Missing Part

WARNING: Mature Content

"GLORIA, I'll extend my vacation. Make sure my company is still on top. Once I heard some bullshit, I'll hunt you and free all your beloved animals. Am I clear?" I heard her gasps. "Oh really? Do that and I'll free all your captives, then I'll make sure all of them will be displayed as my newest collection." I chuckled. "I'm just kidding bitch. Don't you even dare touch my captives, alright?" I didn't wait for her answer and hung up.

"Oh, you look irritated, Hime-sama. Here, eat this sushi and gyōza." Seiru offered her meal. She's really sweet. "Thank you, Seiru-chan." She just smiled.

'Ojiisan will scold me if he sees me eating outside the table.' So I looked around before taking a gigantic bite. I moaned in delight. 'Their recipe is the best!'

"Nani o shiteiruno Hime sama?" [What are you doing, Hime-sama?] Saiga suddenly appeared. I gulped and cleared my throat.

"Eto, to omotte iru tokoro desu." [I'm just thinking.] He doesn't look convinced.

"Hontōni? Ja, anata no kao ni wa wasabi ga tsuiteiru." [Really? You still have some wasabi on your face.] He grinned.

"Aa, arigato." [Oh, thanks for that.] He gave me his embroidered handkerchief.

"Ne, dono kurai no kikan , koko ni taizai suru nodesu ka."[How long will you stay here?]

"Sa, wakaranai. Teikyō suru ryōri niyotte koto arimasu." [I don't know. It depends on the food you guys served.] I gave him a sly smile. 'I'm just kidding but it's one of the factors. I miss the food here. It's different from the one served in Japanese restaurants.'

"Sate, san-nichime ni narimashita. Tsūjō, omae wa ichi-shūkan go ni wa kūkō ni mukatte hashiru." [It's been three days. Usually, you'll run towards the airport after a week.] I chuckled and smiled genuinely. 'It's because of the workloads I have. I can't even leave the empire for more than a week. I need to be home after breathing in some country. That's how I spend time with myself.'

"Mā, mitemimashō, Saiga-kun."[Well, let's just see, Saiga.] I pat his head. 'I don't want them to know what I've been going through. For a while, maybe I'll just roam around Osaka. There's a lot of things to anticipate.'

"Ne, doko ka ni ikitai to omotte imasu ka? [Hey, want to go somewhere?] Saiga looks confused.

"Doko?" [To where?] He stood up and turned to me. 'I want to go shopping and I miss that delicious takoyaki.'

"Sā, jinsei o tanoshimōde wa arimasen ka." [Come on, we should enjoy life!] He held out his hand, which I gladly took. 'Good thing I'm dressed in casual clothes. I want another set of clothes.'

Without a second to spare I dragged him towards my car.

"Waoh! Kore wa doko de te ni ireta nodesu ka?! Takaidesunē!" [Woah! Where did you get this? That's expensive!] He's talking about my Nissan GT-R. I just shook my head.

"Kikanaide, Ikko!" [Don't ask, let's go!] I was about to open the door but I forgot someone. I fished out my phone to call her.

"Seiru-chan doko ni iru no?" [Where are you Seiru?]

"Watashi wa kicchin ni imasu. Dōshite?" [I'm in the kitchen.] I heard some stirring sounds.

"Sā, ta no shiyōnin ni mo yarasetemimashō. Soto ni deyō!" [Come on, let the other servants do that. Let's go outside!] She was about to protest but,

"Kore wa marena kotona ndayo? Takusan no yōfuku o o kaimono shimashō," [This is rare okay? We'll shop for a lot of clothes!] I heard her sigh on the other line. I won and I told her to run. I can't stop myself from grinning.

"Hime-sama, akuma no yōna kao o shiteiru." [You look like a devil, Hime-sama.] Saiga teased me. I raised my middle finger. He looks taken aback. I laughed at his horrible expression.

"Oioi, dōtei butte njanēyo. Anata ga sōdenai koto o watashi wa shitteirukara!" [Come on, don't act like a virgin. Because you are not!] He just scratched the back of his head.

"Koko ni imasu!" [I'm here!] I smiled upon hearing Seiru's voice. I blared my car horn and she looked amazed.

"Nani o matteimasu ka?" [What are you waiting for?] She opened the door and settled down.

I stepped on the gas and let our journey begin.

We've arrived at our first stop. The Amerikamura, a place where we can buy vintage clothes and see my favorite takoyaki shop. I parked our car on the side. 'Thank God I saw a good spot for my car. I can't just leave it somewhere.'

"Ikuzo!" [Let's go!] They looked giddy.

Saiga and Seiru are siblings. They looked like twins but Saiga was older. They are our servant's children.

They just looked around. 'Come on, I don't do window shopping. I believe in Philosopher Ariana's famous line: I see it, I want it, I got it...'

"Nani ka hoshī mono wa arimasu ka, Seiru-chan?" [Do you want anything, Seiru?] She just shook her head. I saw her staring at a cute pink handbag. I took her hand and walked towards the store.

"Konnichiha , sono kawaī pinku no fukuro o miru koto ga dekiru ka." [Hi, can I see that cute pink bag?] The vendor nodded. I handed it to Seiru. Her eyes shone in delight. Her smile dropped when she saw the price. It costs ¥660,000

"Taka sugimasu, Hime-sama." [That's too expensive, Hime.] I smiled at her. She looked away.

"Kore o shutoku shimasu." [We'll get this!] The vendor nodded. She bought a new one that's inside the box.

"Kochi !" [Here!] I handed her the box. Her cheeks flushed. She's probably shy.

"Sore wa takai, Hime-sama. Kono wa uketoremasen." [That's expensive, Hime. I can't take this.] I took both of her hands.

"Jaa, anata no hayai tanjōbi purezento toshite kore o , kyoka shinasai ka." [Accept this as your early birthday gift, okay?] I didn't wait for her answer. I started walking again. My eyes are wandering around for another baby.

I looked around and saw the two siblings walking behind me.

"Ne, Saiga! doko ni ikitai desu ka" [Hey Saiga! Where do you want to go?] He walked towards me.

"Wagyū ga hoshīdesu!" [I want some Wagyu beef!] Istopped in my tracks to think for a couple of seconds. 'I know a good place for that.' A smile creeped into my face.

"Kuromon shijō ni ikimashō!" [Let's go to Kuromon Market!] They both agreed. 'Saiga is not that shy so he led the way. We both love delicious food.'

We brought a lot and Saiga volunteered to hold them for us. We called it a day after eating my favorite takoyaki.

"OJIISAN!" I smiled at him. He looks confused seeing us with some stuff.

"Watashitachi wa koko de ōku no ryōri o taberu." [We have a lot of food there, Hime.] I flashed my sweetest smile. 'He's really thrifty.'

"Wagyū o motte kimashita!" [I brought some Wagyu beef!] He just shook his head. I took off my shoes as we went inside. We continued our way towards the kitchen. The servants bowed after they saw me.

"Konbanwa, Hime-sama." [Good evening, Ms. Hime.] I greeted them too. They put all of the ingredients inside the stockroom. We have a separate room for all these kinds of stuff.

"Shokuji no junbi ga dekitara denwa shitekudasai." [Call me when the food's ready.] I asked Seiru.

"Hai, arigato gozaimasu, Hime- sama." [Yes, thank you, Ms. Hime] My lips curved into a smile. She lowered her head.

"Itsu demo kengai desu." [You're always welcome.] I closed the door and stripped all my clothes.

Just as I instructed Seiru, she called me when the dinner's ready. It usually starts at six-thirty, obviously in the evening.

"Itadakemasu" It's also a way to express our gratitude, aside from the go signal to eat.

Like what we did last time, we put back all the things we use, even the chopsticks.

Since, it's only Thursday. We sleep at nine o'clock. But not me, this is the perfect time to have my nightlife. For women, the door fee is free before ten pm. Of course, I don't care about the money. It's just that, I need to be as silent as possible, or else Ojiisan will kill me.

I put on a lacy body-fitting dress. It's an ash-colored one with a plunging neckline. I put on a nice shade of nude lipstick, a pair of strappy stiletto, and my black shiny pouch.

I finished everything at nine-forty-five, I sighed in relief. No one's around, it's safe now. I walked silently and made sure no one would notice my absence. I'll be back first thing in the morning.

I grinned victoriously when I successfully made it to my car. I inserted the key into the ignition. I bit my lip as I stepped on the gas. The car moved and I can feel the excitement.

I parked my car in my usual spot. I know the owner. That's how my connection works. I tossed my car keys and I gloriously catwalk. I can feel the stairs and whisper about how hot I am. 'I can't blame them, I love myself too.'

The bouncers opened the door for me. I was greeted by a wild crowd. Giraffe is really famous for the locals and foreigners. 'Maybe I'll find someone to play with.'

"Ichiban no ichi hai o kudasai." [Give me the hardest drink] The bartender nodded. 'Maybe I'll just call Saiga to fetch me later. I'm too thirsty, sake can't suffice it.'

As I waited for my drink, a stranger sat beside me. "Hi Miss, mind if I join you?" I. checked him out. He got sea green eyes and a nice shade of brown hair. 'Not bad for someone I can play with. I'm done with chinky gentlemen. Let's try another race.'

"Sure, Have you ordered something?" the guy flashed his flirtatious grin. "Yeah, I'll have a margarita." I crossed my legs and straightened my back. I can see him checking me out.

He was about to speak when our drinks came. "Cheers?" And we did.

'Good choice, it's Devil Springs Vodka.'

The next thing I knew, I'm making out with a London boy. We're playing hockey using our tongues, no one wants to back down. I can feel his arousal poking on my navel. He's gripping my butt as if it's the fluffiest buns in the world.

His lips traveled on my neck. I cocked my head to the side to give him full access. Of course, I'm not going down without a fight. I caressed his stomach part to feel his abs. I counted them one by one, they are eight in total. He stopped and whispered.

"Want to continue this somewhere?" I reached for his jaw and looked him straight in the eyes. "I enjoyed playing with you." I pushed him away and lost myself in the crowd.

I dance like there's no tomorrow. Some guys joined me too. The girls cheered for me, while some were glaring at me. 'I won't give any single fuck tonight. Both literally and figuratively.'

The night was a blast. Until I felt dizzy while I'm retouching my makeup in the powder room. I'm still hot though, my face looks flushed. My lips were plump due to the tongue hockey a while ago.

I swiped my nude lipstick and I'm ready to go home. I don't want to look shit as I will pass through the crowd later. I took another batch of selfies before calling Saiga.

"Moshi moshi," [Hello?] His voice was groggy. Oops! I think I woke him up!

"Jirafu de koko ni kitekudasai" [Fetch me here at Giraffe] I didn't wait for his approval. I hung up. My car is the safest place for now. 'Three am is the devil's hour for me.'

I opened the door and started the engine. I feel so hot, the alcohol hit me so hard. After a few minutes, I saw Saiga walking towards the driver's seat.

He knocked and I opened the door.

"Aish! Naze, anata wa yotte iru nodesu ka? Ojīsan ga kimi o koroshitekuremasu!" [Goodness, why are you drunk? Ojiisan will kill you!] I just grinned.

"When life fucks, get drunk!" I raised both my hands up. 'I'm really wasted. I can't even talk to people formally. Not my fault, it was just so fun.'

I smiled and leaned on the backrest. 'This day is exhausting, but I had fun.'

I felt the car move. I let myself fall into a deep slumber. Even in sleep, I still can't figure it out.

'Why do I feel so empty? What's missing?'