Mystery Unveiled

"HERE'S YOUR coffee and tea, ma'am, and sir." I can hear the sarcasm in Gloria's voice. "Thanks, just place "Here's your coffee and tea, ma'am, and sir." I can hear the sarcasm in Gloria's voice. "Thanks, just place it on the table." She walks towards us but, then...

"Oh my—I'm sorry, sir!" Gloria tripped. The hot coffee spilled on Aleron's white shirt. "I can handle it—" I glared at Gloria. "Bring me the first aid kit, quick!" I closed the gap between us and I unbuttoned his shirt. He was about to protest, but I cut him off. "That was newly boiled, Mr. Alexandre." I gave him a challenging glare. 'Thank God, he didn't stop me.'

I noticed a scar on his left shoulder. Instead of asking the story behind it, I focused on his slightly red skin. "Geez, it's a first-degree burn." In no time, Gloria returned with a cold compress and the first aid kit.

She was about to assist me. "I'll handle this, go back to your place." Gloria looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows, implying something I don't want to admit. Yet.

I can feel her smirk as she closes the door. 'She'll need some scolding.' I placed the cold compress to ease the pain and redness.

I can't count how many deep breaths I have made. 'His scent is quite addicting.' I can't deny how his smell arouses me. "Ehem.." He awkwardly cleared his throat. "Wait, I'll just put this ointment and we're done." I can feel his stare.

"There you go, I hope it won't swell." I smiled. I looked at him straight in the eyes. "Is there something wrong?" He can't keep his eyes away from me. He stared at me for a few seconds before blinking. "Ahm, thanks." He smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, so where are we again? Oh, the theme!" I browse some of their proposals. "I would like to have a masquerade-themed ball." I looked up to him and caught him staring. 'I like how thrilling it is. It has this mysterious effect.' I tilted my head slightly. "What do you think?"

He looked down and read again. "Sounds great!" Silence filled us again. Until he opened another topic. "So, we have fifteen items to auction. Is that final?" I nodded. "Yes, it's quite a lot. But the more, the better—right?" He agreed.

We already settled the important things after an hour. 'I don't want to mess this up.' This is not the first time I've collaborated with one of the famous empires. The DV and Constellations were partners even in the past since Lucio and Ojiisan were best buddies.

I walked with him towards the door. "Thanks for your time, Mr. Alexandre." I formally commend his efforts. He didn't say anything, he just nodded. I was about to open the door when he held my wrist. "Yes?"

'Please, don't test me, I'm barely in control.'

"Will you be my date?" I suppress my grin. 'As expected, Hime. I'm gorgeous and that's irresistible.' A gave him a nod. "Okay." He flashed a bright smile, that ALMOST made my heart jump in surprise. He bid his farewell.

'Stop. That's not right. Don't give him any kind of motive, even though he's hot. Don't assume that he's implying something. Save yourself from getting hurt.'

As soon as he left, Gloria barged in and flashed an annoying grin. "Good mood, eh?" I eyed her sharply. "What the fuck was that stunt, Gloria Greene?"

The grin didn't leave her face. "Nothing" she sang. 'I know she's planning something wicked with that tune.' It annoyed me. "Spill it." She playfully zipped her mouth. "Nah, I'm not done yet." She stuck her tongue and left me alone.

"Nice smelling ability, you've got there!" Her statement left me agape. 'Now I know why I felt weird, a while ago.' My annoyance grew significantly. "Gloria Marie Victoiré!" The door closed with a loud bang.

'What a crazy, bitch.'

I dismissed that negative vibe and called my glamour team. "Bring me the finest dresses. I want to look better than a goddess." They obliged.

After some negotiations, we came up with a dazzling creative idea.

I'm gonna slay that night. 'Well, I can always nail any look. It's one of the perks as a true-blooded Dela Vega.'

I suddenly remembered Alessandra. I rarely visit her in my favorite place. Maybe she's missing me already. I'll surprise her soon.

I STARED at my reflection in my vanity mirror. The face looks flashy and dazzling for the dewy look. My features were highlighted. My brows were naturally styled, the same with my long-thicker eyelashes. My lips were peach-colored.

I wore this opal asymmetrical evening dress from Alexander Mcqueen. I'm also wearing a luxurious pair of footwear, from Stewart Weitzman, filled with gemstones. The hair suits me well. It was curled from mid to end.

In short, gorgeous is not enough to describe my look. A satisfied grin was plastered on my face.

I'm here in my penthouse. I don't have any plans to be one of the latecomers.

'Now, I remember someone. She needs to be reminded, every single time.' I speed-dialed her number. 'Thank God, she answered.'

"Don't be late, por favor, Anne!" I heard her chuckle. "For the nth time, bitch.."

"Hey, are you through?" I heard Leo, checking her on the other line. "Oh still, don't you dare, Anne!" I didn't hear her answer, instead, the line died. I can't help but shake my head.

My doorbell rang. I checked who that is from the monitor. I smirked. He's here. I smoothed my dress and pursed my lips. I snatched my pouch.

As I reached the door, I took a deep breath and straightened my face. I'm gonna embrace my intimidating look. I opened the door. 'I almost drool at that wonderful sight.' Before he could catch me drooling. 'No scratch that, I was just checking him out.' I dismissed those thoughts and straightened myself and greeted him. "Hi!" He flashed his boyish grin.

Aleron Alexandre was dressed in white tuxedo and silver pants. He's wearing his silver mask.

"Hey." He took my hand and kissed it. "Ethereal, indeed." I just smirked. "Shall we?" He asked after placing my hands on his yummy biceps. "We shall."

'Shit, did I just— No, Hime! Remember your rules. But, that rule is meant for my admirers.' I shook my head trying to dismiss the unpleasant pleasant thoughts. "Are you alright?" I lightly smiled. "Yes." And with that, we entered the lift.

'His smell was kinda different. This is more addictive compared to what he used last time.' Without thinking, I blurted out a question. "Did you change your perfume?" He shook his head. "It's the same. Chanel for men." He looks confused. "Is it too strong?"

"No, I just noticed the smell. I thought you'd changed your perfume" He sighed in relief. "I'll take that as a positive one." I didn't say anything. A few heartbeats later, we reached the ground floor. The attendants greeted us. I gave them a nod out of respect.

The Limousine was parked at the entrance. Aleron opened the door for me. He even offered his hand to assist me which I took. He settled down beside me. "Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" He looked at me, pure concern dancing in his stormy eyes. 'Geez, if you only knew.' I turned at him, giving him a reassuring smile. "No, I'm just thinking how this night ends." I averted my gaze before I lost myself on those captivating eyes. 'Well, it's partly true.'

'I hope Anne won't mess this up. She tends to be irascible. But I know, there's Leo there, he who can tame that wild bitch. Well, I'm hoping.' The car stopped at the DV Empire's entrance. We have enough space to hold this kind of event.

I was about to wear my mask when Aleron insisted. "Let me" He carefully brushed my hair out of my face and gently put my mask on as he skillfully tied the ribbon on the back.

'Shit. I can feel those cliché things again as his fingertips touched my skin.'

"There.. beautiful." I mouthed thanks. The ushers opened the door for us. That's their job for tonight aside from the usual. "Good evening, Mr. Alexandre and Madam." I bowed a little.

Flashes of cameras everywhere. I can see those paparazzi.

"That's Miss Dela Vega. Look, she has a date." I heard someone ask.

"Oh, that's the CEO of Ace Corporation." I didn't listen further. I'm here enjoying this night, not to be bothered.

The ushers and usherettes formally greeted me. Everyone has dressed accordingly. The masquerade theme suited to the event. It looks so fancy.

My eyes wander. 'I'm looking for those two bitches. Especially Anne, she's the host. She better not let me down on this one, I might scourge her for good. Relief flooded over me when I saw her talking with the staff.'

"Let's go to our designated seat. This event is about to begin." We exerted a lot of time and effort. 'I'm expecting, this night will turn out perfectly or at least, close to perfection.'

I grabbed Aleron's hand and made our way towards Anne and Leo. "Hey! Glad you're on time." I casually greeted Anne. She just rolled her eyes at me.

"How can I not? If my ears are irked at his constant nagging." She's glaring at Leo. "At least, you still have time to prepare. You're not allowed to wreak havoc and expunge this. Entiendes?" Leo wrapped his arms around Anne's waist.

"Oh, It's a miracle, you have a date. Hi!" Anne greeted this guy beside me. 'I'm glad she noticed.' Note the sarcasm, please. "Leo, Anne, This is Mister Aleron Alexandre. He's one of my business partners. He's the one who helped me with this event." I formally introduced him.

"Mr. Alexandre, this is Anne and Leo. They are my colleagues." Anne was about to yell at me but stopped herself. "I'm her best friend." She smiled bitterly. I almost puke.

"What's your given name again?" Anne asked. He immediately answered. "It's Aleron." Anne looks like she has realized something.

"What a lovely name, it's a French word that means—" Leo cut him off. "I'm sorry, someone's calling us.." They formally excused themselves.

'I wonder what his name means.'

It didn't take long. "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen." I shook my head as I saw another guy ushering Anne and the clenched jaw with matching death glares that Leo's giving at him. 'Leo's possessive.' My thoughts were brought back as Aleron leaned and whispered in my ear. "I hope everyone's enjoying it." I gave him a nod and a genuine smile in response.

'Seems like words left my brain at that moment. Anyway, that's right. The love birds are tonight's emcees.'

"Tonight, we are celebrating the 27th annual charity ball. This event was first conceptualized by our very own, multi-awarded CEO, Miss Hime Dela Vega together with her colleagues." Leo paused.

"That's right, Leo. Aside from that, our main agenda is to raise funds for our chosen charities." Anne said. 'She looks sophisticated, far from her usual bitchy attitude.' a smirk flashed and faded on my face. "Before everything else, we would like to request the presence of Miss Kathryn Dela Vega. Please join us on the stage."

'This is it. I'm too lazy to write everything, so I'll just speak what's on my mind.' I took a deep breath as I walked towards the podium, "Good evening." I smiled and met everyone's gaze. "The highlight of this event is to help those children to reach their dreams."

'I love how speechless they are.'

"Tonight is not just about flaunting our wardrobes, sweet talks, and expanding connections. It's all about our willingness to help and extending our hands for those who need us." I glance at Anne and Gloria who are looking at me like I'm sort of a clown or an animal in a zoo.

"One hundred percent of the amount received will proceed directly to the foundation's bank accounts. In exchange, we will auction fifteen items that came from our anonymous donors." Those donors include the three of us.

"I won't make you wait for long. I hope you'll enjoy this night." My short speech ended with a round of applause.

I returned to my seat. 'So far, so good.'

"You look happy." Aleron blurted out of the blue. "Well, I'm just satisfied how it turned out." He gave a reassuring smile. "Of course, we are the greatest tandem." I just shook my head.

We have invited two special guests to perform. One of them is Anne who looks surprised. 'Well, it is a surprise.' She played Ligeti Études Book 2 No.13 "L'escalier du diable". The audience was amazed. 'What can you expect? That's one of the hardest piano etudes.'

We took a short break. We let the guests eat for a while before the auction starts.

Meanwhile, I'm content with this sweet wine. The steak was delicious but I didn't eat a lot. This is a formal event for Pete's sake. And don't even start about Gloria. She doesn't give any single damn except if it's a good or thrilling activity.

'Thrilling, through bloody activities.'

"Are you done eating? You didn't eat that much." An eyebrow rose at his remark. 'Of course, I won't risk my image over my appetite.' I took a breath before replying. "Yes, I've already had enough."

An hour passed and the auction started.

"50 Million Pesos"

"55 Million Pesos"

They are competing for the antique vase. It's from the Han Dynasty. Ojiisan donated it, half-heartedly. He can't say no, since it's for the children.

In the end, it was sold for 75 Million. Next, a vintage piano from Lucio. The Étoiles have this obsession with antique pianos and furniture.

"1 Million Pesos"

"5 Million Pesos"

"Going once? Twice?" Anne asked. "5 Million" I heard some audience laughter. "I mean, 5 Million USD." the laughter died. 'Oh, we have a contender.'

"I repeat, going once? Twice?" I can feel Anne's irritation. She loves that collection. "Sold for the guy who holds card 152."

It's Leo's turn now. "Our second to the last item is this musical box." My mouth slightly parted. 'Who the fuck included that? It's my mom's.'

"1 Million"

"2 Million"

'Come on, folks. It's more precious than you think.' I raised my number card."10 Million" I bid. I thought no one would bid after that until... "20 Million" A guy spoke. 'No way!' Awestruck I raised the bid. "50 Million!"

"60 Million!"

"100 Million!"

I sighed in relief. I can't let everyone have that precious thing. "150 Million!"

'God, can't he just let it go? That's mine.' For the last time, I perked up my number card and raised the bid significantly. "200 Million USD!"

"Going once? Twice?" Leo asked. "Sold to Miss Dela Vega." A round of applause for me. 'Finally, I can now breathe.'

I realized that Aleron was not with me. He excused himself a while ago. I wonder where he is.

I sighed. Maybe I should get some fresh air.

I started to walk towards the balcony. The view there was incomparable. The city lights calm me down.

"Yes? My apologies.." I heard a familiar deep voice. "I know my responsibilities, Heiress. I don't like what you're trying to imply about Shekainah." Was that —

"I know my responsibilities, Prince." I hide behind the walls. I tried my best to conceal my presence. "I didn't ask for your opinion."

I peeked and noticed that familiar attire. I've memorized that physique.

'All along, he's been there. He's that close to me? I thought he liked the view from his throne. I don't know how I could face him, after knowing who he is.'

"Show yourself, Dela Vega." I heard him mutter.

"It's so nice to see you here, Knight.." I exhaled sharply. I faced and walked towards his direction but stopped a few safe meters for safety. 'His safety, not mine. I might not be able to control my emotions' I crossed my arms. "I thought you have a scar on your face. It turns out you're just faking it."

He didn't say anything. I stepped a little closer and my hands found it's way and caressed that flawless skin. "Now I know why you suddenly appear."

"Why are you hiding that face beneath that mask?" I saw him swallow. 'The head guardian's quite nervous.' An evil smirk played on my face. "It's for my safety, Dela Vega." I hushed him by putting a pointer finger to his lips.

"That's why. I understand now."

'One by one, I connected all the obvious dots.'

"Everything was planned all along, am I right?" He's still speechless.

"You're the one who slipped that note."

"You're the hoodie guy in that resto-bar."

"That scar on your right shoulder."

'The reason why Gloria made herself like a lousy fool, spilling the coffee on him. So she knew and gave me a hint.'

"And lastly, that day in Greece? You didn't come for a business meeting." I closed our gap. My lips brushed on his ears. "You came for me."

I was ready to pull away but he pulled me in more. "You're right, Dela Vega. I was there all along. You know why?" His breath was too hot. I can feel my blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Coz I won't let anyone be your game changer. The game master is meant for the game changer only. Got that?"

'Now I get it, I remember now what his name means.

Aleron is an old French word meaning Knight.

The hot piece of meat is none other than the head guardian.

Cursed you to hell and back, Knight. '