of a drawer near my doorway and crossed my arms. 'I wanna hear your thoughts, traitors. I want to hear your reason before I make my decision.' Chua took a step closer. "Babe, I—"

I held up my hand stopping him from his tracks and speech. "We're done, Chua. The moment you stepped out of my penthouse, we're already done." He knelt. "No, you're just mad. Let me—"

"Enough of that, Patrick." I glared at Rina. 'The witch still has the guts.' I smiled until a chuckle escaped from my mouth. "Gosh, you guys—" They look bewildered. My laughter died. I walked towards my throne-like swivel chair.

"You did well. You guys played well." I clapped my hands congratulating them with a crazy smile plastered on my face. "Here I am, stressing myself who's who." I crossed my arms. "When did all this bullshit start?"

No one speaks after that. "Hello? Am I speaking to anybody?" Until I heard Rina's chuckle that turned into a full-blown non-stop laughter, with tears streaming down her face. "Sorry, I—" she laughed again. I rolled my eyes.

"I've been here for almost two years. And, I was busted, just now?" She cracked her neck. She even did some stretches. "Étoiles is strong." She wiped the blood on her face. Then, she licked it. "That's gross, Selendrina!" Chua said in disgust.

She walked towards Chua and kicked him. Chua vomited some blood. "You're useless outside the bed." She faced me. "Yeah, I was the girl he fucked in Blue Moon Hotel." I gritted my teeth.

'But the girl's name was..' As if she knew what ran through my mind, she spoke once again. "Let me introduce myself, Hime Dela Vega." She smiled dearly. "Hi, my name is Selendrina Rosalie. I'm the one who established Coven exactly two and a half years ago. Nice to finally fucking meet you."

I faked a gasp. "Oh my god, should I cry in agony now?" Her smile faded. "Of course bitch, I know you're the evil witch I am looking for."

I swiftly moved and stopped a few inches away from her. "You think you can beat me?" I brushed her hair, returning her dearly smile. "I'm sorry dear, I don't intend to lose." with that we started exchanging punches.

Chua helped her beloved witch. Now they both attacked me. I easily dodged all their incoming attacks. 'They are predictable. She was lucky enough to touch me.' I doubled my speed and kept slicing her delicate skin.

"You're a blonde too?" I've just realized. Her natural hair color is yellowish blonde. 'Although she looked like a dumb one.' I shrugged nonchalantly. "Too bad, I can't let some blonde take over my place."

I managed to break some of her ribs. Her blood was oozing everywhere. I ended it with a nice front kick. She was smashed on the wall. While, Chua was already unconscious.

Rina landed on my marble floor. "Geez, you're not worthy of my marbled floor." I threw my poisonous daggers. It pierced on her both shoulders. "Serves you right."

I walked in elegance. I was about to close the door when a body covered mine. He switched our places.

I was shocked, to say the least, but reality dawned as I felt his clothes turned wet and smelled like iron. I looked up and saw the same guy I met at the resto-bar. "Wait, hoodie-guy?"

He didn't answer instead, he aimed his gun and a bullet landed on Rina's forehead. I thought Chua's unconscious. To my surprise, he tried to snatch the gun from Rina's grip.

The hoodie-guy killed him first.

"Hey, you're heavy!" His head fell on my neck. I muttered several curses. I pressed my earpiece. "Leo, Gloria help!"

In a few minutes, Leo arrived. "What the—" I cut him off. "Shut up and check him!" We laid the man on my salvageable couch.

Leo ripped the hoodie. "Shit, he's losing too much blood." I saw the skin around the bullet wound turning purple. "I think he's poisoned," I said as I helped Leo and Gloria. 'There's something about the bullet, that's why.'

He took off his hood. I gasped. "Knight?" I saw his eyes slightly open. He slapped Leo's hands away. "I can handle myself." He looked at me, straight in the eye. 'He's still keeping his mask.'

I protested. "You're wounded, Knight!" I continued to press on the wound to stop it from bleeding, and for some reason, holding my tears back. 'What the fuck is he doing here?' He touched my hand that's pressing on his wound which made me look into him. He shook his head. "Call my team, Hime." I didn't respond. "Call them, please."

'He's stubborn.' I stared at him for a moment, fighting a silent battle with him. I sighed in defeat. "Okay!" I stood up and let Leo press on the wound for me. 'Damn it! I secretly pressed my tattoo.'

"Light up the torch."