Welcome Back

THE JAPAN VACATION lasted for a month. After that, I stayed back in Troum for a week to settle some important matters. Then, I took the rest of my vacation in different countries. I've been in the Maldives, attended parties in LA, and the last stop, Greece. I stayed there for three months. In total, my escapade took ten months and I think that's the best days of my life.

"Hey, you have an appointment with Mr. Alexandre." Gloria suddenly appeared. 'She loves to startle me.' I rolled my eyes before looking up from my files and paused for a second before replying. "Okay, prepare the conference room." She looked at me weirdly. "What?"

"Why Conference room? Your office is spacious enough for small talk." I raised my eyebrow. "So what? I'm the boss here!" She stuck her tongue out. "You shipped my babies late!" I let out a chuckle. 'Oh, she's still holding some grudges.'

She closed the door with a loud bang. "Fuck, my ears." I flinched. 'I hate such noises.' I massaged my temples. I turned my swivel chair and faced the breathtaking view of Troum. 'I love the view from here.'

A soft knock awakened me from my reverie. I fixed myself before facing him. "Good morning, Mr. Alexandre." He welcomed me with his boyish grin. "Good morning too, Miss Dela Vega." I motioned him to the seat.

"Thanks, I'm here to discuss the upcoming charity ball." I nodded. 'Oh, about that.' I interlock my fingers and bring them near my lips. "Go ahead, Mr. Alexandre." He smiled. "Here's our suggestions.."

He started talking casually. I can't help but check him out. 'His Adam's apple looks so appetizing. I wonder what he would feel if I bite it, just like eve.' I was pulled out of my reverie when he called out my name. "Miss Dela Vega?" I smirked. "Yes?"

"Do you like our suggestions? Do you have something to add?" I fixed my posture. 'I'm already informed about his plans. I'm always ahead of my game.' I took a breath. "Hmm, I was just thinking. Maybe we can invite some celebrities." He looks confused. "I thought you hate them because they're too proud of themselves?" I shook my head.

"I have the perfect person to invite. She'll host this event. I'm sure that'll gain so much attention since a lot of people are curious where she is." He paused to consider my suggestion. "Okay, who is she then?" I widely grinned.

"My bitchy friend named Anne Slovavich. The international supermodel is also known as Meghan Star." He looks satisfied. "Sounds promising. Do you think she'll agree? I heard her talent fee is too hard to reach." I scoffed at his remark. 'Of course, Aleron. Who can't say no to me?'

"Don't worry, I can handle her." He nodded. "Okay, then. I'm looking forward to meeting her soon." I dismissed him formally. My eyes fell on his round butt. "Looks appetizing." I bit my lower lip in anticipation.

"Did you say something?" He asked out of the blue. "None, enjoy your lunch." He lowered his head and closed the door.

'What the fuck was that, Hime Dela Vega? Where did you start to feel this way?'

I collapsed myself back down my swivel chair. Curses flew under my breath. I can't stop thinking about him ever since then.

It all started when we accidentally met in Greece. I thought he's a creepy stalker, but turns out he was there for a business trip.

We first bumped into each other in Athens. I was about to yell at him, but I froze for that electricity.

"Are you okay, Miss—Oh, Miss Dela Vega?" I was startled too. "Ale—Mister Alexandre?" I almost call him by his given name. 'That's a wrong move, Hime. Don't be too easy.' His face contorted in confusion. "Why are you here?" I raised my eyebrow. 'Is he questioning my capability to travel?'

"None of your business." He grinned. "Whoa, you're too hot-headed." I eyed him sharply. "I'm here for a business trip. I'm sorry I didn't see you, I was talking to someone." He pointed out his AirPods. I didn't answer him, instead, I walked away.

'Rule number three, Hime. Never shall make everyone know what exactly you are feeling. On second thought, Chua still betrayed me even if I treated him in the best way I can.'

A huge sigh left my body before I could stop it.

'Well, what can I say? Assholes are assholes regardless of their form. Also, maybe that's just static electricity. I can't just rely on movies and books for those sparkly shirts.'

I was once again pulled away from my thoughts when Gloria popped out from nowhere. "Hey, I'm famished! Let's get outta here!" Gloria whined like a kid. I snatched my bag and started walking towards the lift. "Where are we going?" I asked her. "I want fast-food!"

I just shook my head. "I don't feel like eating fast food, Gloria. Just take that food out and let's eat it in Starbox." She murmured incomprehensible words. "Shut up." Gloria made faces and we entered the lift quietly.

The lift chimed. Gloria walked out first. She bee-lined towards the driver's seat. Ever since she became my secretary, she took the initiative to drive the both of us during lunch. 'Her reason? It's a waste of petrol, less pollution equals cleaner air.' I can't help but roll my eyes.

She pulled over at my special spot in DV Mall. She played with my keys while striding towards the food court. 'Damn, that kid, walks fast when it comes to food.'

We parted ways. I made my way towards the Starbox, while Gloria went to her favorite local fast-food chain. I can imagine how many bucket meals she will order.

As I opened the door, Clyde welcomed me with a tight hug. "I missed you bitch! You're gone for a long time! Anne said you're forlorn." He's giddy today. " I'm all good now, I was just looking for afam." A smirk flash on my gorgeous face. 'Yes, I know gay-lingo.' His face lightened up. "Oh, creamed?" I raised my eyebrow. 'He playfully zipped his mouth.'

"But always remember, sis. Be chinky, be wary." I reached out for his hair but he immediately ran away. 'I like chinky eyes, okay? But, that was before.'

Clyde brought me my usual order. Blueberry cheesecake, a cup of tea, and a good set of magazines. I was waiting for Gloria. 'She can't just—'

One by one she settled three-bucket meals on our table. The fries and spaghetti are even enough to feed a whole family. Don't even ask about sundaes, because she bought tubs. I shake my head at her humongous gluttony.

"What happened? Are you… not fed for a year?" Clyde butted in. He's holding a tray. Gloria didn't throw a single glance at him. She's too busy eating her heart out. She's savoring every bite as if it's her last.

Up until… She choked. I can't help but laugh at her. Dagger sharp gazes were sent to me but eventually melted when I poured her a glass of water. "Slow down, no one's chasing you. It's okay to be late, you know? I'm the boss, remember?"

"Sh-ut u-up." She speaks even though her mouth is full. "Don't even talk to me." I crinkle my nose in disgust. If Ojiisan is here, he'll probably scold Gloria's behavior.

'Now, I miss Osaka again.'

I put down the last magazine I've read and started eating. I sliced the blueberry cake and took a small bite. Next, a sip from my hibiscus tea. Refreshing and calming at the same time.

"I saw you gawking at Mr. Alexandre's butt." Gloria blurted out of the blue. I glared at her. "What the fuck, Gloria?" I almost spewed my tea at her face. "What? I'm just stating the fact." she continued munching.

"Whatever, he's hot, okay?" Gloria shook her head. "Just be careful, Hime. He may look harmless, but I think he has a lot under his sleeves." I smirked. "And what are those? His yummy collarbone or his broad shoulders?" She looks disgusted.

"You're messing with my appetite. Cut that topic!" I chuckled. 'She's not into blunt words.' I patted her head. "Okay, good-girl Gloria." she just rolled her eyes.

'He looks promising, though. I can't deny the unfamiliar feelings that are building inside me. However, this may lead to false alarms again. I can't just rely on my preference. If it clicks, then let it be.'

I continued sipping my tea while looking out the window.

'If I'll fall for someone, I want it to be a genuine one. I don't want to fall for that person because he got all the traits I dreamt of. I want to experience what love is, not because of its feeling. There are different ideas. It's confusing as hell, so we all need to be cautious with what we feel.'

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Anne said frantically. I took a sip of my hibiscus tea. "Well, it's for the charity, Anne. Don't be such a killjoy." We are still here in Starbox. We've invited her, just to inform her.

"You will be the host for that night, Anne. It's not like you're part of the auction." Aleron suggested auctioning vintage stuff. That includes Anne's masterpieces, Gloria's gadgets, and some of our family's memorabilia.

"Okay, just to be sure that that's the only thing you want. You know how I treasure my private life now." I almost scoffed at her. 'How ironic, she loved attention before. Look at her now, being imparted by his boyfriend with possessiveness and privacy-freak.'

"Don't worry, we'll just use people's curiosity about your sudden disappearance." She just nodded. I handed her my favorite chocolate milkshake. 'Some people may call this bribe but chocolate is her weakness. I'm just being generous, that's why.'

"Did you know she's gawking and salivating to her business partner?" My face fell into a blank one. 'Gloria's pissing me off.' Anne glanced at me before continuing the conversation. "Oh, was that the hot piece of meat, I saw passing by, last time?" I rolled my eyes. "I knew it! He's your type!" I looked around before raising my middle finger.

"Shut the fuck up. You're pissing me off, Gloria." Gloria just grinned. "Nice one, Hime. Not to chinky eyes, but back to rugged looks again." That's Anne and her shitty lines.

"Don't worry, we'll help you. You'll have them soon." I just rolled my eyes. 'I can move at my own pace, bitches.' I took another slice from my blueberry cheesecake.