
After that night, I busied myself with all the paperwork that I left. Lucio is still handling my company in the shadows while I'm still busy working my ass off, here at the agency. I opened another folder. I immediately scanned the basic information.

"Hime, where the fuck are you?" Anne suddenly appeared. I slowly let out my breath as I put the folder down and face her with foul annoyance lingering. "What is it? You're disturbing my work, Anne?" But my annoyance died down as I saw her puffy eyes. "What happened?" Anne sobbed. 'She's not acting, this is real.'

"I s-saw Leo…" my forehead creased. "Then?" She wiped her tears away. "He's with a bitch." the swivel chair fell down as I stood up from the shock. "What?!" She put her hands on the table and looked at me with eyes swirling with negative emotions. "I said, I saw him with a bitch. They're fucking kissing, Hime!"

I walked closer and wrapped my arms around her. She loudly cried. Her sobs were nonstop and I can feel my dress soaked in tears. 'Last time, she's teasing me like I'm a crybaby. Now, she replaced me.'

I let her cry all those frustrations away. I secretly pressed the emergency button to inform Gloria. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I saw him flirting with a bitch. He noticed my presence. I thought he'd approach me, but then, he just looked at me coldly." I handed her a glass of water. "Drink first."

"The bitch was about to look towards my direction when Leo kissed her. He's looking at me, Hime! He's looking at me before he closes his eyes." I hugged her again. "I'm sorry.."

"Why?" Before answering her, I pressed the sensitive spot on her nape. I knew she's already unconscious when she felt so heavy. "Gloria quick, take Anne to the safe room."

I lay her down on the couch. The couch was wide enough to accommodate her 5'9 height but still long and wide enough for her comfort. The doors opened, Gloria walked inside.

"What happened?" I settled down first before I answered her. "She saw Leo with one of the witches." She nodded. "I'll put her in the safe room." Gloria carried Anne on her shoulders. I heard her curse. "This bitch is 100% muscle." I held my laughter.

"Go, before she gets berserk." Gloria exited.

Now, I faced the monitor. "Leo, how's everything?" I didn't get any response. I heard his footsteps, looks like he's found a safe place to talk. "Everything's fine, how's Anne?" I massaged my temple. 'This couple makes me sick.'

"She's asleep. She can't stop crying." I heard him curse. "Fuck, I'm doomed." I let out a chuckle. "You are, but first, we need to settle the Coven." I flashed a knowing smirk. 'Afterward, you can serenade her in any form you desire.'

"Well, I successfully let her swallow the tracking device. It was automatically activated." I nodded. Once it reaches the stomach, the special device called corn transmits signals. "Okay, we're on it. Stay vigilant."

I was startled upon Gloria's arrival. "Geez, why so sudden?" she just grinned. She opened her laptop and started typing. "Okay, let's get this through." She even stretched her neck.

I let out a chuckle. "What's funny?" Gloria asked. "None, I'm just thinking about Anne and Leo." She's shaking her head. "They're dramatic as ever." She didn't say anything after that. Until, "Gotcha!"

I immediately pressed the button for the elites to assemble. Within two minutes, they'd gathered here in the conference room.

"Where's Miss Anne?" Eros asked. He's really the fanatic one. "She's resting for a while. She'll join us later." I said with a face void of emotions. 'Well, that's my assumption. Anne is adventurous. She can't let this opportunity pass. She loves trouble a lot.' Although suspicious, he cautiously nodded "Okay.."

I cleared my throat to get their attention. "The Coven Society was still standing. We are lucky enough to have this opportunity again. This time, we aimed for the founders' heads. We've successfully decapitated the ministers. Now, brace yourselves for another survival battle. I'm hoping that this team can survive, can you?"

Some of them gulped. But still managed to answer, "Y-yes, definitely.." I smirked. "Good. Now, proceed to the gym." They all left, I was alone with my thoughts. 'We still have the remaining pieces of equipment, enough to kill the whole society. It was again, sponsored by the one and only head guardian.'

"Are you sure about this?" Gloria's pertaining to Anne. We are here outside the safe room. "We need to somehow delay her entrance, Gloria. We know how Leo can be, he's protective and becomes soft by Anne's puppy eyes." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, what's the approximate time of her arrival?" I smirked. "Given these locks and her emotional self, two hours." She's shaking her head again. "We know she's unpredictable these days. I think she'll make it in less than an hour."

"Wanna bet?" Gloria flashed a sly grin. "Sure, what's the deal?" I returned the sly grin. 'I'm still thinking, she's not hard to please.' I lay my index finger on my chin. "Food?" She exhaled sharply. "I can feed myself, give me something pleasant!"

I sighed. "Okay, I'll bring you another rare species." Her grin was back. "Deal, what about you?" It's my turn to flash a wicked grin. "I'll think about it, but maybe, you'll do everything I say."

"Okay, as long as it's thrilling, why not?" I left her there and started strutting towards the conference room. I opened the door and unzipped the bags. I heard Gloria gasped. "Oh my!"

Her eyes are shining with delight. She caressed the newly invented guns. Next, I grabbed the sharpest blades. I lay all of the blades down on the table. Different types of knives, dagger, boomerangs, and other blades are there. They came in various sizes too.

"What's that liquid thingy?" She pointed out the vials with colorful serums. "Take a guess.." I turned to her 'I don't want to spoil the fun.' I flashed another sly grin. "I'm sure they are deadly. Let me have them!"

She took some. "We'll leave them here?" Good thing, she asked. "Anne will need those weapons too." I winked and closed the door. I secured the room with another code. "Good luck to your technical skills, Anne."

WE ONLY USED three armored vehicles. One of the medical team, two of us. Seventy percent of elites were in the other one. The remaining thirty percent joined us.

The AIs are assisting us too. Gloria was still busy with her laptop. I focused myself on checking the monitors. We have the bird's eye view with the help of our three satellites. They were all connected to Étoile and Knight.

"Get ready, we're about to reach the location in ten minutes," I announced through my earpiece. "Copy that." Drax and the others responded.

I prepared my weapons and black leather coat. I don't want my dress to get stained. "She's awake," Gloria uttered. She's talking about Anne. 'Wait,' I faced her, confused "It's just thirty minutes since we've left." She smirked. "I told you, Anne's unpredictable, nowadays."

I can see Gloria observing Anne's behavior through the monitor. As if she felt our gazes, Anne raised her middle finger to the surveillance camera. Gloria turned on the audio transmitter. "Fuck you, bitches. Wait until I've reached your location." Both Gloria and I looked at each other. 'She's really mad.'

"I've told you already—"

"Shut up!"

The rest of the elites looked at us. I raised my eyebrow and they turned away. Gloria whispered. "I'm gonna win this.." I smirked. "Anne can't possibly hack all the locks—"

Gloria heightened the brightness meter. "Oh shit!" Anne was moving like Flash. In three minutes, she was able to unlock the doors. The safe room, gym, and conference room were now all open. "I'm gonna win" Gloria sang.

"Never underestimate the power of love and its madness." She winked. I rolled my eyes before looking back at the screen.

The vehicles stopped. "We have reached the location," Ain announced in her robotic voice. The elites quickly and quietly scattered to surround and secure the area.

Gloria aimed her special bow and arrow harness towards the building. She successfully hit and started ascending. I added security to the armored cars. Ain and her team AIs were in charge. They served as eyes and ears. They will alarm us in case of an emergency.

"Scanning completed. All targets are residing on the third floor. Armed with level 2 weapons, the chance of survival is 70 percent." Ain relayed the message. "Thanks, Ain. Give us some more later."

"Elites assemble!" As we walk inside, bullets are already raining towards us. I easily dodged them. I throw enough needles to silence them. The poisonous boomerang helped me to clear the path. It was now covered with blood and hair debris. "You've been through a lot, huh." I lazily threw it again. I heard some slashing sounds. I docked and caught it.

We are all minding our business. Some elites used guns, while others chose to mess with their blades. I stride in elegance as I've reached the second floor. I hide myself to avoid flying those daggers. "Drax! What are you doing here?" He's supposed to be with the medic team.

"I don't want to miss the fun." He smashed the poor guy's head. I closed my eyes and wiped the blood on my face. "I'm sorry, ma'am. Here, take these wipes." I took it with a scowl on my face. 'This guy should be waiting and tending some wounds.'

"You're creating wounds." He proudly nodded. "I'm getting tired of treating them. I'm just making their lives easier and worry-free." I can't help but shake my head. 'He sounded like Gloria. Medical practitioners are really weird.'

Another set of goons lined up. Drax did some stretches. "I'll handle them." I nodded. I started to walk again. I encountered some elites, fighting and snatching goons from other elites, like it's a competition. 'They're the same as their teachers. Their coaches were Gloria and Anne. They are both crazy as fuck.'

'Thank God, I've reached the third floor. There's no elevator. This is just a typical rest house. In order to get here, you need to climb through its grand staircase.' My thankful thoughts were snatched away by a voice. "Welcome, Hime Dela Vega."

My eyes wandered, I saw Gloria tied on a chair. 'What the hell is she planning by letting herself be captured like this?' I faced where the voice came from and saw a bitch wearing a medieval-style hooded cloak. "Where's Leo?" The cloaked bitch pointed out somewhere on the right. "He's there." I turned my gaze.

"Gotcha!" She muttered before running to attack me with a dagger. I dodged her attack, caught and twisted her wrist that made her drop the dagger. "You think I'll let you hit my gorgeous face?" I kneed her stomach hard. She's now vomiting blood. "Don't you have some abs?" She spits. I locked her neck in my arms.

"Answer me, bitch. Don't be rude." I twisted her head, breaking her neck and spine in the process. Gloria was still tied. "Come on, Gloria! I know you can get away with that." She smirked and smashed the chair as she flipped.

"Where's Leo?" Gloria shrugged. "I don't know, I'm looking for him too." I rolled my eyes and asked Ain. "Where's Leo?"

"Third floor, last door." Gloria was about to kick all those doors when a group of ninjas came out. "Wow, level up!" Gloria even clapped her hands. "Come on! Let's play!"

Gloria faced approximately thirty people. The remaining twenty were waiting for me to attack. "What are you waiting for?" They obliged and started attacking me.

I throw my three boomerangs and let them fly. I dodged when a fist tried to land on my face. "I said not my face!" I showered my remaining glossy needles. My hair fell to my waist. I used my sticks and formed them into sickle blades.

Slash, smash, dodge, block, and attack…

After fifteen minutes of the nonstop fighting, another set of ninjas added. "Come on, aren't you getting sick of this?" instead of answering, they just continued to attack us. Twenty minutes passed and the door opened.

"Wow, look at that honey! Your friends are really entertaining." The bitch clings to bewitched Leo. He just smirked at us. He even wrapped his arms around her waist.

'Let's see if you still have those arms when…'

The sound of roaring Harley Davidson smashed the windows. 'How the —' my mouth fell agape. "Surprise, bitches!" Anne parked her monster bike somewhere. She even placed her tinted helmet carefully. Anne slowly walked as if she's in runways.

"Long time, no see... Honey-pie." I can feel the tension in the atmosphere. Anne looked in my direction. She raised an eyebrow and tossed her long wavy brown hair. I glanced at Leo, he's still speechless. Until, "Wait honey, I'll take care of this mess." The bitch dared to kiss Leo on his lips.

Gloria and I looked at each other, and grinned at the same time. She pointed out my watch. It's 1:30 pm. I look confused, but a realization hits me, "Fuck!" I cursed under my breath. 'Gloria won. Anne reached this place at exactly 50 minutes.' I quickly dismissed the thought of losing.

I focused myself on being entertained in the battle between a bitch and a witch. The witch attacked first. Anne kept dodging. "What a coward bitch!"

'Oh-oh, not that word!' I saw how her lips curled. Anne throws punches. The pitiful witch can't even breathe. She twisted her knuckles and I heard some cracking bones. The witch paled and turned into blue-violet.

"Take this bitch, and this." Anne was unstoppable. The girl was already dead. Her face is already unrecognizable. Her bones have all bent and dislocated.

She walked towards Leo. The guy was not even blinking. He's dumbfounded. Anne sniffed. She stared at Leo's eyes, then she grinned. "You're not under the spell, right?" Leo unconsciously nodded. Anne stepped back. "Good."

Her fist landed on Leo's face. "Serves you right, asshole!" When Anne saw us observing, she raised her middle finger and glared.

"Let me explain, Anne!" Leo shouted. Anne fixed her hair and put her helmet back. She rode her Harley and revved the engine. "Save your explanations later!" with that, she left.

Leo sighed in frustration. "Fuck, this is all my fault." Gloria just shook her head. "You could've put the tracker or the pinch on the newest version of the ladybug, Leo." She concluded. "She saw you kissing her, not doing your job to put the tracker."

"Don't worry, she'll understand it soon."

Leo snorted. "Yeah, after distorting my face in madness." We laughed.

It's not my fault, Leo. I told you to act, not to fuck up.